fifty one

483 18 11

Can we block out
all that noise?
Don't let it get
under our skin
I'mma fight for you,
I won't let you go

The next morning I woke up early, so I could prepare the breakfast that I promised I would make. While I made some eggs, I danced around like a maniac listening to Mayores by Becky G.

"I didn't know you could speak Spanish.", another voice startled me. I flinched, turned around slowly not ready for the embarrassment.

Jack just heard me sing like a whale while I moved like a dysfunctional hyena...great.

"I had it for three years at school, until I had to decide if I wanted to continue with French or Spanish. All our Spanish teachers were shit so I went with French. I still understand a lot though which is pretty cool if I may say so myself.", I explained as he walked up to me and shoved me to the side.

"Is there anything you can't do?", he asked me.

I looked into his eyes dumbfounded.

"Are you serious right now? I can't sing nor dance if you haven't realized it by now. I also can't skate, there are actually a lot of things I can't do.", I babbled as he shook his head.

"The list of things you can do is much longer though.", he winked taking the plates out of the cabinet.

Damn you and your smoothness Avery!

"Shut up and set the table Avery.", I said irritated, mainly with myself, I was once again red as a tomato and I hated it.

"So...uh...don't you have your date with Daniel today?", Jack asked scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah why?", I asked him confused.

"We can go skate another time then, I don't want to stand in between your date.", he said weirdly.

"Jack it's fine, the date is at 5pm, we can go skating and return in time so I can get ready. Don't worry about it. I want to spend as much time with you as possible, I mean I'm leaving in a few days again so-", he stopped me mid sentence.

"You're right, let's not think about that. Let's just enjoy the time together.", we smiled at each other, suddenly other voices could be heard in the distance, meaning that everyone was up and ready for breakfast.


"Oh my god baby Mel, this is fantastic!", Zach gushed, his mouth full.

"Baby Mel?", Corbyn said confused, Jack choked on his eggs.

"It's his nickname for me, I call him fluff, I think it fits him.", I explained as Jonah chuckled. Tina giggled still looking at Jack who was having a hard time breathing.

"Do you need some water?", I asked worriedly as he nodded still coughing.

"Dude I don't know why you're being so dramatic over this but you and I know damn well that the nickname is perfect so shut up.", I could hear Zach say as I entered the kitchen to get a water bottle.

"He's right...for once in his life.", Daniel spoke as I handed Jack his water bottle.

"I just- I...I wasn't ready for Zach to say that. It sounds weird at first but uh...shit I almost died...uh yeah Daniel is right it does fit you Mel.", Jack coughed out, barely breathing, after he finally regained his breath, we continued our breakfast and talked about our plans today.


"Alright Tina, I'm gonna head out with Jack, I'll see you later. You gotta help me with my outfit, I really hope Daniel gave you some clues because I don't want to be overdressed or underdressed, that would be embarrassing-", I babbled.

"Calm down Lia, breathe!", she giggled as I calmed down.

"I know everything, I'll make you ready for the date don't worry, you will enjoy today and be yourself, you hear me?", I nodded but before I left she stopped me.

"Have fun with Jack.", she winked making me roll my eyes.

"Sush we are best friends that's it.", I spoke but I could hear her "Yeah right." even from miles away.

I put a shirt on, some pants and black Vans, my hair was up in a bun and my make up simple.

I put a shirt on, some pants and black Vans, my hair was up in a bun and my make up simple

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"Ready?", Jack opened the door for me as I smiled and nodded. He held two skateboards in his hands, the one I gave him for Christmas and another one that was plain yellow on the back.

"I hope so.", I giggled.

"After today you'll be a pro.", he grinned handing me the yellow board.

"It's my lucky board, plus it's yellow, your favorite color that makes it an even luckierer board for you", he joked making me giggle lightly.

"Let's go, there's a skater park just a few minutes from here, do you think you can drive on your skateboard? It's just straight forward, barely any turns.", he looked at me, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion making him look even cuter than he already was.

I really need to stop thinking all that.

"I can try.", I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. We walked out and as we stepped on the street, I put the board on the ground. I stood on it, looking at Jack and how he stood on his with ease. He pushed himself with his left foot and I did the same but instead of being a few meters further like my board, I was on the ground, small pebbles were on my hands. I quickly shook it all away but Jack saw them nevertheless.

" the hell did you manage that?", he joked lightly but worry was written all over his face, he helped me up, his hands were steadying me around my waist, that made me even more nervous than I was before.

"I told you I suck at it.", I shrugged, he chuckled.

"Okay I'll help you, stand on your board and hold my hands.", he instructed and I obeyed.

His warm hands felt good on my sweaty ones. I wouldn't be surprised if he would be disgusted by now, but a snarky comment never came.

Instead, he looked at me encouragingly smiling the entire time.

His hands went around my waist, instructing me how to put my weight and explaining to me how I should lean on one side if I wanted to turn to that direction.

"You need to stop that.", I breathed out shakingly.

"What do you mean? Instructing you? Sunshine-"

"No, you need to stop touching me like that, like you mean it.", I looked away, shocked by my sudden outburst.

Melia what the hell?

His eyes were wide, he suddenly realised that my breathing was uneven, his shocked expression turned into a very attractive smirk.

"Like this?", he asked, putting his hands back on me.

"Yes.", I let out, I wanted it to be firm but I failed...bad, really bad.

He was even closer than before, I could feel his breath on my nose, I could see the crinkles he always had when he smiled, it was one of the things that I loved about him.

Hold up.

Did I? Did I just say that?



[a/n: the turn tables u guys have a fav breakfast?if yes what is it?👼🏼]

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