sixty six

374 16 29

Lay your lovin'
down upon me
Let it rain down
on my body
~bury me~

_____________Lay your lovin' down upon meLet it rain down on my body~bury me~_____________

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Liked by tatedoll and 5.673 others

MeliaBrighton dream come true🤩😭

View all 822 comments

tatedoll I've never seen someone this excited before...except me when I see food
↪️wdwfan1 mood
↪️wdwfan2 wait are they ALL in Disneyland omg?!
↪️wdwfan3 no way I went yesterday😩😭
DantonFaye you bitch I'm jelly🥺🖕🏼😤
↪️MeliaBrighton i bought u a lil sth sth tho😗✌🏼
↪️wdwfan4 a lil sth sth😂might use that from now on, I can't lmao
↪️wdwfan5 i wanna go to Disneyland now😭
↪️DantonFaye nvm i luh yuh v much
↪️wdwfan6 this is my bff and I 😂
beautychickee my girls + @DantonFaye ❤️
↪️DantonFaye am I a boy or wtf are u accusing me of?😤
↪️MeliaBrighton 💀and I oop-
↪️wdwfan7 i wheezed
By.brittany hope you're having a great time!😊 hurts to see that you aren't showing your true face though
↪️wdwfan8 finally someone who's telling the truth about this bitch


We all had a great day at Disneyland, we were tired so we were on our way back home. Jack's group didn't think it would be important to inform us that they left early. After we called Zach who told us that they were already at home we made our way to the car.

"Hold up. We are six people.", Tatum exclaimed causing Jonah to let out a sigh of annoyance.

"Why are they like that?!", Corbyn shook his head in disappointment.
"Someone's gotta sit on a lap then.", Tina shrugged, her eyes met mine, a wide smirk on her face.

"No.", I mouthed shaking my head vigorously.
"Mel is volunteering, great! Just sit on Daniel's lap.", Corbs waved off dismissively.

You little-

I was hitting him and his girlfriend in my head.

The girls sat in the back leaving some space for Daniel, who seemed to enjoy my embarrassment.
"No funny business mister!", my finger was hitting his chest playfully.
"I would never.", he exclaimed, winking right after.

I slowly but awkwardly sat down on Daniel, he took a deep breath causing me to tense up.
"Am I heavy?", I whispered panicking a little.
"It's not that.", he whispered back, his arms were now around my stomach stopping me from moving around like a stressed little girl that I am.
"Stop moving beautiful.", his now raspy voice whispered in my ear causing goosebumps to form all over my skin.

That's when I realized what he actually meant by moving. My eyes widened in shock, I was coughing like a maniac because I choked on my own spit.

"Are you okay beautiful?", Daniel asked worriedly as I only nodded. The two girls next to us were laughing uncontrollably enjoying my suffering.

There's one thing I do know though.

It's gonna be a long drive, that's for sure.


Jack's group was in Jack's room laughing loudly, yelling occasionally. Jonah and Corbyn seemed fed up by the situation but nevertheless ignored the other group and suggested to have a movie night. We ended the night with another Disney, Hercules.

I snuggled myself next to Daniel who seemed to enjoy it too. Somehow we all ended up asleep, either on the couches or some bean bags that Jonah brought from his room.

The next morning I got woken up by my phone which was ringing uncontrollably. I immediately woke up and answered the phone not really looking at the name. I barely saw anything, my eyes were still blurry from waking up so fast. I walked to the kitchen and rubbed my eyes, it was Isla. She was trying to hold back a laugh, I could see it in her eyes. I finally saw my appearance on the phone, I almost bursted out laughing, now understanding why she thought it was so funny. My hair was like a bird nest, so many knots and all over the place.

"Good Morning angel what's up!", I finally spoke up, my voice hoarse.

"Good to know that you are no morning person.", she giggled while I tried to give her a stern look but I failed chuckling with her.

"Shush now. What are you doing?", I sat on the bar stool and filled a glass with some water when she spoke.

"I saw your pictures and stories on Instagram! So you finally went to Disneyland!", she exclaimed excitedly.

"Jack wanted to make a big deal out of it so he planned everything already months before you would arrive!", she told me, I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What did he plan?", I asked now curious.
"Oh you know, going to Disneyland, meeting all your favorite characters, like the Beauty and the Beast, buying you the entire merch store and just going on every ride you want! You did that right?", I was more than stunned.

He had all this planned for yesterday?

"Uh- yeah sure it was amazing!", I lied, I couldn't bring myself to tell her that Jack and I weren't friends anymore. I hope that he'll tell her eventually. If he doesn't I'll have to do it myself and I don't know how I'm supposed to do it. I can't bear to see her cry.

"Next time you, Reese and I have to go together with you guys! Reese always wanted to go there and I want to go again but with you it would be so much fun!", she said happily, I nodded while my mind wandered elsewhere.

"You're leaving today right?", she asked then sadly.
"Yeah my flight's at 6pm.", I told her, my mood suddenly changing too.
"I will miss you.", she pouted, my eyes were glossy.
"I'll miss you too angel."
"We will ALL miss you!", Ava came bursting into the room making me laugh.

"Tell everyone I said hi and that I love them all, I gotta go now.", I said waving lightly.
"Text us when you arrive.", Ava said, Isla gave me a quick kiss, I did the same and ended the call.

I will miss this family a lot.

I walked back to the living room where everyone was still peacefully asleep. Daniel looked like a god, his lips were slightly parted, his one hand on his stomach and the other next to his head. I couldn't resist and outlined his features with my fingertips. His smooth hair, that looked the best when he put no gel in it, his thick dark eyebrows that fit him so well, his cute nose, his beautiful tasty lips I would probably miss the most and his ocean blue eyes that could capture any girl within his radius.

He captured me, that's for sure.

What I don't know is if he captured my heart yet.
I still have to find it out I guess.

"Morning beautiful.", and his voice and nickname for me is another thing that I'll miss so freaking much it hurts thinking about it.

But today is the day.


[a/n: I apologize for being late AGAIN this week was a tough one and I feel like the next won't be easy either, cross your fingers for me maybe I'll write some chapters ahead for you today🥺I'm extremely sorry pls don't hate me! If you guys vote maybe I'll update the drafted chapters sooner tho and you'll be able to read the sequel faster than expected👀 vote and comment ily guys!👼🏼]

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