
743 25 31

Hurt, I can't shake we've
made every mistake only
you know the way that I break

"We're actually doing this?",I widened my eyes as Corbyn stabilized himself, holding onto both walls.

"Yeah don't worry you don't have to do the same thing Corbyn just did, he's always living on the edge.",Zack joked while I was still uneasy about the situation.

",Zack joked while I was still uneasy about the situation

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Liked by SeaveyDaniel and 255.923 others

corbynbesson betty boop and i love europe
[tagged: @whydontwemusic @zcaspary]

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jonahmarais sick!
↪️ imzachherron you literally lol
↪️ jackaverymusic 😂
seaveydaniel he almost fell guys!!!
he could've died🤦🏽‍♂️
↪️ corbynbesson at least the picture
turned out amazing


"Come here Melia!",Corbyn called his hand stretched out for me to grab.

I felt uneasy about this but I wanted to change and that would actually be a good start to face my fears.

"You got this Melia.",I muttered to myself as I grabbed Corbyns hand. I was suddenly pulled up, my hands instantly held for dear life on the railing while Corbyn chuckled.
"Look you don't even have to do the same thing I did.You stay here and hold onto the railing and I will go on the other side."

[a/n: pretend there's another railing on the right of the picture where he can stand on lol]

He jumped on the other side almost giving me a heart attack.
"Melia just pose and trust us on this, the pictures will turn out amazing!",Zack said while looking through his lens.

I surprisingly did what he said, my feet were firm on the railing because of my 'dress' I couldn't move and I didn't want to, this was already hard enough for me. I put a hand up into the air like Corbyn did but a little more in a feminine way and smiled at the camera.


"See it ain't that bad.",Corbyn grinned as I giggled.


"Okay are we done I think I can't feel my legs anymore.",I urged to get down, heights were just not my thing.

Nothing was actually my thing if I think about it.

"Sure.",Zack laughed.
"Here let me help you.",Jack offered with a sweet smile.

I grabbed his hand but hesitated, I didn't know how to get down again.

"Crouch down I will carry you.",he spoke when he saw my uneasiness.

"You don't have to-"
"Just trust me on this.",Jack said.
"Okay.",I whispered.

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