
775 19 14

Been blamed for everything
since I was born I do my best
work when I'm doing wrong
I might be wrecking like a
train but I know that you're
gonna ride anyway

"I don't think that I'll let you do that.",Jack answered making me let out a sigh of relief.

"But she started it!",he pointed at me.
"Doesn't matter.We need to go.",Jack pushed Zach out of the room, putting the clothes he was holding in his hands into his suitcase.

"Where are your glasses?",I asked confused.

"In my suitcase I put my contacts in.",he said making me nod.
"Are you coming with us?",Jack asked making me shake my head.
"You're having an interview Jack, I can't just invite myself to be with you guys.",I laughed.
"Why not?You're our friend and I'm sure Tyler won't mind at all.",he shrugged.
"You can hang out with Zack while we do the interviews and later we can visit some places together.",Jack offered.

"Yeah come on Melia.",Zach called from outside.
"But-",I began.
"No buts let's go!",Jack took my hand and pulled me out of the room.
"Wait I need my purse and the keys.",I rushed back to the room and took everything that I needed with me before I closed the door walking to the lobby where everyone was waiting for us.

"I'll just ask Tyler to be 100% sure I'll be right back.",I told Jack as he went to greet the others.

"Hey Tyler.",I walked up to him as he looked up smiling widely at me.
"Melia good morning have you slept well?"
"Yes I did what about you?"
"Really good, I was really tired yesterday if you couldn't tell.",I chuckled.
"You don't say."

"Anyway what I wanted to ask is if it would be okay if I joined you guys today?",I asked slowly.

"Yeah of course I already planned you in, what did you think?We wouldn't let you wander alone through the city.",he answered, my heart was feeling the warmth of his words making me immediately smile.

"Well I can't wait to hang out with you guys today.",I smiled knowing I wasn't allowed to say thank you too many times.
"Now let's go, I'm really hungry and I think the radio station ordered some pizza for us.",he rushed us all out.

"Pizza?What are we waiting for let's go!",Daniel almost ran towards the van making me chuckle at his reaction.


We finally arrived at the radio station, we walked out of the van as I saw another one pulling up.

"Melia!",Eben yelled excitedly making me run up to him.
"Eben hi oh my god.",I hugged him surprised to see him again.

"Zack told me that you'd be here and I thought why not explore the city with my new friend Melia and my old friend Zack who would maybe take as many pictures of us as possible.",he whispered the last part but Zack heard him anyways.

"You're using me.",Zack called out.
"No I'm not I love you very much bro.",Eben winked at him while he only rolled his eyes.

"I like your outfit today where did you get that sweatshirt from?",Eben joked.
"A good friend gave it to me, it's one of my favorite presents ever.",I gushed out causing his smile to widen.

"Okay we're going in are you guys coming too or are you leaving already?",Tyler asked.
"I kind of need to go to the bathroom so maybe we can go in for a second?",I looked at Zack and Eben with pleading eyes as they nodded.

Yes, thank you my bladder was about to explode!

I went to the bathroom while Eben and Zack waited in a room with all the boys who began to eat their pizza.
"Okay we can g-",I spoke but what I saw in front of me made me speechless.

Jack and Corbyn jumped trying to give each other a high-five, while Zach jumped over the couch that was behind them.He had a pizza box in his hands and fell to the ground.

The pizza box shattered on the ground.

"Oh wait is there pizza in here?Oh yeah!",Corbyn yelled as he ran towards the pizza box.He opened the box which was already empty, only some crusts were left.
Jonah filmed everything while Daniel held his stomach from laughing so much.

"What did I just witness?",I spoke horrified at Jonah who was the first one to catch sight of me.

"Oh just them being them.",Jonah laughed putting his phone back into his pocket.

"Here I saved you a slice.",Daniel handed me a pizza Margherita, I smiled and bit into the pizza happily.

I was really hungry.

"Thank you where are Eben and Zack?",I asked.
"They're waiting for you downstairs, they got a slice too before leaving.",Daniel answered making me nod.
"Alright I'll see you later then, have fun!",I called out before leaving.


"Are you ready to explore the city.",Eben said excitedly.
"Yes and I'm ready to get something else to eat, that one slice did not satisfy my hunger.",I said honestly making them laugh.

"I agree!",Zack nodded his head.


After we got a sandwich from Subway, we went through the city, arriving at the center of the city.

The "Marienplatz".

There were many stores surrounding us, the city hall was really big making the view even more amazing

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There were many stores surrounding us, the city hall was really big making the view even more amazing.

So many people were walking around us, trying to pass by and get to their location.

"Come on let me take a few pictures of you.",Zack said suddenly.
"This is like the perfect place to take pictures of you guys.",he said taking his camera already ready to take a shot.

Eben took his left arm around my shoulder and did the rock sign with his left hand while I put my right arm around his back, hugging him lightly. My left hand was around his stomach, squishing him as I laughed.


"You can't take normal pictures can you?", he figured seeing I was pulling my tongue out at him while closing my eyes making him laugh.


"Not really I love goofy pictures more.",I shrugged.


[a/n: goofy pictures are the best!what do you guys like more?pls vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter👼🏼]

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