twenty three

563 18 4

I'm tryin' to hold my breath
Let it stay this way
Can't let this moment end
You set off a dream in me
Gettin' louder now
Can you hear it echoing?
Take my hand
Will you share this with me?
~never enough~

"You're literally the only one who's standing up for him no matter what so he should be happy that you're still by his side.",Jack suddenly came from behind, his hair wet and only some sweatpants on.

No way...holy shit!

Oh my god.

Thank you.

"By the way who gave you the right to call Melia from my phone?",Jack looked at the boys, mainly to Zach.


"Hm what? It wasn't me!",he yelled running away from him, Jack wasn't even bothered enough to catch him.

"How are you Melia?",Jack asked smiling at me.

I love his smile so much, whenever he smiles or laughs it's like the entire world becomes so much brighter. It's like all my problems fade away in a matter of seconds and it's like I, myself become so much happier because of him.

"I'm good, I just ate and I think I'm gonna watch Halloween town now.",I told them.

"Aren't you going out?", Zach asked confused.
"Yeah Christina told me you're clubbing tonight?", Corbyn said as confused as Zach.

This girl! I can't believe her!

"You don't wanna go.", Daniel figured.

"No it's not that! It's just...I don't have a costume and I'm not sure if Faye wants to go or not.", I let out a sigh.

"So...go alone.", Jonah shrugged.

"Funny.", I laughed.

"I'm serious.",he replied.

"So am I.",I told him.

"Ask her again Mel, I'm sure she wants to go. You'll regret it if you don't go now.", Jack told me making me think about it once again.

"You're right, it's just...I don't know...I wanted it to be something special I guess and now I don't even have a damn costume.",I explained.

"If you want the night to be special you have to go with the exact same motivation into the night. You can't just expect it to be special without even trying to make it the best night of your life. If you go out with the thought that you have no costume and it'll be boring that's exactly how the night will turn out and you don't want that am I right?",Jack asked.

"No I don't want that.", I mumbled.

"See? Now you better go and get ready for tonight and have the best night of your life or I won't call you tomorrow!", he threatened.

"Alright alright I'll go, dang fine.",I replied playfully annoyed.

We all know I was more than excited about today.

"We're gonna go now it's really late but it was nice to see you again Mel have fun tonight.", Daniel grinned, the boys waved at me as I waved back.

"Goodnight guys have fun tomorrow!",I smiled.

" that they're finally gone, let me tell you about our day!", Jack said making me laugh.

I loved how normal our calls have become, I can't imagine not calling him almost everyday now.


"Go inside Jack it's past midnight and you have to be up early tomorrow. Plus why are you even outside on the balcony it's cold!?", I told him after a while.

"I wanted my privacy! Zach would've probably talked in between while annoying the shit out of me. I wanted to have a normal conversation with you and when the guys are around it's almost impossible because they all want to talk to you. And I don't like to share.",he mumbled the last sentence probably thinking I wouldn't hear it but damn was he wrong, I heard every single little thing.

My heart made a leap. Did he really just say that to me? Oh my god that was probably the cutest thing a guy has ever said to me...mainly because no guy ever said anything nice about me...but yeah you get what I mean.

"Well we barely talk so I cherish our small talks.", I explained it to him.

"You know that they can also call you with their phones right?", Jack sounded a little annoyed.

"But you also have to understand them, we do text but they barely have time to talk to their family and friends and there isn't always so much to talk about maybe they don't want me to feel awkward.", I shrugged.

"Whatever.",he let out a huff.

"Go inside mister or you'll get a cold.", I scolded.

"Alright mom!",he groaned walking inside.

"Zach is already asleep.", Jack whispered.

"Look.", he turned his camera showing me a peacefully sleeping Zach.

His hair was a mess, his mouth a little open and his hands on the sides of the bed. He used the entire space while laying on his stomach, it was very cute.

"I wanna hold your hand.", Jack sang silently I wanna hold your hand by the Beatles.

I was laughing my ass off while he put his hand into Zach's singing so passionately about it.

"Please stop.", I whispered feeling awful for laughing.
Zach was stirring and it looked like he was about to wake up any second.

"Goodnight Jack sleep well and have fun tomorrow.", I whispered.

"Goodnight Mel, have fun tonight, you gotta tell me everything tomorrow.",he winked.

"For sure.", I nodded before ending the call.

"What do I wear for tonight?!", I asked myself groaning loudly.


"Don't tell me you're watching Halloween Town right now.", Christina answered my FaceTime call.

"No I'm too worried about what kind of costume I'm going to wear! I don't have the time to worry about any monsters coming to my town right now!", I exaggerated causing her to let out a laugh.

"Dang you're taking this Halloween thing seriously.",Christina mumbled.

"Of course Tina this is my first ever Halloween that I want to celebrate so I want it to be the best night possible. Jack told me if I start with a positive and optimistic mind it'll also turn out good so I turned my frown upside down and started searching for a costume but guess who has no fucking idea what to wear?! Exactly me!", I yelled frustrated letting out a groan.

"Did you just call me Tina?",Christina asked me.

Oh shit.


[a/n: oh god Melia what did you do?!🤦🏽‍♀️ leave a vote or comment if you enjoyed this chapter and want more👼🏼]

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