sixty seven

383 17 15

Say you're here
forever that you
see me and you
here together can
you really say
you're head first
in all the way
~no goodbyes~

It was time to leave and I know that this will sound selfish but neither Zach nor Jack and his girlfriends have shown their faces throughout the day. Okay Gabriela and Jack hate me, but Zach? What happened? What did I ever do to him?

I was packed and the guys wanted to tag along but I didn't want them to use two cars just because they want to say their goodbyes at the airport. Daniel said it would be best if only Tina, Corbs and him tagged along.

"Take care of this doofus.", I hugged Tatum tightly, a small laugh leaving her lips.
"I'll see what I can do.", she replied.
"You know I can hear you, right?", Jonah crossed his arms offended.
"Shut up and give me a hug.", tears were welling up but I pushed the sadness away.
"I will miss you baby Mel.", he smiled as we pulled away, my heart aching.

"Before we leave, I gotta see the others real quick.", I sighed, they understood and told me they'd wait in the car. I walked upstairs, knocking on Zach's door but nothing happened, I assumed they were still in Jack's room so I took a deep breath before knocking on his door. I opened the door seeing only Zach and Jack laying on the bed. They were talking but stopped when I entered the room.

"I wanted to say goodbye. I'm leaving.", a knot was forming in my throat, Jack was still emotionless while Zach held sadness in his eyes.
"What? No way.", Zach jumped up almost crashing into me.
"I need more time with you.", he whined.
"Why didn't you use it then? You had yesterday and today.", I said sadly.
"I-I don't know. I'm sorry baby Mel.", he gave me a bone crushing hug, his eyes were tearing up making me immediately forget that I was mad at him.
"I'll leave you two alone.", he gave my shoulder a quick squeeze before leaving.

"Where are Gabriela and Kay?", I asked slowly not wanting him to be angry at me again.
"They left to the mall.", he shrugged, not meeting my eyes once.

"I feel like I should give you this. It's probably the right thing to do. I won't bother you again, thank you for the time here. I enjoyed every single minute with you. And Isla told me what you actually had planned for Disneyland, just the fact that you had it all planned out means a lot. So thank you.", I opened my backpack putting the sweater he once gave me on his bed.

His eyes widened at the sight, as if he just now realized that I was actually leaving.

"Have uh-have a safe flight Melia.", he said nonchalantly.
"Thank you.", I left his room, feeling the emptiness in my stomach.

I know I left a peace of my heart with him in that room and that's exactly what scares me.

Zach insisted, wanting to come along with us, after a long discussion and me pressing that I'm gonna be late, everyone caved in and let him into the car.

The atmosphere in the car was rather thick and awkward than happy and bubbly. "Can we all just act as if I'm not leaving and it's just another car drive please? Everyone is so quiet, my anxiety can't bear this.", I played with my fingers.

"At Disneyland there was this little kid, he accidentally dropped his ice cream onto my shirt and blamed me for it?! Can you believe it?! HE BLAMED ME!", Zach rambled causing us all to smile, the mood was finally getting better.

"I even had to buy him another one. I wasted 6 dollars on a kid who can't walk like every other human being!", he shook his head, letting out a huff.
"He must be your twin then.", Tina commented causing me to snort loudly.

"Oh my god.", Corbs chuckled, not believing that the noise actually left MY mouth.

"Shut up your laugh isn't any better.", I giggled waving him off.

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