Gotta get my stuff

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After dinner we all heading into the living room ro play games, watch anime ad just chill out. Child, I have changed the shhets in your room and other supplies, so your room is usuable. I get up and walk over to Slender, "You didn't have to, I would have done it myself you know." I know you would have child, but you need to get other things from your apartment. "Ok, i'll go now" I smile. "I'll be back soon" I begin to go out the door, when L.J calls me back, "Hey Isis, wait up! I'll come with!" I turn and smile, "Sure, you still remember the way?" "Yeah, ofcourse!" he grins. "good because I'm going to ride Midnight, are you going to teleport?" I ask, "No way! If you're using Midnight I'm definitely riding with you!" We both laugh, You better wear your helmets! Slender shouts, "Fine!" we bouth shout back. "What's Midnight?" E.J asks beore I can even say anything Sally comes in and starts shouting happily. "It's Isis's motorbike! She pushes me around on it sometimes! Since I can't drive it properly!" I smile remembering those times, "I'll push you around tomorrow if we have time" I say, "Well then we're off!" We start to walk off and Ben shouts, "Wait! I want to see it!" The others agree and we go out to the garage, I switch the light on, the first thing they all do is rush in to look for it; no one finds it apart from L.J who always knows where it is. "Haha Midninght I misseed you! We're going for a ride, aren't you happy? Hahaha" Everyone looks at him talking to 'thin air'. I laugh and they all look at me, "Where is it?" "Right next to L.J" They look at us as if we're seeing things. We start laughing again, seriously these guy's facial expressions are amazing! Looks like the camera I left here will have lots of memories stored on it. I walk up to L.J and he moves out of the way, what they didn't notice but L.J did was the shadow, my bikes shadow that is. I crouch down and touch it, "Midnight come out and play" I whisper as the bike starts to form I step back and grab the handles before it fals. Everyone is just staring at me and then the bie. "It's not polite to stare" I laugh as I kick out the side stand. I pull out our helmets from the cupboard nearby. Mind had a painting of the mansion on it, with the moon in the background and L.Js was black and white striped with candy print on it.

"Right see you guy's later" I shout as I start the engine, L.J hopes on and everyone moves out of the garage, I kick away the foot pedal and speed off out of the garage and into the woods; all the while L.J was laughing.

We arrived at my place, it was a big house sorta thing in an apartment building, L.J had already changed into his human form, I park Midnight and we start up the stairs. Once we get in I tell L.J there's some candy in the cupboard; he rushes over to it and starts eating it straight away, I just laugh and grab some before it's all gone. I pack up some stuff to take back with me, the rest i'll come for another time. After I packed what I needed I felt really sleep, I went into the kitchen to see that L.J was still eating the cady. "Hey want to crash here for the night? I can't be bothered to go back yet, i'm sleepy!" I yawn. "Well there's no getting you anywhere when you're tired, plus you get all mushy and want to hug everyone, so I guess it's good I'm here and not one of the others, hahah" "Shush you!" I laugh and glare at him slightly. "I'm gunna go to bed, you can sleep in the spare bed next to it." I say as I turn and go back into the toom, I start getting into my p.js when L.J comes in, he just walks in grabs some spare p.js of his from the spare wardrobe. I finish getting dressed and get into the bed "So much for privacy!" I say laughing, "Hey, I've known you long enough, I've seen it all before, now shut up and go to sleep" he laughs. "For your information, you haven't seen everything! And that's Jeff's line!"I say as I fumble around for my phone, "Shut up and what're you doing?" he asks, "Looking for my phone to text Ben and tell Slender we will be back in the morning" I reply. "Wait when did you get Ben's number?" L.J asks, "This morning, anyways night!" I yawn as I roll over to face his side as I drift off to sleep.

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