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When we get back I go upstairs to have a shower and get changed into old clothes that I don't mind getting dirty. I think i'm going to paint my walls, I cover my room in old sheet's and newspapers, put some music on and set to work. I paint a giant moon in one corner and a forest underneath, I continue to paint the forest and the lake where I first met Slender Man, I then paint me when I was 11 on the rock and Slender man on the other side, both of us looking at each other and smiling. I leave it to dry while I paint a sign for the door, that says 'Keep out, until I say so!' and stick it on the door as I leave to get something to eat and drink. Thankfully Slender had made dinner and I was just in time. Ah, I was just about to come get you child. He says as he puts down a plate for, "Well i'm glad you did't i'm busy up there at the moment, no one is allowed in" I say sitting down and eating, You should probably put the shadow lock on so then they need both personal and shadow passwords. I nod at him and finish up my food. I go back upstairs and put on the locks, Then I start adding lighter and darker colours to add shades in to the painting and then start on the other wall. I paint little paintings around the door frame, a lollipop, a slice of cheesecake, Toby's goggles, a knife, Slenders face, a scalpel, Janes mask, Sally's teddy, a game controller and Smile. I continue the pattern all the way around. Then next to the door, the opposite of where it opens, and put up my photo's on the wall. Then I go back to my painting of the forest and add my shadows in coming out from the ground. I then yawn and survey my room, it came out quite well. Then I laugh thinking of something new, I paint everyones faces small on the wall on the other side of the door and make them all pull funny faces.I go into the bathroom when i'm finished and turn on the shower so the water warms up, when I go back in I felt something was different..I look around and notice the laptop's switched on, i sit down and see Cleverbot; so Ben wants something. "Hey Isis" "Hey Ben, whats up, i'm just about to go in the shower" "Oh sorry, just wanted to know what you're up to" "Come in if you want but i'm still going in the shower" I say as i get up to go into the bathroom, I see Ben come out of the computer out the corner of my eye. "I'll leave the door open so we can talk" I shout over the water as I get in the shower, I begin to wash al the paint off me, "Woah cool wall Isis! Is this what you've been doing?" he asks, "Yeah don't touch it though, it's still wet" I shout at him. "Ok I wont!...Wait! Why do I have pedo face!?" he shouts back. "Becuase that's what you look like!" I shout back, he leans his head in the bathroom and pulls a pedo face, "I have no idea what you're talking about" he says wiggling his eyebrows. "Best face ever!" I laugh and then throw a lid at him and stick my tongue out. We continue to talk whilst i was out all of the paint from my hair, as I get out i hear someone knock on te door. "Just a second!" I shout wrapping myself in a towel, I input the face password so it still lets me open it but then others don't know it. I open the door, it was only L.J "Here I brought you some candy!" he says shoving a sweet in my mouth, "Thanks" I laugh at him, "Oh you two do me a favou? Go get everyone else, while I get dessed" they nod and walk out, while I just put on some p.j's; more Toby one's. I brush my hair and put it up in a pony tail as everyone comes in, they look around in awe and then see their funny portraits. Laughing at them all and then finding their own, then laughing even more. They all turn to look at them main one of me and Slender and I walk out of the room to go fetch him from his offie. I knock and walk in, he's sat there with his head on the desk half asleep, I wake im up gently. I talk to him in his head instead of outloud, Slender, come on I want to show you something and then you should go lay down. I say helping him to wake up, Thank you child. Now what is it you want to show me? He asks as I bring him to my room, "Tadah!" I say holding my arms out to the wall, "Hope you like it!" It's beautiful Isis, we will have to visit that place again. He smiles as he picks me up and gives me a hug, I hug him back and then he  puts me down and goes to his room to sleep, Sweet dreams, Dad I call after him in his mind, Same to you child. After a while everybody files out and I start to remove all the sheets and newspapers, apart from the ones closest to the wall just to be safe. Then I lay down looking up at the ceiling, I should paint a night sky one day...I sit up remembering the website and take a photo of me in my p.j's and my walls and upload them. Wow we have quite a few followers and lots of likes and comments. I look on the demands page and notice most of them are 'Can you do one where you're kissing someone?' 'Can we have yaoi ones!' Well I think it's time to have some fun I smirk, I wonderhow many kisses I can steal from the and post them until the notice whats going on? Ahahaha! "Tomorrow will be fun!" I say laughing as I go back to bed and drift off to sleep.

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