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For the rest of the day until 2 pm I just play video games with everyone and mess around. When it's hal 1, I get my jacket and shoes on and make sure I have everything I need in my bag. "I'll seee you guy's later, Oh! Ky? Can you help Jaz later on with her stuff?" I ask before I leave, he smiles and nods. "Thanks!" I shout and walk out the door, I see a nearby shadow and call out Midnight, I leave my helmet off this time and just drive freely. By the time it's 2, I arrive to the meeting place, I go into a nearby ally with the bike and hide it in the shadows again. I make my way to the doors and walk in, "Hey guys!" I shout to them and wave to them when I see them all say in the middle of the room. They all say hey back and hand me a drink, "Thanks" i smile and sit next to Shane, "So what we talking about?" I ask tilting my head, "Well we were just talking about out plans for tonight" Chris says smiling at me, "Which are?" I prompt him to go on, "When we attack this gang, that has been provoking people on our turf" Jason says angrilly, "Who's the gang?" I ask taking a swig of my drink, "The Dark Shadows" Dylan tells me. I choke on my drink, "What?!" I say betweem coughs, "The Dark Sh-" Dylan begins to say "I heard you the firt time! What the heck are they still doing out here?! They're meant to be disbanded!" I shout, "They were for a little whle ut it seems that a new leader camee and a fe from the old gan re formed it, most stayed out of it, for respect for their old leader" Tom says looking at me, "ood! Whose the idiot that started it up again?" I ask, "These guys" Callum says handing me a file. I open it and look at the guy in the photo, I skim over the info in the file, "Evan Shaw, 17 A.K.A the silent shadow, say's he will continue fighting till he finds the old leader and beats him, blah, blah, blah!" I throw the folder back on the table, "Sounds like fun" i grin gritting my teeth. "I'm in" I laugh and everyone just stares at me then laughs. "When do we start?" I smirk. "Well we know what time they come out but they go to other places to fight " Callum says scratching his head. "Don't worry about it, what are the times?" I say drinkin the last bit of my drink 7pm till 11 pm" Tom says, "Hmphm, they changed the times" I say under my breath, "Huh?" Shane says next to me, "Nothing" I smile, "Well what we going to do till then?" I ask, looking at them all, "Well we need to form a meeting with them and then we just wait it out" Chris says leaning back, "Well we will be waiting a long time, pass me then phone" i say Shane, he nods and passes it to me, "Do you guy's know the number?" i ask, they shake their heads and I sigh. "Good job I do" I punch in the numbers quickly and it starts to ring, I smile, at least he didn't change the number. After about 3 rings someone picks up, "Evan Shaw correct?" i say leaning back in my chair, "What the! Who are you?" he shouts, "Silly boy, if you answer like that I will obviously know who you are" I laugh, "Cut the crap, who are you?!" he shouts aain, "You will know eventually but right now I want to propose a meet up with The Dark Shadows and The Black Dragons" I smile, "And if I say no?" he laughs, "Well even if you did, you have no choice in the matter, since I know where your hangout is" I grin, "Bullshit! Only members know" he shouts, "Well if I know the number and know the place, you figure it out smartass" I laugh, "See you at your hangout at 11pm" I smile and hang up. "I'm not even going to bother asking how you know all this and juust ask you did you make the meet up so late?!" Shane houts, "The darker it is, the brighter the light will shine" I say stadning up, "Well i'm going to help Jaz move into my place whilst I wait, i'll meet you back here at half 10 to take you to the hideout" I smile and walk out the door leavin them with confused and shocked faces. When I leave, I go into to the ally way to collect Midnight and ride off, I am livid! How dare they revive something that wasn't theirs! And when I find out who are the ones from my previous gang will recieve hell! I laugh as I drive off.

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