Teasing Toby

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*Isis's POV*

I walk into the apartment laughing my ass off recalling the event's of tonight. "Tonight was awesome!" I shout grabbing an energy drink from the fridge, "Want one?" I ask Jaz as she sits down on one of the stools and takes off her jacket and shoes. "No but I want you" she says walking up to me and winking, "Oh really?" I say leaning towards her. "Yeah really" she leans down and smiles at me. "1...2...3" we both whisper, and right on time Toby walks in. "Hey I thought I heard you--" he says and then stares at us and walks back out, we burst out laughing and Jaz kisses my cheek, takes an energy drink from the fridge, "Love ya!" she walks out and winks. I just shake my head and laugh. I grab another drink for Toby and head to my room. "Hey" I say passing him the drink, "Thanks" he says looking down, "We weren't doing anything you know" I laugh and plop down on the bed next to him, "I know!" he says laughing. "So what's wrong?" I say putting mine and his drink down and looking him in the eye. "Nothing" he mumbles, I grab his face and make him look at me, "What's wrong Toby?" I say looking into his eyes, "Y...ju....t...l..y..d" he mumbles quietly so I can't hear him, so I lean forward closer. "What?" I ask and then Toby smirks and pushes me down on the bed landing on top of me. "You just got played" he smirks and leans downwards and kisses me, I kiss back and when he stops I burst out laughing, "Good one" I smile, "Now let me go in the bath, my muscles ache and I smell like the club" I try to get up but he's on top of me. "And if I say I don't want to?" he smirks at me, "Then i'll have to do it by force" I grin at him, "Like to see you try" he laughs. So I kiss him, he's momentarily shocked so he loosens up, I take the chance to roll him off me. I'm about to break the kiss and run to the bathroom but Toby's arms clamp around my waist and he pulls me back to him. I feel him grin, son of a bitch. So he want's to play dirty does he? I press my body into his and he groans, I take that chance to put my tongue in his mouth, he's shocked and opens his eye's. I wink at him and he deepns the kiss, we finally break free and I run. "Finally! I can go in the bath!" I shout laughing and start getting undressed, "Hey no fair!" Toby says, "Tough luck!" I laugh and start running the bath, as I take off my underwear I notice a mark on my ass, I look but can't really see it. "Toby! Get in here!" I shout, "What?" he shouts and comes into the bathroom, "Woah! Put some clothes on!" he says covering his face, "Shut up and look at my ass!" I say to him, "What?!" he shotus, "Just tell me if I have a mark on my ass!" I say, "Fine!" he uncovers his face which is now bright red. He bursts out laughing, "What?!" I say spinning around, "You....You have..a..hand print on your ass!" he says between laughs. "Damn Callum!" I say and walk into the bedroom and fetch my phone. "Take a picture" I say handing my phone to Toby and turnin around. "Of your ass?" he says raising an eyebrow, "No my back! Of course my ass!" I say and wait ... "Done" he says handing me my phone, I look at it, "shit he didn't even hit me hard! How'd he leave a mark like that?" I say to myself confused. I grab my charger and go plug it in the bathroom so I can use my phone, "Will you put some clothes on!?" Toby shouts, "No! This is my house" I ay laughing, "Yeah and there are other people in it"  he says, "So?" I say, walkin out into the hall, "Where are you going?" he says, "Jaz!" I shout, I hear her run downstairs, "Yeah?" she says turning the corner, "Ahh!" Toby says covering his face once more, "See even Jaz walks around naked" I say laughing, "Is it bath time?" she says smiling, "Yeah it will be done soon" I say turning and walking back to the room, "Nice hand print!" she laughs following me, "Shut it" I laugh. Toby follows us in after a while, me and Jaz are in the bathroom talking to Toby through the wall, since we said we wouldn't put clothes on. There's a window connectin the bathroom and bedroom anyways, "Toby!"Jaz shouts, he turns his head and then falls off the bed shocked, I fall to the floor laughing, Jaz had just stuck her ass to the window and moonied Toby. I hear my phone rind and grab it whilst still laughing. "He..llo" I say still laughing, "Er, hi?" "Shane?" I ask trying to stop my laughter, "Yeah, i'm with the guys and we were wondering whether you gave us the right number, by the way why are you laughing?" "Ok and i'm laughing now because Jaz just moonied Toby" I say laughing all over again, I hear the guys start to laugh as well. "How long is the bath going to be!" Jaz whines, I look over to the bath, "You can go in now, but leave the water running a little longer for me" I say and Jaz gets straight in, "Just come in while your on the phone!" she says, "No i'll drop it" I say. "You're in the bath together?" I hear Dylan say, "Yeah, oh by the way i'm sending you a picture of my ass" I say, "What?!" I hear them shout and just laugh, I send them the picture that Toby took of the hand print. "Callum did it" I laugh, "It means your ass is mine babe!" Callum laughs "I feel someone take the phone off me, "No it's mine" I hear someone growl, I look up and see Jess, "What the-" i hear someone say before Jeff hangs up. "Rude" I say and stand up, "And who said my ass was yours?" I ask raising an eyebrow "I know! It's mine!" Jaz says squeezing my ass, "Hey!" I jump and crash into Jeff, "See you're falling for me already" he laughs. "Are you all here?" I ask, he nods. "Be right back Jaz" I say and walk out to the living room to see everyone there. "Hey guys, i'll be out later, do what you want" I say and walk back into the bathroom to see Jeff hitting on Jaz, "Go to the others! It's mine and Jaz's bath time!" I shout and Jeff walks out after handing me my phone. I get into the bath and phone Shane back putting it on loud speaker so I don't have to hold it and won't drop it. "Sorry that was Jeff, and my ass isn't his! It belongs to Jaz and me" I say laughing, "Anyways I have to go Jaz is giving me the death glare because i'm not paying attention to her when it's our bath time, bye!" I put the phone down and talk with Jaz.

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