Let's do this...

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We wake up around 9 ish and hungry for junk food. "I need candy!" I groan as I fully wake up, "Me too!" Toby laughs, "Come on" I say climbing out of bed, stretching and then pulling Toby out of bed. We walk into the kitchen and see Jaz, "What you doing?" I ask, "Getting candy, want some" she smiles. "Obviously" I grin, I jump onto the counter, Toby just leans on it whilst Jaz gets some for us. "You're going out later tight?" she says passing us both candy, "Sorry! I'll make it up to you!" I smile at her, "You better, and don't get killed tonight!" she laughs, "Wouldn't dream of it, plus I heal faster remember" I smile, "I know, so do I" she laughs, "So, what's the plan?" she asks, "Let the Black Dragons fight with his underlings and then I will go after the big-shot" I grin, "Ok" she says making a gesture for me ton continue, "Then I'll let him throw a few punches, let him hit me at least twice then when I've caught onto his fighting pattern, I'll go after him. But I won't deal too much damage, since the gang will be there, just enough to let him and whoever the traitors know who I am" I laugh. "Fair enough, but then why is Toby going?" she ask looking at Toby who is eating a lollipop, "Just watching, why don't you come along?" he asks, "Might as well" she grins. "Right well i'm going for a quick shower and getting changed!" I smile and walk off.

~Time Skip~

I get changed into my black skinny jeans, black t-shirt and a black jacket that has wings on the back. I smile as I put on my canvas shoes and strap a knife to my leg, can't be too careful. I walk out of my room and see Jaz waiting for me, she has her dragon hoodie on again, a black top and jeans. "Ready?" I ask, she nods handing me a few lollipops, I put on in my mouth and the rest in my pocket so does Jaz. "Let's go!" she laughs and we walk out, I lock the door and we make our way downstairs to Midnight. "I've texted the location to Shane and told him not to touch anybody till I get there, he agreed but we will probably get there before him" I tell Jaz as we get on the bike. "Toby's  already there right?" she says, I nod. Toby had already been back to the house and gone to the hideout to find a good spot to see everything.

~Time Skip~

Me and Jaz arrive at the hideout to see nobody outside, "Their all waiting inside" I look up  and see Toby on the roof, "So you found the low beams I see" I smile and he nods, there are low beams near the middle of the room and on one part there's a platform what you can sit on and see the entire room. I loved that place, I used to hide up there when I wanted to think. "Right I hear the others so i'll see you in there" he winks, we both nod and turn around waiting for the gang to appear. Jaz knows who the traitors will be since she used to visit frequently so if she see's someone I've missed she will get them. "Hey!" Callum shouts when they all get out of the car, "Well now they know we're here" I say and roll my eyes, "Sorry! By the way who's the chick?" he asks looking Jaz up and down. "Jaz" I say and introduce her to everyone telling her their names. "Why is she here?" Shane asks suspiciously, "She was part of this gang when I was the leader, so she will grab any traitors that I miss and put them in the holding room" I say to him looking him in the eye. "Wait, what?! You were the leader?" he says not shouting but not exactly talking either. "How else would I know this information after reading a file, when even you guy's didn't know?" I say raising an eyebrow, "Fair point" Chris says. "Right, don't kill anyone" I smile and turn away from them and begin walking to the entrance, "You're just going to walk in?!" Jason shouts at me, "Well if they haven't changed the password then yeah" I laugh. Jaz walks up behind me as I reach the door, I knock three times. "Password" a girl says uncertainly from the inside, they probably heard what was said. "Never fear shadows. They simple mean there's a light shining near by" I tell her, "Is it really you Isis?" the girl asks her voice shaking, "Yeah" I smile even though she can't see me, but I think I know who it is, a girl who joined us late, she was a shy girl, worried all the time. She joined us because she wanted to be stronger so she wouldn't be bullied anymore, we accepted her with welcome arms and she became one of the family, because that's what it was before, a family. I do a special knock that only the people who were close to me and Jaz knew, I knock twice, wait, knock one, wait and then three knocks half a second apart. Suddenly the door flings open and i'm enveloped in a hug, "Hey there" I smile and she begins crying, "You probably don't remember me, but thank you for returning" she starts crying, I stroke her hair, "Shush, it's alright Crystal" I smile and hug her back. She hugs harder and then looks up at me, "Thank you" "No prob, but how did you get roped into this" I ask, "They said they had orders from you, I was suspicious of him - the leader- but they told me if I left something bad would happen to those around me" she said looking down, "Hey don't worry about it! I'm going to turn this place back to what it was, I won't be the leader anymore still, either Jaz will or someone else but I will return the peace here, everyone knows this is my turf." I smile, Crystal nods and goes to stand next to Jax as I walk in. People stare at me and start to whisper, after a while I hear people following me, probably Shane and everyone. "What're you doing?" Shane whispers, "Shut it and wait" I whisper back. I spot someone else I know, one of the guys who look like they were roped into it and don't want to be here. I walk up to them and notice who they are. "Alex, keep your face normal, where is Evan?" I whisper, he looks at me and I see recognition in his eye's he nods and whispers back. "Your old room" "He changed anything?" I ask slightly annoyed, "Actually no. It's a little creepy" Alex laughs, I smile and thank him. "Isis, I've found everyone we know and marked them with a red badge" Jaz says as she pins one on Alex, "Tell the guys that, i'm going to Evan" I say, she nods and goes to the guy's. "Let's do this" I smirk.

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