twenty seven

574 17 5

I always try to keep
it positive
So why do I have to
prove you real me
But now I'm stronger
cause I've lifted it
~don't hurt like it used to~

"By the way I wanted to ask you if you can give me your address because I was thinking, Christmas is coming up and yes we said no presents but I wanna send you a card. I'm gonna send the guys one too but I'll have to ask Tyler about their address because I want to be discreet about it.", I told Christina who just finished removing her make up.

"Oh my god that's a cute idea! Deal! I'm gonna send you one too!I'll text you my address and you'll text me yours alright!", she was squealing loudly.

"No presents Tina!",I told her once again.
"Yes yes no presents I promise.",she rolled her eyes waving me off.

"Alright I'm gonna head to bed but I'll text you tomorrow!", I told her.

"Goodnight Lia! Don't ignore him, we both know you can't stay away from each other.",she smirked.

"What's that supposed to mean?", I asked her completely confused.

"It means that you two can't live without each other, you love each other's presence. Jack talks to you every single day Lia."

"So?",I asked.

"He doesn't do that with his own girlfriend Lia, you're literally the only one.",she said.

"Oh god Gabbie must think I'm trying to steal away her boyfriend or something!",I panicked.

"Don't think about her, she can think whatever she wants. We know how you are Lia and we love you!", Christina was smiling.

"Thank you! I really gotta go know I need my precious sleep.",I told her chuckling.

"Goodnight Lia!"

"Night Tina!"


"Faye why do I have to dress up so much? Yes it's my nieces birthday but it's not like there's gonna be a guy in my age that will talk to me?", I asked her while she curled my hair, making beach waves.

"Before you leave we will take lots of pictures and you'll post it on Instagram. That way Jack will see what he's missing out.", she smirked.

"Faye he has a girlfriend I already told you that a billion times now!", I groaned.

"I don't care, you got into an argument and you're too stubborn to text him first so he'll see a picture of you in this breathtaking fit and he'll call you immediately. I bet my ass on it.",she said.

"You ain't betting a lot then.",I joked as she gasped loudly.

"You bitch!",she exclaimed laughing afterwards.

"Don't worry I ain't got no boobs so we're good.", I shrugged causing her to laugh harder.

"Same though.",she giggled.

"Whatever, you have a point though, maybe it'll be easier for us to start a conversation then.", I shrugged.

"Exactly. By the way this is so off topic but I'm so proud of you."
"What why?", I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"You had 300 followers on Instagram, the majority consisted of internet friends and family and now you've gained over 2000 followers and you're still you. You haven't changed at all, you're still the same Melia I know and I'm super happy that you stayed true to yourself. I was honestly scared you'd turn into one of the abc bitches."

"What? I'd never do that!"

"I know but things like that change people...I mean a rumor changed Anaya's opinion on you...I just don't want to lose my best friend. I'm happy that the boys have changed you, making you happier and just more you. I just hope you won't turn out to be one of these people that want the fame and nothing more."

"Faye you know me."

"Yes I know you would never do that and never be such a person because those stupid bitches changed your life, making it awful but I just.. I don't know I'm just scared of the future I guess."

"I understand you, there's nothing you need to be worried about. I will never ever ever be one of those fake people, who turn their backs on their best friends. I will always and I mean it...always see you as my number one best friend. You were there for me since day one and I appreciate it so so much. Plus those followers do not matter at all...these are just people who love the boys and want to know what's going on between us. They aren't here for me, they're here for the boys and it's alright because I know that I did the same thing at the beginning with Christina and the others...but sooner or later you'll realize that these people are all just humans. Doesn't matter who it is, if it's the boys or their girlfriends, they are all human and we should appreciate every single one of them. I finally realized that looking after other people's life is unnecessary, I have to concentrate on myself and not them."


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MeliaBrighton happy thanksgiving🦃, today we're eating a frozen cake and yes I'm talking about Disney❄️ happy birthday Violet I can't believe you're already six I love you more than Anna loves Elsa🥺

View all 588 comments

DantonFaye u're da bomb🔥😎🥰
beautychickee damn fuck it up girll!!😪😍😍
imzachherron happy birf day violet we love you❤️
↪️ wdwfan1 yo wtf is happening rn???DO THEY
↪️ wdwfan2 @wdwfan1 I'm not sure but I think
it's her niece she posted a picture of two little kids a
few months back and Faye (her best friend) is
talking about her niece and nephew in the
↪️wdwfan3 @wdwfan2 I'm honestly afraid of us
limelights 😳
↪️wdwfan1 @wdwfan3 same @wdwfan2 thank
u still confused how the boys know her niece??
↪️wdwfan2 @wdwfan1 I guess they're friends
but idk that either 🤷🏽‍♀️
TOGETHER WITH KAY! I stg if this bitch is trying
to destroy their relationship I'm gonna fight her
doesn't matter if she's a limelight or not😤😡
sydnieavery you look so good fuck!
↪️MeliaBrighton 🥺💛 look at you you beautiful
↪️wdwfan6 who tf are you calling alien? She is
drop dead gorgeous...people...honestly 🤦🏽‍♀️
↪️sydnieavery @wdwfan6 this is an inside joke
between us two I do not understand you at all? She
was nowhere rude unlike you right now
↪️wdwfan7 lmao she broke u @wdwfan6
↪️wdwfan8 @sydnieavery I don't understand
why some people think it's okay to be rude just
because they're saying it online?? This is so sad.
↪️wdwfan9 @wdwfan6 Melia did nothing wrong
lmao why are you attacking her like that?😭😂
↪️wdwfan10 omg they're friends too???? SHE IS


[a/n: she's getting hate oh no :( please vote and comment👼🏼]

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