Art room

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*Isis POV*

As Sir spins me around I laugh like I once used to as a child, he always knows how to brin out the inner child in me; even if it is in embarrassing ways like spinning me around. As we continue to spin I notice movement at the door, at this point I can't see who it is, so instead I read their thoughts. I don't read minds all the time, I can control when I need it, like a light switch. 

I haven't heard that laugh in a long time. Sir is spinning her like a dad would to his little child, i'll let them enjoy their moment. I love Isis's laugh, especially when it's the one when she acts like a child. I think i'll just text her and go back to the group. Jaz...I stop lauhing and smile, letting a tear roll down my cheek, I really do love Jaz; she is truly my best friend. Then Sir stops spinning, "Whew, i'm a little dizzy, you ok?" he asks sitting down, "Yeah i'm fine" I smile and reach into my pocket to see the message Jaz sent me. *Stage is set up, come down and we can eat before we start* I smile and look up at Sir, "The stage is set up can you save the painting for me?" I ask, "Yeah sure, and I will definitely come see you play" he says smiling at me, but his smile falters a little. "You ok Sir?" I ask my eyebrows coming together in confusion, "Hmm? Yeah"  he says and smiles once again. She's all grown up, I missed her so much, i'm glad she's safe and happy. I forgot I was still in mind reading mode, and im glad I did, tears begin to fall down my cheeks and I hug Sir. "Thank you, thank you so much!" I say crying on his shoulder, "What for?" I hear his voice crack, "For everything, for being there for me, for believing in me, for keeping all my secrets and most of all for being family" I say crying my eye's out. I knew she was thankful, but not this much, I didn't think she depened on me this much... 

"I never thanked you properly for everything you've done for me and i'm sorry for that" I say kissing his cheek, "Thank you so much" I say standing back with tears running down my face. "Don't say it like we'll never see each other again Isadora!" he says tears streaming down his face now. "You know you're welcome to visit me any time, I will always be there for you!" he says hugging me again, I cry even harder and hug back. "I know! I know..." I say my voice shaking. 

Why is she saying it like she will leave and no one will know?! Why?.... I don't mean for it to come out like this, I just really want to thank him for all he's done, I appreciate it a lot. "I won't be leaving so soon, I just want to thank you and I promise I will visit you more and paint for you again" I say wiping the tears off my face. "Promise?" he says wiping his own face, "I promise"  I say smiling at him. "Good! Now go out there, fix your makeup and rock this school one last time" he says pushing me out the door with a big smile on his face. 

I know you will be just fine Isis, believe me, I will keep your secret about who you are, I will still love you like any father would even if I am not him. Trust me and don't say goodbye just yet. I start crying all over again, he knew I was reading his thoughts...I'll send him a message. 

Why do you keep telling me not to say goodbye? Do you think I would honestly leave you after everything you've done for me?! I cry out to him in my mind, No! Of course not! I just...I just thought you had forgotten about me when you left....Sorry... That's it! I run back into the room and envelope him in a hug, "How could I ever forget you! You're llike my farther! I could never forget you!" I shout, the tears spilling out now, "I love you too much to forget!" I hug him tighter. "I know and that's what scares me most Isis..." "What?" I say looking up at him, both of us teary eyed. "I fear that you love me too much and will end up doing something stupid when worst comes to worst, that you will break when I have to leave" he says breaking eye contact and looking to the ground. "W-what do you mean leave!?" I whisper my voice cracking even more, "I'm getting old Isis, you know I will leave this world eventually and I haven't seen you in ages, so I hate to ruin your happy mood, but I don't want you to be hurting when I leave, I don't want you forgetting what you have" he says putting his head in his hands crying more. "Don't you dare say that! You have a long life ahead of you, why would you even say that?! You're a healthy man who has a lot more time ahead of him, please don't say things like that..And of course I will hurt! Of course I will lose myself, but I will remember and think about you everyday and remember everything you had taught me! I will carry you in my heart and tell stories about you and share my happiness that you have brought me with the world, heck i'll even write a book about you if you want!" I cry out, "Isis calm down" he says rubbing my back, "Of course I have time left, I still have kick in me! I'm just worried about you, just know you have lots of people around you, you have your family, your friends old and new. You have Slender and everyone back there, don't forget that, Isis please!" he says looking me in the eye once again. "I may be curious and reckless but I won't forget the people who are close to me, you being one of the most important ones there is" I smile and give him one last hug before getting up. "Right! I need to get ready, I promise to visit you soon" I smile at him, "Ok, see you lare Isis" he smiles. As I walk out the door I let out a shaky breath, I need to get myself together before I go to the rest, I look at the art room door and send one final message before leaving. Please follow your dream!  Please, become an atist and if you don't think you can, you are welcome to use my art to publish and I will say my inspiration was always you and your wonderful way with words and art. John, remember who you are, and who you will always be to me...I love you, see you later. I hear him cry a little more before I walk away ad down the hall, I seriously love John, he was like the brother I never had, and one of the many fathers I have in my heart, even though I don't see most of the poeple close to me much anymore, I still hold them all close to me in my heart. I really should do something special, for them all; Mum, Dad, Slender, John(Sir), all the gand: new and old, the creepypasta's. I seriouslty need to thank them all properly. I go into the bathroom and clean myself up and put on my mascara and eyeliner again. "Well then Isis, let's do this" I smile and set off towards the canteen.

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