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We walk out and immediatly start fighting with the people in front of us, I take a little time to look around, I can see people with our red badges on fighting on our side, I smile at them. It's nice to know the family is still here. I spot James across the room and start making my way towards him pushing people away as I do. "James!" I shout sticking my hand up, he nods and smiles in my direction, "Hey, where's the boss?" he asks a little worried, "Don't worry I didn't kill him, my friend dropped him off at the hospital" i say and help him fight for a while. "Ok" he nods, "Hey James?" I ask, "Yeah?" "Will you help the guy's here set this place back on it's feet?" I smile up at him, he beams at me, "Of course!" 

And then I got fed up of fighting. "Everybody on my side close your eye's now!" I shout, I look around and slowly they begin to do so, the other side just stares at me. "Keep them closed!" I shout, and then I bring out the shadows and they make everyone on the opposite side unable to move by using their own shadows. "Keep them closed! Believe me this is for your own safety" I  shout and then whistle, Jaz knows what to do, me and Jaz rush through all the people and hit their pressure points,so they all fall to the group apart from our team. "Right you can open your eyes now!" I shout and then sigh. "Thanks Isis" Crystal shouts, "No Prob" I shout back and wink. "Right everyone here, thank you for sticking with us, even though you got roped into this I don't mind" I smile at all of them, "I won't be your leader anymore, but I will come visit you uy's, I have asked James to help you and try to set this place back on it's feet" People  start mumbling, "Yeah, I know you might not trust him because of this whole thing, but he's like you guys he got dragged into it otherwise he would be on the floor like these" I say opening my arms, "Jaz will also e here to help out, so don't worry about it! Now let's get these little shits out of here!" I shout and they all start cheering and we all start to drag everyone out and put them out in another factory we use for these purposes. We left a nore saying 'Please leave, if you do come back we won't show mercy :)' and then we all went back to the base to clean up a little. "Right guy's I think it's best if we all go back now!" I shout happily, they all agree and I lock the place up, each of them has their own key, they always had, so if they needed a place to think or be alone they could always go in. I watch everyone leave and then Jaz, James, Toby and the Black Dragons come towards me. I smile at them and tell them what happened in the room and they just nodded, I left out the part about the shadows obviously. "Right well let's get this sorted out now, I might as well quit the Black Dragons, sorry guys but heck you don't need me anyways" I smile at them, "I'll still hang out with you guys" I laugh and give them a group hug. "See you some other time! I might see you in the club again, drop by whenever, text us and everything!" Callum shouts as they walk away. "Of course!" I laugh, then I turn to James, "You better look after this place" I smile at him, "Will do!" he nods and smiles at me, "Right, well I better be off" he smiles and walks away, then it's just me, Toby and Jaz. "Toby can you leave me and Jaz alone for a while? You can stay at the apartment if you want, or go to the house and report to Slender and everyone" I tell him, he nods. "I'll go report, he'd probably worried" I nod and he disappears. "I'm going to miss this place Jaz" I say my voice cracking slightly, "Yeah, this place will miss you too" she smiles. "Remember all the times we had here?" she laughs, but it comes out like a small sob, I nod, "Yeah, remember the time we hung off the beams?" I say a tear rolling down my cheek, "Yeah, when we pretended to fall, the look on everyones face's was priceless!" she says crying now but with a smile on her face. "We used to ome here when we wanted to get away from everyone and everything, we would just stay here for night's listening to music and messing around" I start crying with her looking up at the building before us, "We had so much fun decorating this place, making this family" she smiles looking at me, "I will cherish this place forever" she smiles, "Me too, look after it for me" I smile. She nods, more tears falling from her eye's. "Why did you tell them all you would come see them all again? They're all going to be heart broken, not just the old family, the new one as well" she says hugging me tightly, "I know Jaz, I know but there's nothing I can do" I say trying to stop my tears but failing. "I love each and everyone of you, all the creepypasta's, Maye, Silver, Connor, Mason" I sniffle and carry on, "Callum, Reece, Rose, Marcus, Kyle" I wipe my tears away just to for them to be replaced again. "Chris, Shane, Jason, Dylan, Tom and Callum. Each and everyone one of them, has given me a happy memory and even though I haven't been back long, I had fun" I smile and Jaz just visibly breaks in front of me. "Why?" she say's slumping to the ground, "I told you I have no choice in the matter" I smile softly to her and kneel down, "Remember Jaz, I always loved you, you were like a sister to me and i'm sorry I couldn't stay with you longer, look after this place for me, this place, the club, the apartment and everyone" she nods frantically, "I will! I promis" Another tear slips out of my eye and rolls down my cheek, "I know you will Jaz and i'm sorry" I smile and back away from her. "Don't....Isis! I can't be here without you!" she shouts shaked her head and reaches her hand out to me. I shake my head at her, "Yes, you can, be strong" I say crying all over again. "What does she mean?!" I hear someone shout, my head snaps up to look behind Jaz. I just stand there staring at them all, all the creepypasta's even Ky is there. then behind them everyone comes running up next to them, everyone...I can't hold it up anymore and I fall to the floor crying, "Why?! Why did you come here?" I cry, I'm sorry child, but I couldn't let you go without at least saying goodbye. Behind him, my parents walk in front of him and then Sir walks out. "You promised you weren't leaving so soon" he says and as soon as I hear his voice my heart breaks. "I'm sorry" I say already feeling the tuggin sensation. "Is this why you came back?" he asks, "To say goodbye?" he says his voice cracking. I couldn't say anything, just look at him. The others didn't seem shocked about the creepypasta's, they were too busy trying to figure out what was going on. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to see everyone again before this happened. It was selfish of me i'm sorry! I was going to leave without anyone knowing, apart from Jaz since she was here and wouldn't leave even if I tried" I cry. "That's even worse honey and you know that" my mother says, I lok up at her with tears in my eye's and then the pain in my chest get's worse. I fold in on myself for a while but then regain my posture. "I'm sorry, I love you all, I really do and i'm sorry" I cry out again. Child, i'm sorry I can't do anything to help I smile up at him, "Don't worry about it, i'm surprised I lasted this long" I chuckle and a little bit of blood comes out of my mouth, I spit it out and wipe my mouth. "Can you guys leave? I don't want you to see me like this" I say looking away. "Isis.." I hear a faint whisper and look up and see Jaz crawling towards me. "Isis...Don't leave" she whimpers, and just like that I break down again. "Jaz,, stay back please" I whisper, "No!" she shouts running ro me and enveloping me in a hug. "Why? Why'd you have to leave me here alone?" she cries, Jaz, I don't want it to end like this, please!" I cry. "I'm sorry" she whimper and collapses onto me. "I'll really miss you, you know that! Everyday of my life!" she says hugging me, I stroke her hair and sing her song;

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2014 ⏰

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