The Black Dragons

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Me and Jaz arrive at the club, it's just a little nightclub that plays awesome rock music. I chose to work here because of the music and it was easier to handle since the club wasn't that big and the people who came were really nice. I'm wearing a black jacket and some red plaid jeans, I was wearing the club t-shirt underneath my jacket. Jaz was wearing some black jeans with chains on them, that I plan to steal from her one day. She had the club t-shirt on also, and we were both wearing plain blac converse and mostly the same jewelry; just bracelets, necklace, earrings and our lip rings. "Right! Well I think i'm going to work on the floor tonight" I say taking off my jacket. "Looking like that?" Jaz says eyeing me in a joking manner, "Shut up Jaz, I don't need to flash my tits to get people to buy drinks" I say handing her my jacket to hand up. "Ok, well I think i'll work behind the bar tonight" she smiles, "Sure" I smile back. "See you later masturbator" she laughs, "In a while pedophile" I laugh back and start to walk around, singing along with the music. At the minute it was Paramore - When it rains, "And no, oh, how could you do it? Oh I, I never saw it coming" I sing as I start clearing tables of empty glasses, "No, oh I need an ending. So why can't you stay, just long enough to explain?" I sing louder, not noticing how loud I am as I take the empty glasses back I had found on the tables. I find it east t to move fast through people; even with a tray full of empty glasses, for some reason I can do it eaily. "And when it rains, will you always find an escape?" I place the tray on the side near Jaz, emptying the glasse onto the table, "Here" I say before walking off again. I hear Jaz say "She'ss off in her own world again" I laugh and continure singing. "Just running away. From the ones who love you, from everything" i sing clearing another table, "You made youreself a bed, at the bottom of the blackest hole-" I stop singing when I notice someone had joined in with me, i mean I know other people are singing but this voice is right behind me. I spin around, "Hey" the man infront of me says, "Hi" I smile, "You work here?" he asks, I raise my eyebrows at him, "I just wear club shirts and clean clubs for fun" I roll my eyes and speak sarcastically. "Well that's no fun" he laughs. "Well I better do my job, would you like a drink from the bar?" I ask "Yeah just a beer will do" he says, he follows me to the bar and I tell Jaz what he wants and I hand him his drink. "So why you on the floor when you could be on stage?" he says pointing at the unused stage. "No chance there, you will never get her up there" Jaz says, "She's never sung on a stage before then?" "Excuse me! I have too, I did just yesterday in fanct" I say laughing. "So why won't you get on that one?" he says confused, "Because I doubt the manager would let me" I grin. "Have you asked?" "No, there's no need, i'm not good enough to sing here" I say laughing again, "Now excuse me, I have a job to do" I smile and leave them at the bar. I walk to a group of girls sat at a table by themselves, "Hey, how come your not out there?" I say pointing to the floor where everyones dancing, "No one to dance with" the one in middle says. "Well would you like a drink?" I say smiling, "Sure" the one on the end says, they all tell me what they want and I write it down and go back to the bar to tell Jaz, she nods and starts pulling drinks. "So you going to ask the manager?" the guy asks again. "Your still here?" I laugh, "Yes, and my name is Shane i'll have you know" he says flipping his hair out of his face, he was pretty cute, he had short black hair with a side fringe, a lip rind and was wearing a grey shirt that say FUCK YOU! on it and black jeans. "Fine, Shane, now will you excuse me" I say as I put the drinks on the tray, "You're going to drop them" he says shaking his head, I smirk grab the tray and hold it on one hand lifted up, not too high thouh and walk towards the table, weaving in and out of people steadily and arriving at the girls table gracefully. "Here you go" I smile and hand each of them their drinks. As I scan the crowd I see a grou of boys sat at a tabe, the same amount of guysas the girls over here. "I think I may have found your dance partners" I say smirking. "Eh?" one of the girls say, I point to the table and they shake their heads, "The won't come over here" the one in the middle says. "Just you wait" I wink at her and walk off to the bar, "Jaz!" I shout, she comes over "What?" "Drinks for that table over there, she looks over at them and nods, putting an assortment of drinks on the tray. "Thanks" I say and walk off. 

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