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Body shape:

Clothing (Girls version)'


I finish the re-draw and the base colours; I start to paint the top layer colours, the one's that make it look 3D and stand out. I feel someone stood behind me and stop painting, I turn around quickly, "Woah!" the boy who was behind me jumps a little, "Why are you stood there?" I ask looking up at him, "Sorry I was just iterested in waht you were painting" he says leaning over me to take a look. By now everyone was packing up since it was time for next leson, Kyle came up and told me he was going to class, since theres no point skipping anymore if he's here, and MArcus is talking to a group at the front. "Have you finished looking? I would like to finish this before dinner" I say to him, "Before dinner?!" he says shocked, "Yes, now could you move please? I don't mind you watching but don't stand behind me" I explain and turn back to continue painting. "I don't think you'll make it" he says laughing. "Why, just because we have a break and then one more lesson before it?" I say raising my eyebrow but not looking up at him. "Yeah, and why before dinner?" he asks, "I'm doing a conert then, in the dinner hall" I say, adding more paint to the brush and continung to paint the girls clothes. "Oh so is that why you're all here" he asks sitting on the chair backwards infront of the desk, "It wasnt originally but we thought why not we're here all ready" I say, "Eh? So why are you here?" he asks trying to look me in the eye but failing since i'm looking down, "Surprise visit to all the shit teachers we used to prank the whole time we were here, our friend told us that we were legends here, so we came back to check it out" I say slightly laughing. "Wait! That's you guy's?!" he says shocked once again, "Not all of us, just our gang; Me, Jaz, Maye, Silver, Mason and Connor." I say rinsing the paintbrush to get a new colour, "So who are the others and how do you know Kyle?" he asks, "You ask a lot of questions" I say sighing, "Marcus, Rose, Callum and Reece are in the same club together at my new school, and I know Kyle through Callum" I say, "Why are they here then?" he asks, seriously this guy and questions...I don't even know his name! I sigh again, "Everyone was at my party last night, Jane was with us also but she had to leave early" I say. "Well, it musn't have been much of a party if you're here now, andd not dying in bed" he laughs and leans back, I don't say anything because I saw Sir, head towards the table before this boy had said anything. He's been stood there quite a while, "Well you haven't been to her parties then" Sir laughs, I grin and continue to paint. "Eh? Sir?" the boy says, "Jordan" he nods, ah so the boy's name is Jordan. "How would you know what her parties are like?" Jordan asks, "Well once she threw one at school, and it was still gonig on by the time the teachers got here, the whole schol was pissed and running about. Then the second time I made the mistake of taking over art work that had dried over to her apartment and she was having one then. The music was that loud you could hear it down the street" he laughs, I smile at him and then start back on my work, "What?!" Jordan shouts, "Did you get kicked out or something and that's why you go to a different school?" he asks looking at me, "Nope, I never got told off" I say, "Even when you threw one at school?" he looks dumbfounded, "Nope in fact most of the teachers joined in, we all needed a break an Isis gave us one, and she didn't get told off about the music because no body cares" Sir say leaning down and looking at the art work, he nods, then goes to wash out the water that I clean my brush with, "Thanks" I nod at him, "Wow" Jordan smiles. The bell rins as Sir i putting some more paint in the palette, "Thanks again, you can go for you break i'll be fine here" i say, "Well i'm off, see you later Isis" Jordan says getting up, "Whatever" I rely, "Hey, Isis! I'm going to find he others and see if they need help!" Marcus shouts as he leaves, "You sure you will be fine here alone?" Sir asks, "Fine Sir, I'll just sing or something" I smile up at him and he smiles at me. "Ok Isadora" he says as he ruffles my hair and leaves for his break, leaving me in the empty room. I let a single tear fall before I regain myself and continue painting. If Slender was my 2nd dad, then Sir was the 3rd, he always treated me like an equal, not teacher and student, but friend to friend, he would always help me with my art work, encourage me to do the random, to be curious. He only calls me Isadora when we're alone ecause he knows how much I hate it, I just think it's too long, too formal, but when he says it or Slender says it, it warms me up and makes me smile like a child. What caused the tear to fall was the ruffling of my hair when he said my name, it was the firendly gesture he'd do to reassure me, or to praise meif i'd done well, for example got a good mark, or got better at things. I'd missed it. I start to sing as I continue to paint, "Despite the lies that you're making, your love is mine for the taking, My love is! Just waitin! To turn your tears to roses!" My movements as i'm painting become better, "Despire the lies that yo're making, you love is! Just waiting! To turn your tears to roses!" I start to paint faster but it doesn't ruin the work, it makes the wings look more flowy and graceful as the brush slides along the canvas. "I will be the one thats gunna hold you, I will be the one that you run to. My love is! A burning, consuming fire!" I start to slow down as I do the outines, so you can see the difference in shades. "No you'll never be alone! When darkness comes I'll light the night  with stars" I start to paint her facial features. "Hear the whispers in the dark!" I start to colour in the eye's, lips and hair. "No! You'll never be alone, when darkness comes you know i'm never far" I paint the different tones around her body, "Hear the whispers in the dark!" I continue painting the extra touches on the girl. "You feel so lonely and ragged, you lay here broken and naked" "My love is! Just waitin! To clothe you in crimson roses!" I start to penil in the moon behind the girl and then begin painting it, fast this time, not sloppy just fast, i've gotten used to painting fast without it making a mess of the art now. ""I will be the one that's gunna find you, I will be the one that's gunna guide you" I start to tone the mon to make it look 3D, "My love is, a burning, consuming fire!" After the moon has finised I start to pencil in a blossom tree at the side that twists and towers over the gir. "No! You'll never be alone, when arkness comes i'll ight the night with stars, hear the whispers in the dark" I start painting the tree after it's been penciled in. "No! You'll never be alone, when darkness comes you know i'm never far, hear the whispers in the dark, whispers in the dark" I stop speed painting when I start to add the little details to the art. I repeat the chorus again and I stand up to look at my work..I add a little more touches to it. "Whispers in the dark, whispers in the dark, whispers in the dark" I sing as I finish the song and paint the background. After I add my signature and place it on the side, "Still speed painting I see" my head shoors up, "Oh it's only you Sir, that's weird though, I normally hear you come in" I say smiling, "You were too absorbed in the painting" he says laughing, "May I see?" he asks coming forward, I nod. "Wow, it looks beautiful Isis, what will you name her?" he asks looking at me. "Hmm..You name her Sir and the painting" I smile at him. "Really"? he asks, I nod. "Hmm...How about....Karasu?" he says looking back at the paint, "Raven?" I say, "Yeah, since her wings look like ravens" he smiles, "Ok, but what shall we name the painting?" I ask, "How about, the lost bird on the moonlit night?" he laughs, "Fine with me" I laugh. "You got any sweets?" I asak, "Lolipops in the drawer" he says pointing to his desk, "Score!" I shout and run to the desk, I grab the lolipops and sit down and talk with Sir until breaks over.

