Fun clubroom

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(The picture is what marcus would resemble)

I wake up smiling remembering the plan for today, I get ready and make sure my phone is fully charged, I go down into the kitchen; putting my dinner in my bag and some sweets when Jeff came in. I smiled looking at my first targer, "Morning Jeff, do me a favour will you?" I ask, "What?" he says putting his own lunch in his bag, "Grab me those sweets from the top of the cupboard please" I smile at him. He does, when he passes me then I take out  my phone and lean in to kiss him on the cheek and take a picture. I grab the sweets and run, "Thanks Jeff!" I shotu laughing as I run to the edge of the woods, I start walking when I get out, I get to school earlier than usual and just start doodling while wating for first class to start. "Hey Isis" I look up to see Toby sitting next to me, "Oh hey Toby" I say smiling, "Whatcha drawing?" he asks standing up to look, I take the chance I have. "They look co-" he begins to say as I kiss his cheek and take a picture behind him so he doesn't see. "Cool..." he says finishing his sentence, "Thanks" I say grinning at him. Soon everyone begind to file in "Isis...sweets!" L.J says sitting in front of me and leaning back onto my desk "Here" I say putting a sweet into his mouth. After a while the teacher arrives, "Sorry i'm late" she says as she sits down, "Feel free to do self study" she sighs, he must be tired. I turn around to the group, we start chatting for a bit but then someone taps my shoulder. "Hmm?" I say turning around, "Hey Isis" "Oh hey Marcus" I say ooking up at him, "Hey about tohose photo's" I stand up and put my hand on his mouth and lead him out of the classroom. "Shush! They are surprise attacks!" I laugh, smiling at him. "Oh.." he laughs with me. "Well they're pretty good! The photography I mean!" he says, I just laugh and kiss his cheek (I still took a photo) "There now you have one too" i laugh and walk back int class, "What's with that?" Ben asks raising an eyerow, "Nothing" I smile and sit down, they all look at Marcus when he comes in, bless him he's bright red! "Isis why is his face red?" L.J asks turning to me, "Oh I gave him a hot sweet" I say smiling innocently. "Right" Jeff says rolling his eye's, we all laugh at him and carry on doing nothing for the rest of the lessons. We had out break in the class, there was no need to move since our next class was in here too and we had snacks in our bags. It just consisted of me feeding L.J sweets and taking photo's of it, us laughing and joing around and thats it really, then I made Jeff feed L.J a sweet when my hands were 'busy' and I quickly took a photo to upload for the people who asked for yaoi. The next lesson we had was French, we were just learning past tense and future tenst words and phrases, nothing interesting really happened, by the time lesson was over I really couldn't be bothered with the lesson after lunch. We all went outside again since it was warm and sat under the same tree, Jeff took our his knife as we sat down, I looked at him with my eyebrows raised, he just laughing and started carving into the tree, I looked after it was finished; "Our Tree" I say smiling, I high five Jeff take a pic and sit back down. I finish my food and then stand up, "i'm going back first" I smile and start to walk down I hear someone behind me  and smile, I knew someone would follow. I turn around and it ends up being Ben, "Hey Ben" I say raising an eyebrow, "Hey Iis, i'm coming with" "Ok" I smile and we continue to walk but before we get inside of the building I divert him, "Hey we should go in the side entrance" I smile dragging him with me, there's not as many people around that side. "Why did you bring me to a secluded area eh? Isis, hoping to get some action" he says waggling his eyebrows and leaning closer, "Sure" I say laughing he looks a little shocked but then continues to leav in, I take out my phone and position it getting ready for it. As soon as his lips touch mine I press the button. Before anything get's serious I pull away and shove my phone into my pocket, "See ya" I laugh as I walk off and duck into the nearest classroom. I look out the window and see Ben walk past and go in a different direction. "Isis?" I turn around, Marcus again. "Oh hey! Is this your next class or something?" I ask, "No it's our club room" I look around and notice it's not a classs, as I look I see all the photo's I took stuck on the biggest wall, I also see the new ones I uploaded. "Wow you work fast!" I laugh, "Yeah" he smiles, "Well i'm just about to add one now" I say looking at my phone to upload it, "Oh so it's you and Ben this time, this one is a lot close than before" he says looking at me, "Well he is a perv, and so is Ben drowned, or that's how people portray him anyways, so I thought it wouldn't work with a cheek kiss" I explain, he nods and prints it out, sticking it to the wall. As I walk around look at the displays I notice something. "Hey these drawings-" I start to say. "ShadowMakers" he says happily coming to join me at the display, "I didn't think you knew of her" I say looking back at the artwork, "Her?" he says looking at me, "Yeah?" and then I realise i never actually told anyone my gender on that old page of mine. "Shit!" I whisper, "Don't tell me you're.." "Yeah...Don't tell anyone!" I shout, "I won't I promise! It will be our secret" he smiles, I smile back up at him. "Want to see my latest one? It's my room, I think I put it up on the website not sure" I say taking out my phone again and show him the paintings. "Wow! Awesome!" he smiles and takes my phone off me and hooks it up to the computer, "Ah, you don't mind do you?" "No it's fine" I laugh, then we hear the bell ring. "Shit!" he curses, "Hey wanna skip?" Iask he looks up at me, "Well I guess it won't hurt to skip Miss Greens lesson, i'll email her and tell her we're doing club  work" he smiles as hee sets to work typing and printing. "Hey want me to paint something for you?" I ask taking off my jacket to put it on the chair nearby. "Really?!" he shouts, "Yeah" I laugh, i'd already seen the paints and canvases so I thought why not. I walk toward them and set everything up. "What would you like me to paint?" I ask and Marcus lays on the table, "Paint me" he winks and inches up