forty seven

470 16 2

And I promise
we'll figure this out
I will take your pain
And put it on my heart

"Sunshine, you are no disappointment nor a problem to me. You're the one that's actually helping me, you're making me a better person. You're showing me that even with all my fame, it's important to stay true to myself, down to earth. You're the definition of humble, nothing else.", he looked me in my eyes, honesty written on his face.

"Now come on, people are waiting for us!", he grabbed my hand pulling me out of the car but before he left he said a small thank you to the driver who smiled widely at us while I waved.

"People?", I asked confused.
He took a bag out of the back and pulled me to a flower shop.

"Christina told me that you wanted to hand out some presents to my family? She explained to me where I could find the hidden presents and told me that you would never forgive me if we didn't buy my mother flowers. So that's what we're doing right now.", he explained.

My heart ached at the mention of Christina, after all we did spend a lot of time together, even if it was only on the phone and not in real life. She knew me way too well and it made me happy to know that she actually listened to me and knew what kind of person I was by now. She really was my best friend.

"Wait?! We are visiting your family?", I widened my eyes in shock.

"That's what I just said, stupid!", he shook his head as I shoved him to the side.
"Shut up. I'm nervous alright?!", I huffed as he chuckled.

"Why? They love you. My sisters have already met you, plus my mom is a very kind woman I'm sure she'll adore you just as much as they do.", he looked around searching for a nice bouquet of flowers.

"What kind of flowers does your mother like?", I asked him.

"I've actually no idea, whenever I'm visiting she has different bouquets at home. Once she had tulips, but I'm pretty sure I saw some roses too.", he shrugged not being any help at all.

"Okay well I see.", I looked around, one bouquet caught my eye immediately.

"These! They are absolutely beautiful!", I gushed.

"These! They are absolutely beautiful!", I gushed

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"Alright I'll get them.", he made grabby hands but I only slapped them and turned to the cashier.
"No it's my present for your mom and I will pay for it!"

"Shut up I'll pay.", he shoved me, the cashier was trying to hold back a laugh, I could see it in her face.

"No! I will get another bouquet and pay for it!", I said stubbornly.

"I will pay for it again then! We can do this all day long Mel.", he smirked at me as I let out a huff.

"You are awful mister!", I crossed my arms as he handed the money to the cashier.

"Thank you miss, now take the bouquet and let's go. We're already late! Your bickering took too long, next time make it quick alright?", he said playfully annoyed as I let out a gasp.

"Stupid noodle doodle!", I muttered as I snatched the bouquet out of his hands and walked out of the flower shop, but not before I said thank you and goodbye to the cashier.

"What did you say?!", he laughed as I tried to look angry but I couldn't help it, a smile crept its way onto my face.

"Nothing stop talking, more walking!", I grabbed his hand and dragged him towards a direction.

"You don't even know where the house is! By the way it's the other direction.", he chuckled and turned us around.

We reached the house, it wasn't far from the flower shop, I took a deep breath and looked at myself once more.

"Do I look alright?", I asked Jack, my nerves were getting the best of me.

"You're beautiful Melia.", he stated making me blush.

"Thank you Jack.", he rang the doorbell.

"MELIA!", the three girls yelled while they tried to get through the door at the same time.

"Stop pushing I want to say hi first!", Ava yelled at Isla.

"But I won the last game! I'm first!", she said pushing through her sisters, pulling her tongue out in the process. Ava huffed crossing her arms playfully annoyed while Isla went up to me hugging me tightly.

"Hey Melia!", I was crouching down to get to her level, she was smiling from one ear to another, a tooth was missing making her smile even cuter.

"Hi Isla how's my beautiful angel doing?", I asked the sweet girl.

"Amazing! I have so many things planned for us!", she jumped up and down excitedly making me chuckle.

"I can't wait then!", I grinned.

"Hey Mel it's nice to finally see you in person.", Ava walked up to me embracing me in a long hug.

"Hey Ava! It's nice to finally see you too! Wow Syd was right, your eyes are much cooler in person!", the last sentence slipped, I facepalmed myself causing her to laugh.

"That's cute thank you!"

"There's my alien!", Syd laughed while walking up to me. I shook my head, a chuckle escaping my lips.
"Hey Syd, I'm doing a pretty good job at embarrassing myself huh?", I joked as she hugged me tightly.

"I mean our entire family is known as being the definition of embarrassing so I think we're good. It just shows us that you're even more a part of us.", she shrugged saying it so casually while my heart made a leap.

They see me as their family?

"Now come in guys! Mom is in the kitchen, she can't wait to finally see you Mel!", Syd grabbed my hand pulling me into the beautiful house.

I turned towards Jack who was grinning at me encouragingly, he knew I was absolutely nervous to meet his mom.

"Dad is at work so it's just us girls today.", Ava said making me nod.

"Really funny Ava, wow you should become a comedian.", Jack rolled his eyes as I giggled.

"I mean she's right. With your curls you really do look like a girl.", I shrugged playfully.

"Fuck off Sunshine.", he huffed making me laugh loudly, his frown turned into a wide smile in a matter of seconds, while Syd only stood there smirking at us.


[a/n: Syd knows what's up! To which wdw sibling do you relate the most?👼🏼]

his sunflower [JACK AVERY]Where stories live. Discover now