Might as well visit

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I was walking around the school grounds, observing everyone, when I noticed someone sat on the bench. I started walking closer, he was playing a video game I think, he kept on flinching and cursing, to be honest it was very funny! I smiled as I looked at what game he was playing; Slender, ironic really since I was just thinking about the day we met. They guy still hadn't noticed me watching him, which was good, I took note of what he was wearing; A green hoodie, black jeans and a green hat. He wasn't tall but not quite short, he had blond hair from what I could see. I recognized who he was, BEN Drowned. I knew him but he didn't know me; well that's true for most of the creepypasta's. The only one's that knew about me were Slender (Obviously), his brothers, Sally, Jane, Laughing Jack and maybe some others. Hmm maybe i'll have a bit of fun with Ben, if he's here then the rest won't be too far behind. I'm going to the house later on anyways, so I might as well have some fun first, I smirk and start walking towards him. I sit down next to him and he looks up, nods and goes back to his game. I wait a while, since I know he will die in about a minute... "ARGH! Slendy why don't you let me finish!" he shouts. I try not to laugh but end up doing so anyway, "Hi, I'm Isis" I say once i've stopped laughing. He glares at me then smiles, "Hey, I'm Ben" I nearly say I know but stop myself and say "Want me to beat the game for you?" instead. He gives me a wart look "If I can't beat it then you definitely can't!" he laughs. I just glare at him, grab the game and start playing; I've played this game thousands of time so, I can beat it pretty easily. After about 15 - 20 minutes finish the game, I swear I hate how slow the girl walks! I pass the game back and smile "There, now you can go show off to whoever and say you beat it" He looks at me utterly shocked, I mean he was a game master and he was just beaten, he would be shocked. I just stand up and begin to walk away. "See you around, Ben" After it's processed into his brain that I'm about to leave he runs over to me; "Hey wait!" I turn around to look at him "Why?" I tilt my head a little, watching him.
"Err..erm..Because I need to show you to my friend!" Predictable, "Oh and which friend is this?" I ask. "Hid name's Jeff! He's probably walking around here somewhere, come meet him." I look at him and try not to laugh, well here I go to see the next one I guess. "Why not?" I grin.
We start walking around looking for Jeff, all the while Ben is asking me questions; "What you doing around here?" "I go to this school" "Oh well that would make sense, I don't think I've seen you around though" "I was away for a little while" "That would explain it, how old are you?" "16 soon" "So you're around the same age as us" "Really?" and the questioning goes on, about my lip piercing and if I have any tatoo's (Which I don't,but plan on getting one on my 16th birthday.)
Then we finally see JEff just aimlessly walking around in his trademark white hoodie. "Jeff!" Ben shouts running up to him, I stick to walking so they have time to talk for a bit. Jeff turns around in surprise of his name being called out all of a sudden, "What?!" "I want you to meet Isis!" Ben points at me and I hold up my hand to say hey, Jeff nods and then looks back at Ben; they start to whisper, obviously thinking i can't hear...When I can. "Who is she?" Jeff whispers, "I don't know, but she helped me complete the Slender game." Jeff looks at me and the looks back down again "Completed it?" "Yep!" "So?!" "She did it in one go! One go!" Ben is literally whisper shouting, it's so hard not to laugh. Jeff looks shocked, "One go?" "Yeah" "Wow, well still why bring her to me?" "Because you're here and I forgot where the others are, plus she looks interesting! Let's hang out with her!" Jeff looks really annoyed, "Fine!" he sighs. I can't help it, I burst out laughing! They look up at me in surprise; they didn't even notice me walk up to them and stand near a tree next to them. "Woah, when did you get there?!" they both shout, "Well just now, but I still heard the entire conversation; Hey Jeff as you already know, I'm Isis" I smile and hold out my hand, he shakes it "Yeah...Hey"
We then start walking around school and I have to keep answering questions again, but i don't mind; we do get a couple of weird stares from people when we laugh really loud. They're actually cool guys. Turns out we had the same classes together; so we wet to lass for the rest of the school day and it was quite fun to be honest.
They asked me if I wanted to go see some more of their friends, I agreed; this was getting funnier by the minute. We started walking again, "Where we meeting these friends of yours?" I ask, "They will probably be in the woods" Jeff said; I mile "Great! I love the woods" They both gave each other a look and then smiled up at me. When we reached the woods,  I said "One minute i'll meet you guy's in the clearing in the middle" Before they even had a chance to say anything I was off, I knew these woods like the back of my had, since they weren't that far from where I lived. I knew who lived deep inside these woods, the Creepypastas. Now I bet Ben and Jeff were going up to their friends now and telling them what just happened from the school evens up til now; that would give me about 10 minutes or so to get to the mansion.
Luckily I had my shadows help, since we were in a wood there are a lit of shadows to my disposal; I called them out and they helped me move swiftly and speedily across the distance and had around 5 minutes to spare. I ran up to the house and the shadows went respectively back to their own places aside from a few that I was about to use. The shadows cloaked me until, that was all I was; a shadow. I walking into the house, thankfully no one was in the front room and nobody heard me enter; I knew where I was going, so I went straight to Slender's office.

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