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You only wanna face me when
you're smiling, won't you look me
in the eyes while you are crying.
I know you sick of just sitting,
hiding, come out of your shell Ma
~take a chance~

"Okay guys I think I gotta go I mean I want to have a good view so I can see you perform.",I winked at them as they grinned.

"No I have a better idea.",Tyler said.

"What no?! You already had so many amazing ideas and I am more than thankful for everything you did.",I told him but he only shook his head.

"Melia don't tell me you want to go back to the crowd of girls that made you feel upset.They probably won't even let you get close to the stage.",he was right.

I sighed.

"I can't do anything about it Tyler.",I told him as he only smiled.

"But I can."

"I love when he says that, that always means he has a great idea in his head.",Daniel said walking up to Tyler pointing with his finger at Tyler's head.

"Stay with us.We still have the 2-pack and 4-pack vip coming.You can stay at the back with Zack and I and later you'll have the best view watching the guys perform I promise.",he smiled brightly.

"But you already did so much-",I began.
"Just take the damn offer!",Zach yelled making me wince.

"What he meant to say is that we see you as a friend Melia and we would be nothing but happy for you to join us today.",Corbyn said while Jack hit Zach's head glaring at him disapprovingly.

"Yeah that's what I meant.",Zach rubbed his head staring at Jack.

"Thank you.I appreciate it.",I said after a while smiling at them.

"You're welcome and stop saying that okay we love your company!",Jonah said putting his arm around my shoulders smiling at me.

"Now let's get ready for 2-pack vip.",Tyler clapped in his hands being professional again.

I talked to the boys until the limelights arrived, we laughed and got to know each other more.
When the second meet and greet began, I made my way to the back standing behind Zack who was taking the pictures.I talked to him and watched how he took the pictures.I watched the boys, how kind they were to all their fans and how some reactions were too cute and funny.

One girl jumped right at Daniel making me widen my eyes in surprise turning to Tyler who was chuckling lightly.


After the 4-pack vip finished, the boys walked up to me.
"Now let's go we need to get ready plus we want to show you our hangout room.",Jonah said pulling me up from the ground making me curious.

I was walking behind the boys following them to their room which looked really cool.There was a table, the presents they all got from the limelights, two couches, a big lamp and snacks on the table.

"Wow this looks so cool!",I said in awe.

"Right we love it too, every location is different but the hangout rooms are our favorites.",Corbyn said as I nodded understanding what he meant.

"Okay we're gonna go change real quick, you can relax here I think Eben will be there in a few.",Daniel said making me jump up in excitement.

"No way?!",I yelled.
"What?",Zach asked scared.

"Eben?!",I was grinning widely.
"Yes you like him?",Jack joked.

"I adore him he is amazing!His music is brilliant!",I said jumping up and down all excited.

"Thank you that means a lot!",a voice said making me stop mid jump.I quickly turned around seeing Eben smiling at me.

Oh my god I love him so much.

"Eben hi",I let out a shaky breath.

"Wow she wasn't even that excited when she met us.",Zach said pouting a little.

"I'm sorry I just-I love you all equally.",I turned towards Zach who rolled his eyes.
"Alright I can work with that.",he laughed.

"Who are you?",Eben asked chuckling.
"That is our new friend Melia.",Jack said before leaving to get changed.

"It's nice to meet you Melia.",Eben smiled walking up to me hugging me unexpectedly.

I took his scent in which calmed me down instantly.
"It's nice to finally meet you too Eben."

"Let's sit down, do you want some sweets?",he asked while holding a bag of lollipops at my direction.
I took one and thanked him.

We talked a lot until the boys arrived, I told him why I was here and what happened, it was hard but he had the right to know.I mean I was the one who wasn't supposed to be here but I was and it was surreal.I asked him about his songs and he told me the weirdest stories that happened to him.We took a few pictures and when the boys arrived it was his turn to get ready.I wished him good luck and he waved before he left.

"Are you excited?",Corbyn asked making me nod instantly causing him to chuckle.

"You'll love it I'm sure.",he said.
"You guys look good.",I complimented them as they thanked me.
"Okay Melia are you ready let's go, good luck guys!",Tyler said as I quickly stood up from the couch.
"Bye guys have fun!",I smiled before following Tyler who was walking towards the stage.

"Tyler where are we going?",I asked nervous as ever.

"To the control desk.I'll be there until Eben finishes his set and later Eben will join you and I'll have to leave.",Tyler explained.

"But the people will see me.",I panicked.
"You're very far in the back of the stage and for once just forget about the people, I am here with you and you'll have the best time of your life I can promise you that.",he smiled reassuringly making me take a deep breath before nodding.

He sat down in front of the control desk patting the seat next to him making me giggle slightly.

"Wow the view is amazing!",I gushed out.
"I know.",he smirked.

Suddenly the show began making my eyes almost fall out of my face.

Tyler was right this will be the best experience ever!


[a/n: a little happiness for Melia makes me happy!pls vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter👼🏼]

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