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Me and Jaz speed though the roads, "I love riding the bike with you Isis!" Jaz shouts, "Why?" I laugh asking her,  "Because you ride so smooth! And I like the wind in my hair!" she says leaning her head back. I burst out laughing and she glares at me, "Not in that way!" she smiles. We arrive at the school 12 minutes before the others did, so we just hung out and watched the students go into the school, they keep staring at us ad ointing at us. "I wonder if they have photo's of us in there?" I say looking at Ja, "Probably, and there's the stash we hid in the library and other pllaces of us pulling pranks on the teachers" she laughs, "Oh yeah! I forgot about those!" I grin. After about 10 minutes there's only the late students left and then the gang appear. "Hey guy's, us being here has probably spread by now so lets make an entrance!" I shout, "Why dont we do a concert in the dining hall?" Mason says, "We should!" Silver shouts. "Ok!" I smile, "But first let's walk through the secret passages to ever calss!" Maye smiles, "Then we see everyne" she adds on, "Ok" Connor agrees. "Well I guess the first class would be art?" Kyle asks, "Yeah" I smile. "Let's do this!" Marcus shouts. We all walk into the building and to the Art class, "How is everyone's projects" The art teacher says as we walk in, "Hey sir!" Connor shouts ad goes to fit in a spare seat that no ones using "Alright Sir?" "Hi" Me and Jaz say as we sit on the desk, "Hey ir!" Maye says as she goes to sit in her old seat that no one else is using at the moment, "Hey!" Silver says as she leans against the wall. "Sup Sir?" Mason says leaning against the window. "Oh hey Sir!" Kyle laughs going to his seat I presume. Marcus, Rose and Callum stand near the doorway a little awkwardly and smile. "Well, well, well, look who we have here! Oh by the way Isis, you left your sketch pads here!" The teacher says as he goes to the store room and gets them. "Here class let me show you something that will give you inspiration for this project" he says, "Oh are you guy's doing horror?" Jaz says, one of the girls at the front nods. "Cool, Isis is awesome at that!" Maye shouts from the back. "Infact i have them on my laptop, it will easier to show you on the big screen" he says setting it up. "You really don't have too" I shout, "No! I want to see!" Marcus shouts, I look over and smile at him. "Here done!" the teacher says, and flips through them. "Now this one, this one is my favourite" He says as he stops at a particular drawing of a naked lady covered in blood and roses, she's got a robe wrapped around her and holding her arms up as she stands. The roses are black and white with blood splattered on them and she is looking directly at you. I hear a few woahs and things like that around the class. "I don't remember you doing that!" Jaz shout. "She did it at home and brought it in, it's hung up on the wall at the back but it's covered up at the moment. I don't want students ruining it" he says and Connor pulls the sheet down carefully. "Wow!" Reece says, "Yeah yeah, yeah enough! We have to go laugh at other teachers now!" I shout. "Ok spoil sport" Silver grins, "By the way guys, there is a concert in the dining hall at dinner spread the word!" Kyle shouts. Right! Through here guys!" Mason shouts climbing up a ladder and into a doorway at the top of the wall. "Sir! You always said that wasn't real!" some kid in the class shouts, I just laugh as I climb up, "ee ya later sir!" I shout. The next class is another Art class, we're just passing through these!" Jaz shouts to the others as we walk down the path, "Our next stop will be...English!" Connor laughs. We open the door in the next art room and jump down, "Come on, don't be a wuss!" I shout up to everyone as I jump. I look up and notice there are people in here, "Hey Isis" I turn around, "Oh hey Ms Sparks" I say giving her a high five, "You visiting?" she asks, "Yeah, we're going to go see Miss Trafford and some others" I grin, "Oh I see you know Kyle" she says as he jumps down, "Hey Ms" he says, "Well catch you later!" Mason says as we go through the next passing which is the art rack this time, I push it to the side and slide through. "Bye!" Silver shouts, "Right, English here we come" I say, "I'm going to jump on her" Maye laughs, "Have fun with that but remember the class will see us so tell them to shush" Marcus says, "Ok!" she says and goes out first. She puts her finger to her lips as she climbs out and we do the same. Then out of nowhere Maye jumps on Miss, she screams and then stops. "Wait...The onle who jumps on me is Maye!" she laughs, "Aw, no fun!" Maye lauhs and climbs down. "Hey guys!" Miss grins, "You going to be mean to the other teachers again?" she laughs raising her eyebrow. "Yeah" Callum