forty one

529 17 9

Hold me close so
I don't drift away
I'm gonna find

"I'm gonna go and unpack, Lia is gonna help me! See you later boys!", she gave Corbs a quick peck on the lips before dragging me upstairs to Corbyn's room.

She closed the door and threw her suitcase on the bed, she looked determined. Her arms were crossed and an eyebrow arched.

"Where do I start?", I plopped myself down on the floor, I was sitting with my legs crossed.

"Well the last thing you told me was what happened at Christmas. But I feel like Daniel and you got closer?", she was smirking.

"Okay let me explain. When I got here...uh how do I explain this? So Daniel told me that he liked me? He told me that he doesn't want to rush anything if I don't feel comfortable enough and I don't know...we talked and got closer. Sometimes there is this tension...where I can feel that we are more than just friends or well want to be. It's weird to explain but we're attracted to each other...I think and he's just really amazing", I gushed, my cheeks were pink.

Daniel and I's relationship is hard to explain.

"And he might have just asked me to go out with him on a date.", I whispered.

"WHAT!", she yelled loudly causing me to widen my eyes. I tried to shush her but she was going wild!

"Oh my fucking god I knew it! Shit this is so much better than a show holy shit I need some popcorn!", she was jumping up and down.

"Shut the hell up Christina or they will hear you!", I whisper yelled at her.

"Oh come on no offense but they're stupid they aren't even capable of eavesdropping and you know it.", she rolled her eyes while opening her suitcase.

Sadly she was right.

Sometimes they are just slower than everyone else, especially Zach.

Okay mainly Zach.

"Anyway tell me when is the date? Where are you going? What will you wear?", she bombarded me with questions.

"Uh it's the day after tomorrow and I have no clue where we are going.", I said sheepishly.

"Oh my god girl you need to ask him?! You need to know what to wear!", she told me making me nod.

"I've no experience with boys whatsoever so I don't even know what's essential to know for a first date.", I shrugged.

"Okay don't worry I got you girl.", she said before she began to explain to me how everything worked.


After Christina finished unpacking she decided to take a shower so I took all the presents and walked into Jack's room.
He was laying on his bed scrolling through his Instagram feed.

"Hey noodle doodle! I got a little something for you it's my Christmas present for you.", I told him excitedly.

He turned around, a frown visible.
"But we said no presents."

"Yet you wanted to pay for my flight.", I trailed off.

"That's something completely different Mel and you know it!"
"No, shut up. Your Christmas present was the money and now I'm just giving you yours and we will not argue about this now sit and open up squidward!", I demanded causing a slight grin to form on his lips.

"Alright fine.", he took the bag out of my hand but before he opened it he looked up to me and said:
"I'm proud of you Melia. We are already so close that you're comfortable to break out of your shell more and by day and I-...we appreciate it so much. We know how hard it was for you and we're always gonna have your back no matter what."

"Thank you Jack.", I was grinning happily.
"Now open up!", I urged causing him to laugh.

" This is too much!", his eyes were big, the skateboard was in his hands, he seemed very shocked.

"Jack shut up there's more.", I chuckled handing him a smaller bag.

"Woah this is dope! A lion necklace, Mel I don't know what to say. Thank you I love it a lot!", he was beaming.

"Let me put it on real quick.", he fiddled with the necklace, I could see that he was indeed struggling to put it on.

"Give it to me, I'll do it.", I sat behind him snatching the necklace out of his hands.

As I put the necklace around him, my hands touched his neck, I could see the goosebumps all over the area I just touched. My pulse seemed to speed up its pace causing my hands to become sweaty, I hated it.

"Uh t-there you go.", I stuttered before I stood up quickly trying to get away from this awkward situation.

"R-right thank you Mel.", he coughed awkwardly, but before anything else could happen I took the bags and walked out of his room.

"I gotta hand out these gifts I'll uh see you later!", I said quickly.

Oh my gosh what the hell was that?

I want to punch myself!

That was just embarrassing!

As I shook my head I saw Zach eyeing me weirdly, a blush formed its way on my cheeks.

Why do I always put myself in these awkward situations???

I am socially awkward it's awful.

"So...what just happened?", the cute fluff ball in front of me asked me.

"Nothing Zach forget it. Can we go to your room real quick? I want to show you something!", I said excitedly.

"Okay weirdo lets go!", he shrugged before dragging me towards his room.

It was actually the first time I saw his room, I didn't want to intrude before and I understood that he probably also wanted his privacy.

His room was messy, but since my nephew and niece don't know that the word 'clean' exists, I was actually used to it. Clothes were laying on the floor, shoes all over the least the bed was free from his clothes, still messy but no clothes.

"Messy just like your hair, I love it!", I laughed, he chuckled patting the seat on the bed next to him.

"Alright close your eyes fluff.", I spoke as I put the bags down.

"Fluff?", he tilted his head in confusion but his eyes were closed.

"I think the new nickname fits don't you think so too?!"


"Right?! I love it too!", I replied happily totally ignoring his remark.


[a/n: haven't been on here for a while now and it hurts because I want to write but I've no time whatsoever🥺 who's your fav character?👼🏼]

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