Well at least school's more fun...

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I wake up with the alarm ringing in my ears, i groan as I untangle myself from Toby and stop the alarm, I sit up stretching hearing my back crack and I smile in satisfation. I wake Toby up and he rolls over groaning, I can't resist as I see he's on the edge of the bed, I push him slightly and he falls straight off. I fall onto the bed laughing as he gets up swearing and ticking "Isis!" he shouts as he pushes me off the other side, "Hey! Hahah" I just lay there on the floor catching my breath. I get up after a few seconds more and collect my phone, "I'm going to go get ready fo school, see you later!" I smile at him as I walk out and into my room. I put my phone on charge and get into the shower, whilst playing music on the speakers, not too loud though since I don't want everyone angry at me for waking them up. Whispers In The Dark by Skillet comes on as i get out of the shower, I start sinnging along as I dance around my room getting ready as I go along. I put in a black t-shirt with a skull on it and some leggings into my bag since I have trampolining today, I think the guy's are in our class today as well. I put my jacket on and put my earphones and phone in my pocket, I grab some money and go downstairs to grab some snacks for the day. "I see you had the same ideo as me" I turn around to see L.J, "Yeah obvioulsy" I laugh as I grab a bag of lollipops, L.J grabs boiled sweets. "Cool shirt!" he laughs out, "Keep telling yourself you're cool, one day I might believe it" I wink at him and he just lightly whacks me across the head. After a while everyone else comes down and we set off to school laughing and joking.

We all have math class first, argh! Boring! We all walk in together and everyone stares at us, I smile and walk to my seat, Jeff and Ben follow soon after but Tobby and Jack stay at the front so Miss Green can introduce them. When she's finished she tells them to find a seat, but the only ones left aren't near us three. "Can't we sit with Isis?" L.J says turning around to Miss Green, she smiles and says yes, so the two kids that were closest to us didn't seem to mind, I think they got to bed near their friends anyways. I started doodling halfway through class, "Isis, can I have a lollipop?" L.J asked leaning backwards onto my desk, "Sure" I was eating them anyways, Miss doesn't seem to mind as long as we do out work. I grabbed a lollu, unwrapped it and stuck it in his mouth, "Thank you Isis!" L.J said as he leaned back towards his desk to do his work. I carried on with my work, finishing what was left of it, when Ben tapped on my shoulder "Isis! Look at this!" he said trying to hide his laughter, he held up a rough drawing of me and Toby in bed! "Oh my God! Ben, give it here! Hahaha!" I reach for it but someone else grabs it first, I look up and see Toby! Thank God! I thought it was going to be the teacher for a second there. He looks at it laughs, takes a picture and puts it in his pocket. "Whatcha gunna do with that?" I ask tilting my head, "Put it on the wall" he laugh. "Well i'll put those photo's on the wall then!" I say laughing, "You better now!" Jeff slightly shouts, we all burst out laughing and Miss comes to check our work; she see's that we're all finished and just tells us to quiten it down a little and then leaves us. 

After that we had english class, we didn't really talk much then because we had to take notes on what Sir what saying. 

After english it was a break so we all decided to go outside for a bit, L.J was hanging off my back again and I was feeding him sweets as we were walking. We got a couple of weird stares but we didn't care. We sat down on the grass underneath a tree, so we were sat in the shae, I sit down at the side and L.J sits behind me so i'm sitting in the middle of his legs and he's leant on my back. Toby sits across from me and Jeff and Ben on either side. We were all laughing and eating sweets when a group of people came up to us. "Err..Hi" the boy at the front says, "I'm Marcus, and these are; Jade, Reece, Callum and Rose" hey says poitning to each one as he goes along. "We are all CreepyPasta fans and we saw the page you made Isis" he says messing with the corner of his jumper, "Ok?" "It's pretty awesome" Rose smiles, "Thanks" I smile back. "Well we wanted to know if it's you guy's who were dressed up as them" Reecer asked, "Yeah, why?" Toby says looking up at them. "We did it to correspond our names" Jeff laughs just to sell them lies so they'd believe us. "Well we were wondering whether we could share it with our friends and post it on our page? We'd credit you obviously" Marcus explains. "Yeah sure!" Ben says laughing which sets of L.J laughing. "Ahh don't mind them, their not laughing at you, they just laugh a lot" I say looking up at them, they smile in relief. They're about to walk away all saying thanks but I stop them, "Hey, wait a sec!" I shout, then Marcus walks back to us and I try to stand up but get pulled back down by L.J. "Ow ow ow! Still hurts Jack!" I cringe a little as I get comfy, "Sorry about that, give me your phone a sec" I say holding my hand out to Marcus. He gives it me, giving me a weird look. I put my number into his phone and then put his into mine, "There you go" I say giving it him back, "Give it to the others if you want" I say smiling at him, he blushes, nods and walks back to his group. "Why'd you give him your number?" Jeff asks, "Why not?" I laugh and eat another sweet. After a bit more of us pissing about the bell rings and we make our way to changing rooms, "Well see you in a bit" I say going into the female changing rooms. I walk in and start getting changed, but then someone grabs me from behind and grabs my chest, "Errm..Do you mind?" I say looking back, Melanie, she does this to everyone. "I see you've grown these past two weeks Isis!" I burst out laughing and carry on getting dressed, then a girl called Chloe shouts out "What's with all the new lads?" I hear a few yeah's and what's going on's. "I knew them a while before coming here and they transferred in" I say sort of lying but not really, but i'm good at lying so it's fine. "Oh ok" Chloe shrugs and walks off. I walk out and get ready to go on the trampolines, as I get on the bots group come in, Jack and Toby wave, Jeff and Ben just wink and laugh as they start walking towards me. "Get into groups!" Mrs Jones shouts, well we are already a group so we stay as we are, "You may start!" she shouts again. I start doing the warm up bounces and then one routine repeated a few times and then get off. Toby goes on next doing some basic moves and then gets off, Jeff goes on showing off a fancy rountine. Then it's Ben's turn and he just jumps around a bit, does a little routine and starts pulling poses making everyone laugh. Next is Jack who gets on jumps around, does a routine and then tell's me to come on with him. I get up and he starts jumping, yeah I know you're not supposed to but we have our own routine that we made up ages ago. "Get off! Only one on at a time!" Mrs Jones shouts, "Wait, we havea routine to show you" Jack says calmly then looks at me and nods. I move to the end so he can do his part. He does basic moves the flips out and moves to the end. I do the same, then we both jump in at the same time which makes us go really high and we flip at the same time, so we land at the same time and don't get hurt. When we land we move so we're back to back and we take a step away from each other, we noticed the bar that wasn't that high from the trampoline, they he could reach so we'd decided to do our finale. He started jumping higher and higher then grabbed the bar and swung hanging upside down from it. I jump up grabbing a part of the bar then turning around and dropping so that I bounce once and do a back flip and land. Then he swings around, drops and does the same. Then we bow and get off laughing our asses off. Everyone just stares at us and starts laughing ad clapping. I did stuff like this with Jack all the time before, with trapezes and things, it's just a bit of fun for us. Well looks like I can't return to a normal school life anymore. The rest of the day went as normal as it could, we'd had the lunches Slender made for us and we had science last where we had to write things in out books. On the way home we just laughed about what everyone thought throughout the day, about lessons, teachers and other students.

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