his shirt and bites his lip. We stare at each other for a second and then burst out laughing. I end up falling to the floor and just lay there laughing. "Want some help?" I smile as I grab his hand and pull him down with me. "Nah but it looks like you do" I grin, he looks at me and grabs my phone from the desk, "Smile!" he says and takes a photo of me, he sends it straight to the printer. He then leans down and kisses my cheek, I notice he takes a photo and smile "Payback" he says as he stands up to get the printings and put them on a wall. "This can be our wall, all the memories we make" he says laughing and throws me an apron. "Well you better lay back on that table then so I can take a picture of before" He laughs but does it anyway, lifting his top and biting his lip like before. I then put it up on the wall and laugh, "Well then I better get painting, what about you?" I ask putting on my apron, "Just gunna sort stuff out and tidy up a bit" he says walking around to the main desk to clear ir out. "Ok" and I set to work paint as a CreepyPasta. "Woah is that me?" he asks, coming up behind e I tilt me head back and look at him. "Yeah, creepypasta form" he goes to touch it but I block him, "Still wet" I push him away so I can get up and stretch. "Ok, ok" he says smirking. "Hey Isis" "Yeah" I say as I turn around and end up getting paint smeared acros my cheek since Marcus stood there with the paintbrush purposely next to my face. We've moved away from the painting so it's ok to mess around a lottle. "You're dead" I say grabbing a brush and walking towards him, he backs up and hits the table so he has to lean back to get away. I take the chance and stand between his legs and paint on his face. I paint a heart and write Isis underneath. "There now you're marked" I laugh as I start to move back, he sits up and wraps his legs around my waist "Where do you think you're going?" he smirks as he paintss a heart on my cheek but writes his name instead. "Hey it tickles!" I giggle as he finishes, "There now you're marked too" he smiles. He pulls out his phone and kisses me taking a picture. I stare at him in shock and then he shows me the picture, you can easily see the two hearts on our cheeks and I laugh. "You're not as innocent as I thought" I smirk as he let's me go, "I know" he laughs. I go check the painting to see it's nearly dry. I write ShadowMakers signature on it and write To Marcus in the other corner. "There now you have something else to show off" I say grinning at him, "Else? What else is there?" he says looking at me, "Well there's all the photo's we have on the wall" We'd added more as we went along and he's just added the one he took. "And the kisses and! you have this awesome club room to show off! Now you have a signed painting and it has your name on it" I laugh spreading my arms out to emphasise my point, he nods and hugs me. I hug him back and smile, "Thanks you Isis" he says and kisses me as the bell rings making us jump. We both laugh and I go to clean my hands and take of my apron. I take a picture of the room and as Marcus is putting up the painting the group walks in. "Oh hey guys!" I say waving at them, "You could've knocked" I laugh. they look around the room in surprise, mostly because its got pictures of them everywhere and that it's an awesome room! "Look around" Marcus says as he moves from the painting he put up, they all begin to wander. "Cool drawings, who did these?" Toby says pointing at the wall full of my old artwork, me and Marcus look at each other, he winks at me and looks back at Toby "ShadowMakers" he smiles. "She's a pretty cool girl2 he laughs, "So you've met her" Toby turns around and asks, "Yeah she even painted me something" he says pointing at the painting I just did. They all look over at it and then Jeff looks at something ele. "WHERE DID YOU GET THIS!!" Jeff shouts, we all look over at where he's looking and it ends up being the photo of me kissing his cheek this morning. I burst out laughing, "Isis!" Toby shouts, "Didn't know you liked to share Isis" Ben winks looking me up and down. "Shut it!" I laugh, "Isis! There isn't one of me and you!" "What? There's loads" I say pointing to them all. "Not from today, like those ones!" he whines "See there's even one of you and Marcus, lot's in fact!" he says pointing at mine and Marcus's wall. "Well you two have been bust" Jeff say's. L.J starts to pout and glare at me and I can't help it he's too cute! I open my arms and he run into me hugging me back. "Marcus get ready to take a couple of pictures" I sigh, he nods and points the camera at us. I push L.J away a little and look him in the eye, "Jack sorry! You can have a special photo ok? Just like the special breakfast" I smile, he smiles and nods cheering up. He leans down and i lean in and kiss him, I hear a couple of clicks and pull away. "There you go, your's was longer so you happy now?" I about to turn away to at the photo's but he pulls me back into a hug. "Thank you Isis" "It's ok" I laugh and he turns me around so he's hugging my back, everyone is just staring at us and Marcus is taking pictures. Then L.J laughs again, "What?" I say looking up at him, "Nom!" he laughs and bites my neck, "Ow! Jack!" I shout as he bites down harder and draws blood. I can hear Marcus taking pictures and laughing. "Jeez, you drew blood!" I sigh and he just laughs and licks it off making me shiver. "Jack, stop!!" I say smacking his arms lightly. "Play time's over?" he says innocently, "Yeah!" I say and break away from him and sit on the table. I sigh and roll my eye's, he always goes overboard. Everyone just bursts out laughing and I glare at them , Marcus begins sticking the good photo's onto to the wall and I go have a look. These will be good for the website. "Will you put them up on the website Marcus, you can be another owner to it" I smile at him. "Awesome" he grins and hugs me and then looks at the clock. "Guess it's time for us to go ,here's you phone and jacket" he says as we begin to leave. "Thanks! You can text or call whenever!" I shout as I get dragged away by L.J "Sure!" he laughs. Then we all walk home, they told me nothing much happened in math class but it was boring with me. I just laughed at them, when we got home I got my laptop and hung out downstairs.

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