Can't wait

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I woke up in Laughing JAck's bed, he had fully loosened his grip now, so I could easily slip out, I got up and stretched, I looked over at L.J's clock, 8:00 AM...."Crap! I need to hurry up!" I shout, jumping out of the bed and into Toby's room, "Sorry gotta get my phone!" I shout running to the desk, grabbing my phone and running back out. Wait a second...I look back into Toby's one there..Weird. I run to my room and start getting undressed. *Cough* *Cough* I spin around, with my top half off and no trousers on. "Toby!" I say struggling to get my top off, and grabbing some clean underwear and changing them in the bathroom. I chuck my dirty clothes into the basket and start brushing my teeth and go back into my room. "I knew you were going to wake up late if you stayed with Jack so I came to help you" he says, I raise my eyebrows at him, "Help me?" I say laughing "I meant pick out your clothes and sort out your bag!" "Oh haha, so what did you pick?" I say walking up to him, he's liad out an outfit on my bed and i've gt to admit it''s pretty cool. "Ok, well I'll start getting changed then, can you put my phone on charge?" I say handing him my phone and pulling on the black ripped jeans and jumping into the bathroom. I finish brushing my teeth and start brushing my hair. I put on my t-shirt that says I love Toby on it. I laugh as I put it on and continue brushing my hair. "What did you put in my bag?"  I ask putting my hair into a plait so when I take it out it will have nice waves. "The lunch Slender makes us, some lollipops, phone us, earphones, hoodie, school stuff and sketchpad." he says ounting them off on his fingers. "You are the best!" I say and give him a quick kiss. Then I start to put on my make up; which is just mascara and eyeliner. I then put on my shoes, grab my bag and phone and drag Toby out the door with Jeff and Ben. "I bet Jack doesn't come today" Jeff says as we're walking. "Probably I have to go back earlier anyways, I need to play with Sally and i'm going back to my apartment for a couple of days" I say taking out my phone, "Why?" Jeff asks, "Because I haven't been there for a while, I don't want the food to go off and I have people coming over" I say texting Jasmine to meet me at the entrance. She replies back instantly, *Sure no prob! Haven't seen you i ages!* "Just a sec gotta wait for someone, you can go ahead if you want" I say leaning on the side of the building, "Nah we'll wait" Ben says. "Ok...1...2...3...4...5" I say ounting and as soon as i land on 5 here she comes. "Isis, my little shadow freak!" she shouts as she jumps on me. "Hey there creeper!" "You know I am" she says as she gives me the rape face, "Cool outfit!" I grin; she was wearing a white t-shirt with a black bleeding heart, black jeans, lots of bracellets. "Who's Toby?" she says poiting at my t-shirt, "That guy!" I laugh pointing to Toby, he waves and she just grins. "We're still coming to your's right?" she says, "Yeah, you mind if I invite some other people?" I ask "No prob, is it these guys" she asks, "Nope some other people, not like us, but cool enough" I smile. "Ok, anyway where's your lip ring?!" she asks, "Haven't been wearing it sorry!" I say looking down. "Good job I always carry your spare!" she says taking it from a little bag it omes in, "Here!" she says passing it to me, "Ok...GO!" she shouts as I push it through my lip re opening the hole a little. "Still doesn't hurt you does it" she says shaking her head, "Nope still fine with it" i say laughing. The guy's had already gone off to class so me and Jaz just walk together. We talk aout how she's been while shes been away, we are still in the same classes though, yes! We talk in the lessons and end up getting told off a few times but we don't mind.I left after third lesson, so I told Jaz i'd meet her at my place later and went to creepypasta house. I got in and packed up the stuff i'd need over there and put it on my bed. I then make my way to Sally's room, "Sally?" she opens the door and drags me in "What's wrong?" I ask she looks likes she's beeen crying. "Jeff ending up throwing cheesecake at me yesterday!" she says, "Oh! That' mean and a waste of cheesecake but i'm surehe didn't mean it!" "No..he didn't but still!" she says pouting. "Ok I have an idea, why don't we pay him back?" i say smiling, "How?" she asks smiling up at me, "We take something of Jane's and put it in Jeff's room so then Jane will fight with Jeff and we wont get in trouble"  I say grinning, "Yay!" "Right wait here i'll go set it up, you'll have to tell me what happens!" I go into Janes room and take one of her dresses and put it in Jeff's room.I then go back to Sally's room and she's holding up a drawing, "Hmm? What's this?" I say taking it off her, it's a drawing of my in my creepypasta form. "This is really good Sally! I'll hang it up in my apartment!" I say giving her a hug, "Thank you" I smile and leave her room and grab my stuff. You going back child? I turn around to Slender, "Yeah for a little while, Jaz and the guys are coming over" I say smiling. Aahh Jasmine, you will have to bring her here again. "Yeah I will, can you teleport me over there Please?" I pout, he nods and teleports me, I take it you won't be in school tomorrow?  "Nope" I laugh, I will write a note for you both. "Thank you" I smile and hug him and he leaces. I start tidying up and sort everything out and then text Marcus, Callum, Reece and Kyle to come over. *Sure, I'll pick up the guys and Reece can tell us where to go, i'll see what we can bring!* Marcus replies. I then text Jaz *Nearly ready for tonight!* *Awesome, I've got lollipops and some of the guys are bringing drinks!* This is going to be fun!

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