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I had spread l blankets, quilts and pillows in the living room for when we decided to crash, if we did manage to make to make it that far anyway. I had put loads of snacks and drinks in the kitchen, we would probably order out later if we got hungry enough and then others we're bringing the alcoholic drinks, I had put a few out for us hopefully the others didn't bring too much, I don't want to be clearing up puke for a week. I finish up around he house cleaning up things as I go past, I quickly jump in the shower and then get dressed ( &

I part my hair into a side fringe and back comb my hair a little, I put on eyeliner and mascara, and candy floss flavour lip gloss. I put some music on while I wait for Jaz to turn up, she's always the first one here. The song that came on was Animal I Have Become, I start singing along whilst adding extra stuff around the house. "You better not be partying without me!" I hear Jaz (Jaz looks like this; shout as she comes in, "Jeez, only just started the music and you're here" I laugh looking at her. "Cool oufit" I smile spinning her around, "So is your's" she laughs, "I got you a present" she adds, going through her bag, placing sweets, drinks, movies and other stuff onto the kitchen table and finally getting to what she wanted. "Here!" She says shoving a bag in my face, it was a Skeleton Jack lip rin! "I love it!" I say hugging her, "Yeah, yeah you can love me later I hear people coming up now" she says getting a lollipop out of this dish, I put my lip ring in and grab a lollipop, I go out into the living room to see who's coming up. "Hey Isis and Jaz?" Marcus says leading everyone up, "Hey Marcus, you know Jaz? Oh wait she goes to out school of course you know her" I face palm. "Yeah you idiot" Callum say's as he puts some alcohol on the table, "Thanks!" I laugh, "For calling you an idiot or the bottles?" "Both!" I grin. "So how do you know Jaz? Apart from school" Reece asks putting bags of doritos and dips on the table, "Awesome! And well we knew each other before this school and we're both in a band together" I say walking to the stereo to make the music start from the begining with Animal I have Become again. "Don't forget the relationship as well!" Jaz shouts, "You're in a relationship!?" Marcus shouts shocked, "Yeah, she is! With me!" Jaz says, everyone looks at me shocked. I shake my head and cross my arms to make an X to tell them we don't; I mouth to them 'Just go along with it'. "Well Isis I believe the last time I saw you, Ben was kissing you and saying you were his and Toby carried you upstairs to his bed" the boy winks, that must be Kyle. "Indeed I was" I laugh and brofist him, "Bro day everyday!" we shout. "You cheated on me!" Jaz shouts throwing a hand across her face pretending to e shocked, "I can't beleive you!" she shouts, turning her back on me, "Awww is Jaz getting jealous" I say pouting, "Yeah!" she shouts turning around and jumping on me so her arms and legs are wrapped aruond me, I just laugh and kiss her cheek "Don't worry about it Jaz" I whisper in her ear. "You're a big meanie you know that!" she laughs and bites my ear, "Hey!" I shout at her laughing. *Click* I look over at Marcus, "Did you just take another photo?" I ask raising my eyebrow at him, "Yep! And there will be plenty more to stick on the wall after today!" he shouts, "Oh by the way did you guys get permission to stay off school tomorrow?" I ask turning to them with Jaz still glomped to me, "Yep we said it was for club activity, oh by the way you're an official member now, so it will be easier for us" Reece says; "Yep, welcome!" Callum says. "What club?" Jaz asks, I turn sideways so she can see them, "Their creepypasta club" Kyle says walking over to the kitchen to get a drink, "Really?" Jaz asks staring at me, "Ironic right" I laugh, "What is?" Marcus asks, 2Nothing" I say shaking my head. "What about you Kyle?" Reece asks, "Nah, i'm just gunna skip, thinking i'm gunna be pretty smashed tonight" He laughs downing his drink. "Starting already?" Marcus asks, "Yeah!", "What about you two?" Callum asks. "S-" I start to say but stop myself, "S?" Reece says, "The owner of the house that  I was staying at, his names weird and I can't pronounce it so I call him S" I lie, sort of, oh well i'm