thirty seven

515 17 8

She said, I think your ears
are playing tricks on you
Sweater zipped up to her chin
Thanks for caring, sir,
that's nice of you
~must have been the wind~

"Tell me Corbs hows Christina?", I asked the blonde boy while we were walking back to the car.

"She's good, she's busy but good. I don't think she'll make it to see you though.", he told me slowly.

My smile dropped.

"Oh it's fine, maybe next time I guess.", I shrugged not looking at his direction.

"Hey Mel-"
"No it's fine really, I mean I'm used to seeing her on the phone so it's all good.", I joked around, he didn't seem to buy it though.

"Hey Mel, be my seat buddy will you?", Jonah asked me as I nodded. Corbyn's eyes were following my every move, I ignored it because I really didn't want to think about it anymore. I was hoping to see her, yes but I also knew that she's busy and we'll have our chance to see each other in real life one day too.

Jack was driving, Zach called shotgun, Jonah and I were behind, Daniel and Corbyn were in the back.

Corbyn and Daniel were whispering behind us, they looked suspicious but I tried to brush it off.
"How's your dog?", I asked Jonah.

"Sawyer is doing good, he's grown so much! Here look!", he showed me a picture of his golden retriever as I let out an 'aw'.

"I think you'll be lucky enough to meet him on New Year's.", Jonah told me.

"Are you serious?", I let out a squeal as he chuckled.

"For sure, I'm positive that Jack will bring his dogs and cat with him too. I mean we can't leave them alone at home on New Years that's just wrong.", Jonah explained as I grinned happily.

"Can't wait for New Year's then!", I exclaimed happily.


"Are we watching a movie tonight?", Zach asked as we entered their house.

"I'm in.", Jack nodded.

"Me too!", I said.
"After that I really need to go to bed though.", I spoke as I walked upstairs with Jack.

"You don't have to stay up if you're tired Mel, don't force yourself.", Jack replied.
"No it's fine really. I don't think I would even be able to fall asleep at 8pm.", I giggled.

I took my pjs and changed in the bathroom, removed my make up and put my glasses on instead.

After that I unplugged my phone from my charger and walked downstairs where Jack, Zach and Jonah were huddled up on the couch.

"What are we watching?", I asked as I plopped myself down next to Jack.

"We were actually waiting for you because we've no clue.", Jack answered.

"Comedy? Action? Romance? Horror?", I listed.

"Comedy.", Jonah replied.
"Action.", Zach and Jack said in unison.

"Horror it is then.", I said, their expressions were hilarious. I giggled lightly and shook my head.

"I was just joking relax."

his sunflower [JACK AVERY]Where stories live. Discover now