
820 22 11

Can I be honest, for a minute
there was a time when I could
barely find the strength. Nothing
but silence, I'll admit it. Too busy
following, not finding my own way.

The concert was amazing, I danced with Tyler, took a few pictures and videos and enjoyed the show.I was so proud of the boys, the limelights loved their performances and the crowd sang every song as loud as they could.I had goosebumps all over my skin, hearing the fans singing was such a surreal moment.

It was the end of the show and the majority of limelights either left to go home or went to the merchandise stand.

A small group of girls stood at the front of the stage yelling at Eben who was trying to sort out all the cables and just packing the stuff in the boxes.

"Let me help you out.",I went up to him seeing him struggling.

"Are you sure, I mean it's not your job to do that.",he looked at me as I smiled assuringly.
"Of course I'll just roll the cables together and if there's anything else to do just tell me and I'll try to do my best.",I grinned at him.
"Thank you."
The fans were calling out for Eben and I saw that he was struggling with his decision, he wanted to go to them and take a few pictures but he also had to do his job.

"Go down to them and take pictures I'll be fine.Don't worry I'll try to work as hard as you do.",I joked as he looked at me not believing what I just said.
"But-",he started.
"It's fine Eben, that's the only chance they'll probably get to meet you. If I was one of them I'd be also calling for you hoping you'd come down to talk to us.",I smiled.

"Thank you I owe you Melia.",he grinned.
"No you don't I never had so much fun so it's fine.", I shooed him away as he chuckled.

As I rolled a cable I heard a very familiar voice say:
"What is she doing there?She shouldn't be helping you, you should immediately call the security I'm sure she'll steal something that's just how she is.",the rude girl I met today said dismissively.

"She is my friend and I trust her I think I have to call security to get you though you've been harassing my friend here the entire day and I do not tolerate such people.",he smiled as a security guard walked up to her and took her outside.

She was yelling and fighting to get out of his grip but it was useless. 

I'm his friend?
Wow my heart has never been so happy.
I do not deserve all these amazing people who are standing up for me.

"Thank you Eben you didn't have to do that.",I said after he came back to help me to pack everything up.

"Of course, we are friends now and she was annoying anyways so I had to do something.",I laughed at his comment.

"I honestly don't know what the girls told her but it made her hate me so much without even knowing the actual truth.",I said sadly.

"Hey don't worry about her.I learned that if people do not see your worth, they're not worth your time and thoughts.You deserve people who treat you well and who appreciate you, all the others are unnecessary in your life."

"Thank you Eben."
"You say that way too many times Melia, we are happy to be your friends, you just need to accept us.",Tyler came out of nowhere making me jump up in surprise.

"Can you stop doing that?",I laughed.
"Sorry.",he grinned.
"I will try my best not to say it that often anymore I promise.",I told him holding my pinky at him as he only stared at me.
"You really wanna do this?",he asked me skeptically.
"Just do it man!",Eben rolled his eyes making me giggle.

"Pinky promise.",we said in sync.

"Hey Melia before I leave I wanted to give you something.You liked mine so much so I thought I'd give you a present.",he handed me a sweatshirt and a T-shirt.
"No way!Eben oh my god are you serious?!",I yelled looking at the yellow sweater.It was my favorite merch from Eben, I told him that before he went out to get ready for the concert.
The other item was a black T-shirt with a white "Eben" on it.

"Thank-I mean you rock oh my goodness!",I quickly changed the thank you into something else making the two laugh.

"Thank you for real though.",I whispered into his ear as I hugged him and he nodded.

"I hope I'll see you someday again Melia I'll miss you.Do not forget what I told you earlier, you are so much better than those girls.",he gave me one last hug before he left.
I waved and turned towards Tyler who spaced out.
"Tyler everything alright?",I asked him and he quickly regained his position and nodded.

"Yeah, the boys are taking a shower and doing the after show party with you limelights are you coming?",he asked me.

I hesitated.

"I also have another option for you because I knew you'd react that way."
"What if you hang out with the crew for a while until the boys are done and then we'll hang out for a bit before we leave?I mean it will probably also be around 20minutes so it would be the same but in private.",he offered to me as I looked at him.
"That would be amazing.",I whispered.

"You are our friend now Melia it's okay.",he laughed.
"I feel like I don't deserve that though.You have been so sweet to me.",I told him.
"We've been treating you the way you've been treating us and I'm just trying to adjust this situation for you so you also get something out of it.I don't want you to waste so much money for nothing.",he explained.

"Now come on I'll introduce you to Zach's dad.",he suddenly said making me halt in my tracks.



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