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Tomorrow way too far away and
we can't get back yesterday but
we young right now we got right
now so get up right now 'cause
all we got is right now
~right now~

After I finished to take off all my make up and my contacts, I opened the door again and walked into my room seeing Jack snoring lightly.
He was laying in the middle of the bed, his hair was all over the place and his mouth a little open, it was the cutest sight ever.

His glasses were on the table with his phone.
I didn't want to wake him up, he seemed really tired, so I took my phone out and texted Zach on Instagram.He followed me when we were chilling at the venue and right now it really came in handy.

I told him that Jack fell asleep in my room and he surprisingly immediately saw my message, he told me to wake him up at 7am since they had a full day tomorrow.

I set my alarm at 6am so I could get ready before him and laid myself down on the bed, well the rest that was somehow left for me to sleep in.
I put a blanket over him making him slightly move giving me more space to sleep in.

"Goodnight Jack.",I smiled before closing my eyes.


The next day I woke up looking to my right seeing a peacefully sleeping Jack, I smiled at the sight in front of me before turning around heading to the bathroom.

I took a quick shower, put my contacts in and got ready for the day.
I had light make up on my face, my hair was open still a little wavy, I only braided the top of my hair, wore the yellow Eben sweatshirt with black cycling shorts that weren't really visible because of the oversized sweater, nude tights and black oversized boots.

It was a comfortable outfit for me, I enjoyed shoes with a heel and through the years I also learned to walk in them as if they were sneakers, plus I was a small person and it made me somehow feel more confident than I actually was.

I didn't wear them often and I was very anxious about what other people would think about me but I put the thoughts aside and walked out of the bathroom ready to wake Jack up but he was already sitting on the bed playing with his phone.

"Good morning Jack! I was about to wake you up, you need to get ready for an interview, you can use my bathroom to get ready.",I smiled at him.

"Wow.", he looked up, standing up from the bed.

"Do I look weird?",I asked him looking down at my outfit I still wasn't to 100% sure if I wanted to go out like this.

Why has it to matter so much what other people think about me?

Why do I care so much?

"You look good Melia.",Jack smiled assuringly, quickly walking to the bathroom to get ready.

"Thanks.",I said mainly to myself because he was already in the bathroom.


Someone knocked on the door so I quickly walked towards it. Zach's head popped in causing me to take a step back, scaring me a little.

"Morning how did you two sleep?",Zach wiggled his eyebrows as I rolled my eyes.

"Good morning to you too Zach.",I completely ignored his question letting him in.

"Jack's in the bathroom but I'm sure he'll be done soon.",I told him as I went to zip up my suitcase.

"Are you already leaving?",Zach asked as he jumped on the bed.

"No I just packed all my stuff so I wouldn't have to do it later.",I told him and plopped myself down next to him.

"You look good Melia.",Zach smiled widely making my lips curve up in a grin.
"Thank you.",I replied.

"I was a little nervous because well you know me I'm anxious.",I fiddled with the hem of my sweater.

"I'm scared of what other people will think of me.",I whispered.

"Don't be because you're rocking the outfit, plus it's none of their business, you can dress however you like.",he said making me smile.

"You're just a sweetie aren't you.",I joked poking his cheek making him chuckle.

"Are you trying to flirt with me?",Zach joked.
"I'm older than you kiddo so no I'm not flirting, I'm being nice.",I joked back ruffling his hair making him whine in response.

"Oh come on Melia! I just did my hair!",he huffed.

"It looks like you just woke up.",I pointed out.
"And I did indeed just wake up how do you know?",he gasped making me giggle.

"I'm psychic.",I whispered.
"Oh my god!",Zach's eyes widened and he stood up from the bed.

"Can you tell me my future?"
"Sure, your dad just called your mom and you'll get in so much trouble.",I gasped causing his mouth to open wide in shock.

"Oh god-",he panicked.
"I was just-",I began.
"They will lock me in-"
"Zach just listen for once will you-"
"They will force me to cook and I can't cook at all I'm horrible at this-",he rambled.
"I WAS JUST JOKING!",I yelled laughing afterwards causing his head to turn towards me.

"Oh you did not just joke about that?!",he said dramatically.
"Zach what are you doing?",I asked scared of what he was capable of.
"Revenge.",he smirked walking up to me as I started to back away.

Suddenly the door of the bathroom opened making me fall backwards.
"Oh gosh no.",I closed my eyes ready for the fall but strong arms grabbed me under my arms heaving me up.

"Melia are you okay?",Jack asked worriedly.
"I'm fine, Zach was just about to-",I stopped myself not knowing what he actually was about to do.
I quickly walked behind a confused Jack who had no idea what was going on.

"Jack please leave I need to tickle Melia real quick.", if you put a halo over his head and some wings on his back it would seem as if he was an angel...a good boy.

But this dude was up to no good!


[a/n: I love the relationship between the boys and Melia, it's slowly turning into a real one and I love that!Zach is up to no good lmao typical Zach I'm not surprised.pls vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter👼🏼]

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