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What I really wanna know my baby,
what I really wanna say is,"there's
just one" way back, and I'll make it,
my soul will have to wait

I said my goodbyes to Zack and Eben who were staying at the hotel making sure Jonah wouldn't do anything stupid. The others piled up in front of the car waiting for me to put my suitcase in the back of the car with Tyler's help.

"Don't you dare forget me when you're yelling at the boys for not listening to you Seavey!", I joked as he laughed.

"Don't worry Melia, I'm not gonna let you go that easily.",he smiled as the boys entered the car. Tyler was our driver today and I was praying for this to work. He did have a navigation but I honestly had no clue if he would feel comfortable to drive around here. Munich was a very busy city and driving around with a car takes just longer than the subway or train.

"Zach what are you doing?", Corbyn snorted looking at the youngest boy in the group.
"I'm praying Corbyn.", Zach answered in a duh tone.

"Thank you dude, I appreciate it really.",Tyler's voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"Don't worry we'll get there on time.", Jack assured me putting his hand on my thigh.

Honestly Jack I'm trying to breathe please stop.

"Yeah it's not like we're always late.",Daniel said next to Tyler. He called shotgun and I wasn't sure if he actually thought it through because he seemed a little tense.

"Don't worry Melia we will make it!",Tyler said ignoring all the boys who were pretty pessimistic about it.

"I know, I'm fine Tyler! I feel like I'm the only one that's trusting you right now though.",I giggled looking at the boys who were checking almost every two seconds if their seatbelts were put in correctly.

"That is exactly why you're my favorite! Thank you Melia I appreciate it!", he smiled brightly.

"Rude. I'm you're brother dude.", Daniel muttered under his breath but we heard him all clearly.
I giggled looking out of the window.


"Okay I don't think you'll find a parking spot here Tyler, seriously it's all packed here. I'm just gonna get my suitcase and leave it's fine, thank you so much for the ride.",I said making myself ready to leave.

"Wait we are coming with you of course!",Jack said while the others nodded immediately.

"Guys you wouldn't know how to get back!",I answered back.

"Look I'm just gonna wait at this spot over here and if I'm not there just call me guys and it'll be fine.",Tyler said.

"See we're fine, now let's go!",Zach said about to push Corbyn away so he could get out.

"Stop!",Tyler ordered making Zach halt.
"Corbyn please take care of everyone, if just one of you guys gets lost you'll call me immediately.", Corbyn nodded.

"Why is Corbyn in charge?",Daniel whined.
"I would've chosen Jonah but he isn't here.",Tyler answered plainly causing me to chuckle.

"Am I not reliable?",Daniel asked dramatically.
"No.", the guys answered in sync causing him to look at the boys fake hurt.
"I really love you guys but if you don't shut up and get out of this car right now I'll leave on my own.",I sighed.
"Right right we are late!",Daniel widened his eyes quickly getting out of the car.

I gave Tyler a weird hug since I was sitting behind him and he couldn't turn around.
"Thank you for everything.Whoops I said it again byeee.",I ran out of the door only a muffled laugh could be heard.

Jack already had my suitcase next to him. Tyler drove away with the van, leaving the boys and I alone.

"Okay please just hold onto each other because I really don't want you to get lost.",I said looking at the boys spotting Zach standing next to completely strangers not even realizing his mistake.

I walked up to him and grabbed him by his arm dragging him towards the boys.
"It wasn't even the first second I can't believe you Zach!",I shook my head walking towards the train station.

"Honestly we all knew it would happen.",Jack shrugged next to me.
He dragged my suitcase with him while I tried not to lose any of the boys, especially Zach.
He wanted to stop every five seconds but my grip on his arm was tight and I had no time to fuss around.

"Okay I only have three minutes left guys the train is over there I can see it!",we ran towards the train which was pretty much at the very back of the train station.
"We got a present for you Melia this is from us all, a reminder that we're your friends and we're always there for you.",Daniel said out of breath as we finally stood next to the door.
Daniel handed me a black why don't we sweater as I looked at all of them confused.

My eyes were mainly focused on Jack, he knew they would give me this and he still wanted to give me his sweater?


"Thank you guys, you didn't have to do that! I will miss you, text me.",I smiled hugging Daniel,Corbyn, Zach and lastly Jack.

"Text me when you get home.",Jack smiled giving me a tight hug, one last time I took in his beautiful scent before letting go.
I waved and walked through the open doors of the train with my suitcase in front of me.

The second I stepped onto the train, it started moving signalizing that I almost missed it.

Oh my god!

What a day.

I let myself plop down onto an empty two seater.
My suitcase was next to me, which meant that no one could sit next to me because my luggage was taking the space instead.

I looked at the sweater that was on my lap and smiled.

I couldn't believe what happened yesterday and even today, this is wild!

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I couldn't believe what happened yesterday and even today, this is wild!

I took my headphones out of my backpack and opened my Spotify, it was enough time to listen to some music and organize all the thoughts in my head.

Santeria by Sublime started playing, causing a big smile to form on my lips.

I loved this song, it was soothing and exactly what I needed right now.


[a/n: kinda cute that everyone is giving her a present...I want sweaters for free too pls thank you very much!!!Please give this chapter a vote and comment if you enjoyed it👼🏼]

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