Night before school

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Everybody was still looking at the pictures I had put up and then when they saw the one's with me and Toby, they all looked at me. "What?" I ask glaring at them, "Cook costume" Masky says, "What costume?" I say turning back to the t.v "This one" Ben says shoving the laptop in my face. Shit! I forgot I was in creepypasta mode then. " thanks" I say smiling and then look down at my phone since it was vibrating. *Just tell them about your CP form :)* I quickly reply; *No! Then we won't have our own little secret! :(* After a bit I get another text from him; *Doesn't matter, we can always create more :) And don't forget schools tomorrow, you can stop in my room again if you want? At least then we'll both get a good nights sleep! xD* I smile at the text and reply. *Sure! And we deffo have to create some good memories!* I then get up after I send the message and go over to everyone. "T-these really are some g-good photo's Isis" "Thanks Hoodie!" I say as I give him a quick hug, "By the way that's not a costume" I say, "Then what is it?" Jeff turns around asking. "It's my Creepypasta form" "Has LJ seen it?" "Well not really, he saw it last night, but not that well in the dark, well now you all have seen it" I explain. "How come he hadn't seen it before?" Ben asks, "Because I never used to need it but then, I started to get noticed so I started using a creepypasta form" They all nod and i'm about to walk away when Ben speaks up again. "Show us!" I roll my eye's as I go through my transformation again. I stand there impatiently as they look at me. "Can I change back now?" I say. "Woah cool outfit...Isis?" L.J says as he walks in, "Yeah it's me, this is my creepypasta form" I tell him "Oh cool! Let me take a picture!" he says as he takes out his phone to take a few pictures. Then everyone else joins in apart from Toby who's already got them. "Ok! That's enough, i'm going outside for a bit" I walk outside and see Smile laying down in the grass, he looks up when I approach but lays back down after. "Hey Smile wanna cuddle?" I ask, he comes and lays down on my lap as I stroke him. I feel myself drifting off because of the heat and how comfy smile is, I lie down with Smile still cuddled up to me and sleep.

-Time skip-

*Jeff's POV*

I go out outside to look for Smile since i haven't seen him, I look around and spot him cuddled up with Isis asleep on the grass. I walk towards them and Smile sits up and see's me, "Hey boy" I say and ruffle his fur as he stretches, Isis still hasn't woken up so I sit next to her and lift her onto my lap. She moves a little and slowly opens her eyes, "Hm?..Oh hey Jeff" she says sleepily "Do you fall asleep everywhere?" I laugh. "I probably could you know" she smiles, I lie down so i'm comfortable, which makes her come down with me she doesn't seem to mind though. So we just look at the clouds. "Hey I see a lollipop shaped cloud!" Isis says pointing at a cloud, that does actually look like a lollipop. "That one looks like a dog" I say pointing to another, we just sit out here for ages looking at the clouds and seeing what shapes we can find. After a while we get called in for dinner, so we both stretch and go inside. I go to my usual spot between Ben and E.J and this time Isis doesn't sit in her normal spot. She goes over to Slender and sit on his knee!!

*Isis POV*

When me and Jeff go to dinner he goes to his usual place but I don't feel like it today, i grab my food and put it next to Slenders and sit on his knee, I haven't done it in ages!. I used to sit with him and read, watch films, all sorts! I sat sideways so he could still eat and I ate mine, he didn't seem to mind and after a while everyone else went back to their meals. Isis, you have school tomorrow correct? 'Yep' Are you going to stay in Toby's room again? Since you slept well last time. 'Yeah, but i'll get my school things sorted first' Thank you child 'It's ok' We just keep talking to each other in our heads for the rest of the meal, when everyone is finished I stand up and give Slender a really big hug and thank him for being there for me. He smiles and starts collecting up the plates, "No wait, i'll do them!" I say taking the plates off him, smiling up at him. Thank you child. He then goes back to his study. I begin to wash up when Hoodie comes in, "Do you mind if I borrow a plate?" he asks, "No it's fine just grab one from the cupboard, bring it back here after and i'll wash it for you" I smile at him, he looks down as he goes to get the plate. "T-thanks" he says as he begins to walk out, "Hoodie" "Yeah?" "You're great the way you are" I smile at him as I continue to do the dishes. "Thanks!" he says and rushes out.

As i'm finished up I hear L.J behind me, he wraps his arms around my waist and puts his head on my shoulder, "Iissiiiss!" "Yeeahh?" "I want some candy!" he moans, "One second, go wait in the room i'll bring it to you." "No i'm not letting go!" he's whining like a little child but still laughing like a maniac, but I don't mind that's why he's my friend. I reach up to the top cupboard to get our special stash but a pack rolls to the back of the cupboard, so I put the bag on the counter. "Jack pick me up a sec" I say and he does. I grab the sweets that fell out and he brings me back down, I grab the bag and walk into the room with L.J hanging off me, we both sit down and begin to eat the sweets, with me feeding him his obviously. I don't really mind though, I find him cute when he opens his mouth for sweets.

Can I have a lollipop Isis?" Ben asks from the corner; he's sat there with his laptop chilling. "Sure" I say as I get up and pop a lolly in his mouth. "Yum, thanks!" he says tilting his head and smiling at me. After a while of hanging out I go up to my room to get my school things ready. I pack my school bag full of sweets, school supplies and drink, I then get my clothes out that i'm going to wear tomorrow. Just some black skinny's with a black top with L.J on it, I smile at it, he will be laughing his ass off. Toby comes in knocking on the door, I look up at him and smile, he looks at my outfit choice and raises his eyebrow, "That is great" he laughs, "Wait till you see my p.j's" I hold them up and they have little Toby's on them, he just bursts out laughing harder. "Are you coming to bed?" he asks, "Yeah just let me get changed and brush my teeth" I do what I said I was going to do and go to his room, he's laid there in a t-shirt and boxers twitching a little, spread out across the bed winking at me. I burst out laughing and have to sit down because of how hard i'm laughing. "Paint me like one of your french girls Isis!" He shouts making us both laugh even more, i'm literally rolling around on the floor laughing. After a while we both calm down and I climb into the bed, we both snuggle up and get comfy, say night to each other and then we're off to sleep. I almost forget about school tomorrow...Almost.

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