
462 22 61

My eyes don't shed
tears but boy they
bawl when I'm
thinkin 'bout you
~thinkin bout you~

______________My eyes don't shed tears but boy they bawl when I'm thinkin 'bout you~thinkin bout you~______________

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Liked by SeaveyDaniel and 7.913 others

MeliaBrighton it's my birfday🥺👉👈

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beautychickee so THIS is a look!!! and my fave human🥺happy birthday bitch I love you🖤
DantonFaye her best birfday just bc of me😏👀
tatedoll you sexy beast👁👄👁
↪️MeliaBrighton rawr?
imzachherron another year older grandma❤️
↪️MeliaBrighton i should be offended but I know my fluff 🙄💛
anaya.tr hun the world doesn't revolve around YOU!😂😊
ya_girl_C rumor has it you're with Daniel? Trying to fuck with somebody else's heart huh?
↪️wdwfan1 not Daniel omg HOE🤢
↪️wdwfan2 HE IS MINE BACK OFF @MeliaBrighton you stupid bitch!
wdwfan3 go and kill yourself no one likes you.
wdwfan4 who cares about your birthday? Lol


"Where are we going?"

"Shut up and just let me lead you. You will love it!"
"I'll trip and die before you can show me whatever it is that you want to show me Faye!"
"Drama queen.", she sing sang pulling me further to a direction, that's when I tripped but she caught me.

"You really fell for me, huh beautiful?", my heart immediately stopped knowing that it wasn't Faye but Daniel who has his hands wrapped around my waist securely.

I snatched the blindfold from my face looking into my favorite ocean eyes. There he was, his hair now blonde, in all black making his eyes even more blue than they already were.

[a/n: I hope it's ok that I chose this picture Corey, I don't want to disrespect anyone in any way🥺👼🏼💛]

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[a/n: I hope it's ok that I chose this picture Corey, I don't want to disrespect anyone in any way🥺👼🏼💛]

"Daniel?", my eyes were wide, I couldn't believe it. There he was, standing in all his glory with a bouquet of sunflowers in his hands, here in Germany, on my birthday!

his sunflower [JACK AVERY]Where stories live. Discover now