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*Isis POV*

When i'm finished  with work i pick out a couple of thins for myself, pay for them and then go to the car, I'd gotten Jaz to take back Midnight and get her car since we had stuff. Jaz is already there listening to music. She looks so stupid since you can't hear the music so you just see he flailing about like she's on some weird mushrooms. I laugh and put my stuff in the car and we sing and dance to the radio; thought i'd join her in looking like a complete prick. When we get back we put our stuff away and I grab a bag of sweets. "Right let's go" Jaz shouts and runs out the door, i walk out to see her banging on Ky's door, he probably can't hear since he's got music blasting. "Shift" I push Jaz out the way in a friendly way an open the door. "What the?" "It was open" "How can you tell?" "I live here dumb ass, I know if it's open or not" I laugh and walk into the living room to see Ky dancing in the middle of the room. I clear my throat but he doesn't turn around so I walk over to the couch and sit down quietly so he doesn't hear me and film him. After a while he turns around as part of his dance move to see Jaz on the floor laughing and me filming him with a smirk on my face. "What the hell!" he shouts, his cheeks turning red. I stop filming and put my phone in my pocket. "Nice moves" I smirk up at him, "We came to help you unpack" Jaz says finally getting up off the floor. "Ok..But how did you get in?" he says narrowing his eyes at us, "You left the door open" i shrug and walk towards a box closest to me, "Kitchen stuff" I nod and walk towards the kitchen. I open all the cupboards to see what's already in there so i can put whats in the box with everything else. "You want the music on or off?" Ky shouts, "On!" me and Jaz shout back. I laugh and see Jaz walk past with a box, "Whats in that?" I ask, "Bedroom stuff" she winks and walks off, "Perv!" I laugh and then get bakc to work. Ky comes in a while later and sorts out another box, "By the way does Jaz know about the creepypasta's?" he asks reaching up to put a cup in cupboard, "Yeah, Jaz does, the group you saw me with earlier don't, and then some others I hang around with don't" I tell him as I put knives, forks and spoons awat. "Ok, you will have to point them out" I nod and then we just sing along to whatever music comes on and put things away. "Right I think we better check up on Jaz, she's been unpacking things from your room for a while noow" I lauh and begin to walk in the direction of the rooms, "She what?!" Ky zooms past me and flings open his room door, he just stands there in shock. I walk behind him and look in..."Hahahahah! Oh you're killing me Jaz!!" I shout and fall to the floor laughing, she has set up his room perfectly but is now stood in the middle with his boxers on and one of his t-shirts. "What the hell!" he shouts finally out of his trance, "I wanted to know if they were comfy!" She shouts back and i'm just there laughing my ass off. "W-wait!" I say pulling myself up, "Let me take a picture! Pose!" I shout and grab my phone, Jaz pulls funny poses whilst I take the photo's, "ok, enough!" he shouts laughing with us now, "As much as I like the look of you in my boxers can you take them off now?" he says leaning against the door frame, "Ooh, so he likes you in them but prefers you without them on! Take them off! Take them off!" I shout, "W-wait! I didn't mean it like that!" he shouts blushing. Me and Jaz burst out lauging and then I get a text. *Where are you? We're outside your apartment* Oh it's from Toby, everyone must be over there, *The room next door, just come in* After a while I hear them come in but Ky and Jaz don't since, Ky is running around chasing Jaz; who is still wearing his boxers. "Give me my boxers back!" he laughs, "No! I think I may keep them, what do you think Iis?" she shouts and looks at me, "They suit you but I think they'd suit him better" i say laughing from her facial expression, "Traitor!" she shouts and they stop chasing each other and look at the door. I look up to see everyone stood there wide eye'd and some are trying to hold their laughter in. "Oh hey guys!" Jaz says and waves, "Gotcha!" Ky shouts and jumps on Jaz's back, "I give in! I'll give them back!" she laughs. I stand up and dust myself off, Slender, I need to talk to you alone for a sec I say to him and walk off into another room, no one notice's since they're all laughing at Jaz and Ky. I'm guessing it's about the boy?

Yes, he's a new creepypasta, did you turn him?         Yes child no need to worry         Ok, so what's his deal?        Well all I kow is that I found him in the middle of a room full of dead family members, the rest i can't get out of him.         So that's mine and Jaz's job?         Yes child.         Ok fine by me.         I say ad smile up at him, I walk back out and see everyone has gone to the kitchen, "Guy's you can use your creepypasta forms" I shout and turn into mine. "Woah cool outfit" Ky says, "Thanks" I smile. Jaz goes into her Creepypasta form her hair changing into a light violet colour, almost white, and wearing a lack dess that slowly fades into a light dreen colour. "Love it Jaz" I smile at her, "Thanks! Thought i'd go for a change, instead of my ripped jeans and bloodied shirts" she laughs, "Hm..I'm going to change my ourfit now" i laugh and change into black dress that has red handprints all around it. "Hold up! One why are we allowed when theres someone here, two why are you all dressed up?" E.J asks confused. "Well one because he's a creepypasta and two ecause we're going on a killing spree to welcome him in" I say smiling, "Yay!" L.J shouts, "y the way Isis, let me in your apartment, I need sweets!" he shouts clinging to me, "It's open now" I smile at him, "Thank you!" and he speeds off, "But it wasn't earier" Jeff says, "I know, I can lock and unlock it in my head" I say. "By the way I still don't get why you're all dressed up" E.J says eyeing me suspiciously, "For a feast" Jaz says grinning, "A feast?" Ben says looking at us strangely, "Wll we are sort of similar to vampires in a way, we like blood but we don't need it" I laugh, "Like that guy" I say pointing to Ky, "how did you know?" he asks, "I can smell it on you" I laugh bu now Ky has changed clothes and is wearing a black shirt with a black waist coat over it, black jeans and combat boots. Well then let's go shall we? Is it at the main place? "Yes" I nod and Slender transports us to a big mansion tat sort of resembles a mansion with black paint and gold decorations. When we get there we hear 'wow's' 'woahs' and all that stuff. "Right basically wait in the main room and then we will bring the people and you go off and do what you want in what ever room" I say, "By the way do you want them dead or alive" "Alive!" I hear them all shout. "Right, Jaz will you keep an eye one them?" "Sure thing, follow me"

"Right them let's go Slender" Yes child. We teleport to a random neighorhood and I hide myself in the shadows so I can't be seen. I hack into all the people's comuters that are on and send them a message on their screen; 'Roses are red, Violets are blue. I'm hiding in the shadows, Waiting for you' After a while you can see people start to walk out of thier houses towards us. Slender has already got quite a few people and then I grab the others and we teleport them to the house. "Argh!" Jeff shouts and jumps back, "Give us a warning next time" he says when we appear in front of him. i just laugh and we drop the bodies, some of them have woken up now and everyone begins to pick who they want. After a while everyone has disappeared apart from me, Jaz and Ky and then the three bodies who are knocked out on the floor. "At least their unconscious, I can't be bothered with the cat and mouse game. I'm just gunna take some of their clood and send them home" Jaz says, "Yeah same here, but I make take the girls top, it's pretty cool" I laugh. "Thanks Isis" Ky says smiling, "Don't worry, by the way are you going to play cat and mouse?" I ask, "Yeah!" he says a sinister smile formingon his face, "Ok, right Jaz shall we go so he can start his hame?" we smile and then walk off with our bodies. After a while you hear the screams of everyone in this place.

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