sixty three

404 14 23

Whatever will I do,
whatever will I say
when you ain't around
no more to make
everything okay?
~drug dealer~

After we ate, Daniel asked me if I wanted to go out on a hike and I immediately agreed loving the idea.

"So the others didn't wanna tag along or did you just forget to ask them?", I asked the cute boy who held my hand happily and opened the car door for me

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"So the others didn't wanna tag along or did you just forget to ask them?", I asked the cute boy who held my hand happily and opened the car door for me.

"Pffft who needs them-", he waved his hand dismissively.

"So you didn't ask.", I stated.
"No.", he answered sheepishly, I giggled.

"Can you blame me? I want you to myself for a few hours. If we would include people like Zach I would be the one walking alone and sad."

"Oh come on, no one would ever abandon you. You're way too cute for that!", I squeezed his cheek making him frown.
"No cute, I am hot.", he spoke in a childish voice causing another giggle to escape my lips.

"Okay kiddo, whatever floats your boat."

He parked his car and took the backpack out of the back before intertwining our hands together once again.
"You're gonna love the view I promise.", he smiled, swinging our hands back and forth.

"What do you like most about nature?", I asked out of the blue, incredibly curious about his answer.

"You really like this 21questions game a lot huh?", he chuckled referring to our first date where I asked him the dumbest questions ever.

"I would never get the answers out of you if I wouldn't ask so yes.", I shrugged.
"Well you know I think it's pretty cool that we get to live on this beautiful planet that's called earth. I mean nature provides almost everything for us, whatever we need is literally in the palm of our hands. I just wish that more would cherish our nature and take better care of it.", he spoke as we hiked the 'mountain'.
"What's your favorite plant and why?", I asked further.
"The cactus because it can survive with the tiniest amount of water and I like how some can even grow flowers. Like isn't that cool?! A flower in a flower!", he spoke fascinated making me laugh.

"Yeah you're right that's pretty dope. I think they're amazing too, I had one at home but it died, I honestly have no clue's probably because I don't really have the hand for it I guess.", his reaction was priceless, he was utterly shocked and didn't know what to say.

"I know it's awful, I even cried because I felt so bad!", I confessed causing a small smile to form on his lips.
"You're adorable. You're for sure something else, I mean you killed a cactus but what can I say, I guess I'm really into plant killers then huh?", he smirked causing me to roll my eyes.

"Shut up.", I chuckled.

"Okay now it's your turn. What do you like most about nature? And what's your favorite plant and why?", he asked me.
"Well I agree with you, I also think that people should cherish our nature more and take care of it. What I really love about our nature though is that somehow every species is helping one another without really knowing it. For instance, plants are helping us to breathe, the forest is helping the animals to hide and have a home where they can live in peace and hopefully not get killed by stupid hunters. You know what I mean? Everyone is helping and making this world go around the sun. It's just fascinating.", I gushed.

"And my favorite plant is the sunflower. It's something about this flower that makes me utterly happy and complete. I mean we get the seeds from the sunflower, we have sunflower oil and so much more, they're also very beautiful and in my favorite color, yellow.", I spoke happy, he nodded a grin decorating his face.

"You really love them don't you?"
"I do.", after that it was his turn to ask a stupid question and we continued the game until we reached the top. My breath hitched, looking at the view in front of me.

 My breath hitched, looking at the view in front of me

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"Woah.", was the only thing that left my lips, I was in awe.

"You're finally seeing what I'm seeing in you.", his hand was around my waist hugging me from behind, his lips were extremely close to my ear causing goosebumps to form on my skin.

"For a hot guy you do be sweet talking a lot, you know that right?", I turned around putting my arms around his neck.

"Oh you're kinda worth it so I'm taking my chances.", he smirked while I rolled my eyes at his response.

In the next second my lips were on his pulling him closer to me. This kiss was different from the others, it was hot and passionate, our lust was misting our thoughts. It wasn't just me who suffered, he could barely hold still, we really wanted each other.

But for fucks sake we were on a damn mountain!

The realization finally hit me and I released myself from his grasp, stopping our wild make out session.
I was never a fan of pda but I guess I do understand all the people who are doing it right now. You just kind of forget where you are, your minds clouded with him and him only.

"Fuck. Mel I'm sorry.", he went through his hair while I tried catching my breath.

"You did nothing wrong Daniel, I enjoyed it very much. It's just...we're on a mountain.", my cheeks heated as he chuckled.

"I enjoyed it too. A lot.", he grinned giving me one more peck before he took his phone out of his backpack.

"Are you thirsty?"



I nodded and he handed me a water bottle. He took a few pictures on his phone before I handed him the bottle once again.
"Okay now go stand there, I wanna take some pictures of you.", he smiled while I shook my head.

"Only with you!"
"No beautiful, first a few of you and then we're gonna take some together.", I groaned knowing I couldn't get myself out of this situation and obeyed.

After a few funny and serious pictures, an older couple passed us so I stopped them asking if they could take a picture of us together and they agreed.

"See that's so much better now.", I grinned happily, my boyfriend next to me smiling like a maniac making me giggle.


What a wonderful day, I will forever hold it in my memories.


[a/n: so announcement...THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL hihi I'm excited for all the drama that's about to come. I feel like this book was a lil boring so I'll spice it least I hope that I'll spice it up lmao...anyways happy reading👼🏼]

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