a good liar....Sometimes. "He sent in a note for us two" I say. Just then Sarcam came on and me and Jaz start singing, she still refused to get off me though, I didn't really mind though. Soon we all have a drink in our hand and are singing and dancing. "I knew yo uwould be stuck together like that" Me and Jaz whip our heads to the door, "Mason!" we both shout. He runs up to us and hugs us, Jaz then transfers from glomping me to glomping Mason. "Phew! Thanks you saved me Mason" I laugh and go get myself another drink and get Mase one whilst i'm at it. "Who's that?" Marcus says as he pulls me back lightly, "Oh, that's Mason,, he's one of our band members, the rest will be here shortly if he's here now" I say looking at Marcus, "Who are the others?" Callum asks coming up behind me, "Well there's me, Jaz and Mason. Then there's Silver, Connor and Maye" I say counting each of us on my fingers. "Cool!" Callum says, "Oh yeah by the way where's the gang that's normally with you?" Reece asks as him and Kyle come over. "Oh I didn't invite them"  I say looking at Reece, "Why?" Kyle asks, "Because that will mean more bots, which I don't care about but then its not all added up, and they will make a mess that would take weeks to clean up and I can't be bothered to deal with" I sigh, "Plus it's more fun with just us lot" I smile at them. "Isis! Don't hog all the lads!" "Yeah!" I know those voices! "Silver and Maye, always late" I say laughing, "Yeah but not as late as Connor" Mase says. "True" Jaz laughs, "Aren't you going to introduce us?" Maye aks, "I'll wait for connor then I don't have to say it twice" "Say what twice?" Connor grins walking in. "Introductions" Silver says turning to him. "Oh, here" Connor says handing me a heavy bag, I look in it, "Ah more booze!" I say taking it to the table, "Oh there's these also!" Silver smiles, "And these!" Maye adds. "More booze?" I ask a little shocked "No, sweets this time!" Silver laughs, "Here" Marcus says taking the bags off them and bringing them up to the table to sort it out. "Thanks" I smile at him and get more plastic cups out, "No prob" he smiles back, "So what's these guy's names?" Mase asks, "Ah right! Well this guy's Marcus" I say kissing his cheek and putting my arm around him, "Then there's Kyle, Callum and Reece" I say pointing at each one as I go along, "Hey "Hi "Sup?" "Hey" I hear everyone say, "And these guy's are, Jaz who you met a while ago, Mason or Mase for short, Connor or C, Silver of Ag and Maye or M" I say pointing to them all. "Ag, good one!" Reece smiles, "Thanks" she blushes, we all burst out say ooohh's and laugh. "Well there are 6 boys and 4 girls...gmmm Wait a sec i'll text Jane I trust here and that will make it 5" I say "Haven't seen Jane in ages, how's she doing?" Ag says, "She's doing well" I smile. *Hey Jane, get your ass over to mine, if you want get S to teleport you outside, don't let the guy's know!" * I text her, "We need one more girl" Jaz says, "Yeah" I say as I get a text back. *Sure be there in 5, i'll bring drinks and food ;)* "Jane will be here in like 2 minutes" I say outloud to everyone. "How about Rose?" Marcus says, "Sure" I nod and he texts her. "Who's Rose?" Connor asks, "It's one of their club members" I say. *Knock Knock* "Come in!" I shout, "Cant!" she shouts laughing, Connor opens the door and we find Jane stood there with quite a few bags in her hand. "Hahah, get in here!" I say taking a few bags off her. "Jane you impress us everytime" Maye grins, "Jane you know the names of these guy's already right?" I ask, she nods and goes to talk to Marcus and the group. "Jeez Jane, 2 bags of alcohol, 2 of food and sweets and 1 full of condoms! Jane!" I burst out laughing, "Well if it's anything like the others you're gunna need them! I see blankets over there and you have like 2 spare rooms with 4 spare beds or more, excluding Jacks" she laughs, "Jacks?" Kyle asks, "Yeah he stays over sometimes" I shrug sorting everything out. "Anyway! LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" I shout, "WOO!!" Everyone shouts in uninson. "I play the music again, clicking a random song and put it on shuffle. Everyone starts to dance, sing and laugh, I smile and join in. Tonight is going to be a long night and I love it already!

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