forty five

481 18 10

She grew up,
always tried to fit in
Hometown started
feeling like a prison


"Babe calm down, what happened?", I heard Corbyn's voice as I exited the booth. I just finished my part, Daniel was up next. Zach took a nap while Jonah sat on the couch, playing around with some sounds on his laptop. Corbyn on the other hand was walking up and down looking nervous, panicking even.

"Jack we gotta go. Now!", Corbyn ended the call and grabbed his jacket.

"What's going on?", I asked confused.

"I'll explain it to you in the car, now hurry up we can't waste time.", Corbyn urged making me worry.
"We just finished our parts, we'll probably be back later. It's an emergency.", Corbs told Jonah who seemed just as confused as I was.

My heart beat quickened at his words.

It's an emergency.


"Yo Corbyn what the fuck is going on explain it!Now!", my emotions were getting the best of me.

He only took a deep breath as we ran downstairs to the exit. He had the keys of the van so I assumed we would take it instead of an Uber.

"Christina just called me.", he said as I sat on the passenger seat.
"And?", I asked impatiently.

"Mel and her went to the coffee shop next to the mall, they ate breakfast and talked. You know how Mel handed out the presents to everyone, right?", I nodded, encouraging him to keep going.

"When she wanted to give Jonah his, he was talking to Tate. Jonah introduced Mel to Tate and Mel was joking around, saying she would kick his ass if she wanted her to. It took her a lot of effort, you know how she is and according to Chris, Tate got all defensive and mean. Jonah hung up but Mel was hurt, she cried but Daniel comforted her.", he explained.

It hurt to hear that Mel had to go through that bullshit again, we all knew she was improving.
It also hurt that Daniel comforted her and not me.

"After she told Chris everything, Chris started to cuss and yell around. You know how she gets when she's angry.", he chuckled lightly, still tense.

"Get to the fucking point Corbyn.", I gritted through my teeth, I was about to lose my temper I knew it.

"She told Mel that Gabriela told her to investigate when they first found out about her because they all said she seemed suspicious.", Corbyn went through his hair.

"They what?!", I yelled furious.

"I didn't know it either until now."

"Dude what the fuck. Everyone knows that she's struggling and she has fucking trust issues!", I saw red.

"Calm down I'm not done.", he sighed.
"Mel freaked out and ran out, Chris is worried because she can't find her and it's fucking LA we're talking about. She's saying it's her fault and she can't stop crying, she hasn't found Mel yet and she even tried calling her but she's positive she won't pick up anytime soon.", he explained further.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck. This is all Christina's fault man! Mel has all the right to be upset with her, she probably thinks she faked being friends with her, fucking hell!", I couldn't stop yelling.

"Shut the fuck up man! Calm the fuck down! I know you're furious but it's not Christina's fault! Yes she did shit but so did your fucking girlfriend, so did Tatum, Kay and fucking Bryana! It doesn't matter who's fault it is right now we need to find her!", Corbyn kicked some sense into me causing me to close my eyes for a second.

I needed time to breathe.


I got a message on my phone, I opened my eyes and looked at the screen. The message made my heart stop.


Sunshine Mel☀️
I need you.
@ the mall, girls bathroom.
Panic attack.


"Drive to the mall Corbyn, Melia is having a panic attack!", my voice was firm, but everything inside of me was shaking.

"You'll drop me off and drive to Christina, try to calm her down okay? I'll text you later.", I spoke as I gathered my thoughts, he nodded driving over the speed limit.

We both knew damn well if I would've driven the car, we'd probably be dead by now. I would've crashed, with all my emotions flying around.


I ran to the girls bathroom not giving a flying fuck if someone saw me. No one was in the bathroom, I looked through the opened doors, seeing one was locked.

"Melia!Hey sunshine, can you hear me? I'm here!", I called slowly, my heart beating out of my chest.

I was scared.


"Sunshine?", I tried opening it even though it was locked.

It wouldn't budge an inch.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.", I pulled my hair, completely stressed with the situation.

I rushed to the next bathroom door, climbing on the toilet seat. As I looked over to the side, I saw her laying on the floor, unconscious.

My heart tightened at the sight in front of me.

"Don't worry sunshine, I got you.", I spoke firmly as I climbed down next to her. I opened the door and heaved her up towards me. I caressed her cheek, admiring her wet face. I wiped the tears away and squeezed her hand before I carried her outside. Some people were staring at me, but I didn't care.

I called Corbyn, who told me that they were already at the parking lot, waiting for us. I could see them outside, Corbyn was calming Christina down, he was stroking her arm, hugging her, plastering kisses all over her face trying to make her smile. She gave him a small smile but when she saw me carrying Melia, she lost it once again.

"Corbyn I need the coke that's in the passenger seat, now.", I let Melia down in the backseat, she was laying there, almost looking lifeless and it broke my heart.

"I need something sweet, chocolate or candy, doesn't matter what.", I spoke as I sat her head onto my lap.

Corbyn handed me the coke while Christina handed me a chocolate bar with her shaking hands.

"I always have one in my bag.", I smiled lightly at her.

I was scared but I knew that Christina was probably more than just scared, terrified even.

"Sunshine, do me a favor and wake up please.", I begged shaking her lightly.



[a/n: wow this took a turn...who's the one to blame? What would you do?👼🏼]

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