forty nine

458 16 7

I've been down,
give me some space
You don't know
what's in my brain

After spending another hour at the Avery's/Stanford's house we said our goodbyes and drove back home.

"I needed that today, thank you Jack.", I smiled, his curls were tickling his eyes making him go through his hair, pulling the locks out of his face.

"Anything for my sunshine."

"Do you think I can use your room to talk to my parents?", I asked him fiddling with my hands.
"Sure I'm gonna go and take a shower anyways.", he winked at me as I rolled my eyes blushing madly.

"I also have to talk to Christina later.", I spoke after a while of silence, he only nodded.

"It'll be fine. I'm always here for you, you know that right?", he asked me, I hugged him lightly when we finally arrived. He looked stunned, but hugged me anyways.


After I called my parents, I decided to call Faye since we didn't really text while all this drama happened.

"Gosh I've missed you so fucking much! What did I miss? I saw a comment from Christina? So what's the tea?", at the mention of Christina my eyes became teary once again.

"Oh no what's going on Mel?", she was now all worried. Just like I told Syd, I opened my mouth and explained the entire situation to Faye.

"Okay these girls are brats.", she huffed out as I widened my eyes at her.

"Faye!", I tried to shush her but it was no use.
"What? It's fucking true. I mean okay maybe Sydnie is right and they're scared that you're using the boys but they've no reason to blame you and act all nice if they're talking shit behind your back!"

"I don't think Christina really talked shit about me though.", I whispered.

"Just please talk to her, let it all out. You'll feel much better. I mean I can see how much it affects you, you're badly hurt and you miss her. You don't like fighting with people. Mel I know you, you hate fighting just as much as you hate beet."

"Ew! Don't even get me started on this! Why did someone even invent beet?! It shouldn't be food! It's a weapon!", I shuddered at the thought of it, I heard Faye chuckling in the back.

"Very funny.", I pouted.

"Oh come on, you love me."
"I do. I miss you a lot too!", I told her honestly.

"So what did I miss in your life?"

"Should we go out again to eat?", Jack asked me causing me to look up from my phone. He walked out of the bathroom making me gulp.

He wasn't wearing a shirt which made it hard for me to concentrate and breathe.

" What did you say?", my eyes wandered up to his beautiful eyes, a smirk was playing on his lips while I probably looked like a tomato.

"I asked you if we should go out to eat again or just stay at home? I mean we can order too?", he said shrugging.

"Wait, are you blushing? Who's that? Is that Jack?", Faye yelled through the phone making the color on my face only more permanent.

"Shut up.", I hissed.

Why is it so hot in here?

"Hey! You must be the famous Faye! It's nice to finally meet you and yes she's blushing.", his angelic laugh rang through my ears.

his sunflower [JACK AVERY]Where stories live. Discover now