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Snakes slither through your eyes
wicked what a good disguise I
see how you're playing nice I see
through you're lies

[a/n: keep in mind that Christina followed her and then sent her a dm]

@beautychickee :
hey girl this will probably come
off weird but I saw your recent
post and I NEED to know what
mascara you use because dayum!!!😳

@meliabrighton :
omg hiii umm I actually just use
the L'Oréal Paris paradise extactic
mascara with their primer it's pretty
dope and cheap🤷🏽‍♀️

@meliabrighton :
I just wanted to say that I love your
YouTube channel so much, you're
hilarious and I relate to you in so
many ways and wow I'm not fangirling
at all I'm sorry omg I'm gonna shut up

@beautychickee :
Are you for real? I use like three
different ones holy shit! And thank
you so much wow I'm flattered, you're
really cool Melia :) Aren't you friends
with the boys? Corbyn told me you
guys were hanging out, for how long
have you known the guys? I've never
heard about you?

@meliabrighton :
Thank you honestly I appreciate it so
much, I don't get compliments that
often so hearing it from you means a
lot! (: and oh yes I met the boys during
their show in Munich, they helped me
out a lot and that's how we became
friends, they're the sweetest. People
were bullying me at the concert so
they took me in and we got to know
each other.

@beautychickee :
Oh I'm sorry I didn't know, why
would they bully you?

@meliabrighton :
there's this group of girls, they were
in my highschool and they made up
rumors (not only at school but now
also at the concert) and people started
ignoring or hating me. The limelight's
at the venue hated me because this one
girl accused me of hurting her which
wasn't true at all!!! but yeah I just
hope that I don't have to deal with
them anymore...

@beautychickee :
okay fuck highschool sucks I know
from experience...I'm sorry that you
had to go through so much shit but
I'm happy that the guys helped you
out. If you need anything I'm here
for you anytime! Don't let other
people get to you Melia, they're
not worth your time!

@meliabrighton :
funny Eben said the exact same
thing (: Thank you so much
Christina! You are amazing!

@beautychickee :
Of course! I gotta go I'm late for
a meeting but I'll text you later💕

@meliabrighton :
alrighty have fun!💛


I was surprised that Christina dmed me, but happy that she was so nice and supporting. I was scared that she wouldn't like me or think of me as a threat. Not that I could ever be a threat, look at me lol.

But I hope she didn't think I'd ever take her boyfriend or friends from her, I would never do that. I value my friendship with Faye so much so I understand that she doesn't want to lose a person that's close to her. I feel like Christina and I are somehow alike.

It was Saturday and I was editing my pictures, it's my hobby. I love to take pictures, doesn't matter if it's of a person or something else, I just enjoy it when it's my camera and I.

I like taking pictures of myself too...it's weird but in front of the camera I somehow feel more confident and more me...I can't explain it.

Faye is the only one that knows about it, she's usually the one who takes pictures of me but she likes this side of me. She likes how open and happy I get whenever I'm in front of the camera. It's like my brain switches a button and makes me the person I always wanted to be.

Strong. Confident. Happy.

While editing my pictures I ate some popcorn because I was slowly getting hungry again.
After I finally finished I saved everything before walking downstairs to the kitchen. My mom was making some spaghetti, the beautiful smell hit my nostrils causing my stomach to let out a growl.

"Calm down we will eat soon!",I whispered to my belly slightly massaging it while I heard a snort.

"What are you doing honey?",my mom laughed.
"Calming my stomach, it actually helps a lot.",I shrugged grinning widely.

"Just set the table will you?",she shook her head chuckling as I nodded.

"Are you going out somewhere today? It's 4pm and you're still at home?",mom asked at the table.

"I don't know-",I sighed taking a bite of my spaghetti.

"Milton and Gil are coming over with the kids!",dad said as he approached the table to finally eat his spaghetti.

"They need to do some errands so we will take care of Violet and Brandon.",dad explained as I nodded happily.

Gil is my sister, she's already 37. My dad was married to another woman years ago, they got two children together, my sister Gil who has short blonde brownish hair and brown eyes and my other sister Caitlin that's 33. She has dark brown hair that's close to her shoulders and also brown eyes. My dad got a divorce, found my mom and got married once again. Then they got me, little Melia.

I have a very good relationship with my sisters, I have to admit that Gil and I are closer than Caitlin and I but that's only because I don't see Caitlin that often. She lives one hour away from us with her boyfriend Peter and they try to visit as often as they can but I still only see them 7-10 times a year while Gil is almost every week at our house with the kids.

Gil got married to Milton when I was seven years old, my sister and him got together when I was three so I have a much stronger bond with him than with Peter obviously. Peter and Caitlin are together for about four years now and last year they moved in together. Violet and Brandon are the children of Gil and Milton, Brandon is nine while Violet is only five. Brandon is very smart for his age, he has blonde hair and brown eyes while Violet has brown wavy to curly hair and brown eyes, she's a little diva you could say.

"Can't wait to see them again!",I replied happily.

I haven't seen them in a while and their presence makes me always happy.


[a/n: honestly I love children sm what about you guys??? Do you have any siblings?pls comment and vote if you liked this chapter👼🏼]

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