*Jaz's POV*

I went to help the guy's with the stage set up, I couldn't care less about seeing more teachers. The only other teahers I like here are the art teacher and the head teacher, but I thought i'd leave Isis and Sir alone to talk for a while and catch up. I sigh as I reach up to hook up the lights, "Sup Jaz?" I turn around and see Marcus, "Oh hey nothing, weren't you with Isis?" I ask moving the lights to be in the right place. "I left her talking with a kid named Jordan and the art teacher but I think they left after me" Marcus says starting to help with the stage "What? So she's been on her own?!" I shout, "Yeah, is that a problem?" Marcus asks, "She can handle herself she was paintin" he says. "Jaz calm down, Isis like's being left alone to paint, I bet she's in there speed painting and singing." Connor laughs. "Yeah, I know but I don't like her being on her own" I sigh, "Why?" Reece asks "Becayse she's really curious and loves to explore" Mason says. "Just because she's been through the school's passageways a thousand time, doesn't mean she won't do it again" I sigh. Everyone laughs, "Hey, i'm being serious" I laugh. "I think the stage is done now" Reece shouts. "Yeah!" Mason shouts. "Ok well i'll go get Isis, will you guy's text the others and tell them to meet here and we can have our lunch before the concert" I say as I head to the art room. I hear Isis laughing as I reach the art room, I stiffen; I haven't heard that laughing in a long time. I look into the window without being noticed and see Sir holding Isis and spinning her around, like a dad would with his child. I smile and let them enjoy their moment. I love Isis's laugh especially when it's the one she has when she's acting like her younger self. I walk back to the group and decide to text her instead so she can stay a little longer.

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