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In this whirlwind that I'm in
I can forget where I've been
But I know it feels like home
When you're around

"Tina?", my voice suddenly hoarse.

The girl dropped her suitcase on the ground and ran towards me, her arms wide and her smile reaching her eyes.

She was way too fast, her energetic self collapsed onto my tiny body as I let out an 'oof'. Both of us landed on the ground laughing our asses off.

"We didn't plan this right.", I commented as she nodded her head laughing.

"Fuck, my back hurts.", Tina groaned slowly heaving herself up.

"Your back hurts? What about mine?", I winced, almost immediately Daniel's hand reached for mine helping me up.

"Thank you Daniel.", he smiled.
Christina wiggled her eyebrows at me as she snuggled herself into Corbyn. I only pulled my tongue out at her, my eyes searching for her suitcase that was still on the ground. I reached down, pulling her suitcase with me while everyone else had a funny look on their face.

"What?", I asked them confused handing Tina her suitcase, Corbyn took it instead.

"You're cute.", Christina commented putting her arm around my shoulder happily.

"What did I do again?", I rolled my eyes.

"It wasn't your job to pick up my stuff yet you did it as if it was almost as a matter of course for you to do it."

"You had a six hour flight and you probably haven't seen your boyfriend in ages, I just thought I'd do it quickly. It's no biggie.", I shrugged not really seeing why they're making such a big deal out of it.

"You don't even know how happy I am to finally see you Lia!", she hugged me once again causing me to giggle.

"It's great to see you too Tina. We've a lot of catching up to do!", I was grinning.

"But I've missed you too!", Corbyn could be heard in the back, Christina waved him off.

"Baby I've seen you a few weeks ago, don't be so selfish you need to share.", she patted his head as he let out a huff. The boys chuckled and entered the van.
"We're gonna go to Wendy's alright?", Jack asked, he was smirking at me knowing damn well that I always wanted to eat at Wendy's.

"Oh my god yes thank you!", I squealed excitedly, Zach flinched next to me totally not expecting my outburst.

"You love Wendy's?", Zach sounded hopeful.
"I've never been in the US before so how could I possibly know if I love them?",I asked him arching an eyebrow.

"Well you sound excited?", he said confused.

"She always wanted to try their burgers, she has seen so many YouTube videos and posts on insta about them, she basically knows every single meal that's on the menu by heart but she's never tried it before. Whenever we would FaceTime she wouldn't shut up about it. I'm pretty sure she'll love it just as much as you do Zach.", Jack answered.

"That's why you always wanted to go to Wendy's...I thought you were doing Zach a favor.", Corbyn snorted.

"Nope, I forced him almost every single day to get a different burger and tell me how it tastes. I was literally watching him eat, that's how obsessed I am with their burgers.", I said sheepishly as the guys laughed.

"Yeah I know it sounds stupid alright I just-ugh I don't even know why I'm justifying myself.", I shook my head as they kept laughing.

"Shut up.", I pouted.
"Welcome to Wendy's, burger buddy!", Zach high fived me before heading out of the car. He dragged me to Wendy's making me almost fall on my face.

"Slow down will you!", I yelled.
"NO.", he yelled back.


"Oh my god, this is heaven!", I moaned while Zach nodded, his eyes were closed.
"I think I'm in burger heaven.", he said, his mouth full but he didn't seem to care.

"This is embarrassing.", Jonah shook his head completely done with us.

"Aw come on man, you love Wendy's admit it already!", Zach nudged him teasingly.

"I do but I'm not making these weird noises while eating my burger like you are!", he scoffed, Jack's lips left a chuckle.

"Rude.", Zach rolled his eyes.

"Shut up.", Jonah huffed.

"No you shut up!", Zach started to fight.

"Shut up the both of you and eat your damn burgers!", Christina yelled, their eyes big, no one dared to say anything else.

"We gotta hurry, Tyler's coming to our house to pick us up. We're going sightseeing.", Daniel said looking at his phone probably reading a message from his brother.

"Alright let's go, I need to shower and change.", Christina clapped in her hands before standing up from her seat. Everyone took their trash and threw it into a trash can before leaving.

"I'm excited to see Tyler again, I've missed him a lot!", I told Daniel as he was walking next to me, our hands brushing every now and then.

"Ouch that hurts!", he said playfully causing me to giggle loudly.

"You're awful!", I laughed.

"No, I just love seeing you smile!", he grinned making me look into his mesmerizing eyes.

How is he real? I don't understand.

"You're making me blush again.", I shoved him.

"That was my intention.", he smiled.

"Hey Mel?""Yes Daniel?""Do you want to go out with me?""Like a date?", I was stuttering by now

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"Hey Mel?"
"Yes Daniel?"
"Do you want to go out with me?"
"Like a date?", I was stuttering by now.
"Yeah.", he seemed nervous too.
"When?", I was smiling big.

"The day after tomorrow?", he asked making me nod almost immediately. We were both blushing furiously as we entered the van. I was sitting next to Tina who was wiggling her eyebrows at me while I just rolled mine laughing lightly.

"I feel like I missed a whole season of 'Lia's life' and I am so excited to hear about everything. I want all the details, don't you dare spare anything! This is honestly better than keeping up with the kardashians and that's saying something.", my eyes were wide open.

"Remind me why we're friends again?", she slapped my shoulder rolling her eyes.

"Because we're pretty, pretty and pretty equals power."

"No it doesn't Tina-"
"Let me have this one moment for once will you!"
"Alright damn. I mean you're so right whaaaaat we are the power-", my voice was so fake and weird, all in all it was just wrong but it made us laugh.

"Oh my god! Never! And I mean never do that again shit I can't breathe!", Christina wheezed making me laugh only harder.

The boys were probably weirded out, we sounded like hyenas.

Sorry about that boys.

We can't help it.


[a/n: fuck I missed tia...honestly who needs daniel or jack if you can get a friendship like TIA!!!👼🏼]

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