nods. "Ok where next?" Rose says, "Well since the other English room is across the hall and I don't fancy crawling in an air vent today, it will be Maths!" I laugh. "Oohh Miss Trafford here we come" Kyle grins, "Does she still have her tits out?" Connor asks laughing. "Unfortunatly"  Miss sighs, "Right then let's have some fun!" I laugh and puss a book on the bookcase so it moves, "Let's go!" Silver shouts, we walk through and I go first the time, I walk in and just stand there watching everyone from the back, then some kid see's me and screams. "Who the fuck is that?!" he shouts, causing everyone to look at me. "Excuse me, I'm Isis!" I shout walking over and slamming my foot on his desk, he looks up at me shockced and everyone else walks in, "Ahh!" Miss Trafford jumps as Jaz comes up behind her. "I see your tit's are still popping out" I grin and she scowls at me, "What're you donig here!" she shouts. "And Kyle why aren't you in this class?!" she glares at him, "I was partying with these guys last night and they wanted a surprise visit" he shrugs, whilst Miss Trafford is shouting at everyone she doesn't notice me sneak around her. I slap her boob and laugh, "They still swing!" I laugh and sit on the kid's desk behind me. "AH!" she screams and I wink at her, "How dare you!" She shouts, "No, how dare you, swinging those around in front of me all those years and now you're doing it to these lot, you will scar them for life" I laugh, "I bet you the monster in their nightmares" Maye says, "Instead of the boogie monster its the booby moster" Connor grins. "Get out!" she shouts clearly angry, "All we're saying is put those shopping bags away" Silver smiles, "Nice to see you again though, you don't look half bad, just need to put those away" I smile at her and we walk out. "Concert in the dinner hall! Later!" Rose shouts as she leaves, we all laugh and then go to ICT, there is only one annoying teacher in the IT department and thats Mr Walters, he never lets you do work properly, he's too busy talking and saying oh no you don't know how to do that yet, when we've known for years. "This one's mine" ason says. We walk in and Mr Walers is talking about how a student can't touch a certain button or something. "Hello Sir" Mason says and walks towards Sir's computer, we just stand by and watch. "Mason!" he shouts, "Don't touch the computer!" he shouts again and Masn just puts in his US and types in commands quick as a flash and sets up a movie type thing of Mr Walters dancing weirdly and words flashing across saying "Fuck you!" everyone bursts out laughing. "Take it off!" He shouts a little shocked, "Only when you start letting them do their work properly and allowing them to get good grades, let them experiment, the only way to learn is by finding things out themselves dumbass!" Mason shouts and we all walk out again. He writes down a password and takes one of the students number to know when he can change the computer back. We go say to other teaches and spread the word about the concert then we go to the dining hall to tell the dinner lady's to make us fish and chips for dinner and set out the stage for us all. Then we grab some food and walk around the school, "I heard you guy's we're causing a fuss" we turn around and see the head teacher, "Sup sir!" Jaz houts, "Nothing Jasmine" he says smiling and then walks off. "Well what you wanna do?" I say "Well I want to see other teachers" Maye says, "Same here" says Silver. "I wanna set up the stage and things" MAson says, "I'll help you" Connor says, "Ok well, we will all go separate ways then and meet up at dinner?" I say, "Ok" they smile, "I got to go, S needs me to look after Sally" Jane smiles, "Been nice seeing you all again!" shegrins, "See you!" I shout and we all say goodbye as she leaves, "Well i'm going to the art room" I say, "I'll come with" Marcys says, "I'll go with Maye and Silver" Rose says "Ok and I'll go help the guys" Reece says and then they all leave. "Well i'll come with you two" Kyle says and we go to the Art room. "Sir, sorry to barge in again but can we stay in here for a bit, I wanna paint up some of these sketches" I ask when I walk in again, "Sure, there's room in the back" he says as he gets me some things to paint with. "Thanks Sir, you're the best" I smile sitting down, Kyle goes to talk with some of his mates and Marcus comes and sit's next to me. "Well then, show me your magic!" he smiles, "I think I showed you that last night" I wink and laugh as he blushes, "Hey! I meant your artwork" he grins and then Sit puts the stuff on my desk, I smile up at him and let Marcus choose something from the sketch book. "How about this one?" he says pointing to a drawing of a girl falling backwards with wings. "Ok" I grin and set to work.

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