fifty eight

413 18 18

Lately I, lately I been
thinkin' bout perspective
You don't have enough
fingers to count all the
blessings that this love
will bring, 'cause this
love's electric
~if you ever~

We all sat down to eat, everyone chatting and passing the food around every now and then.
Everyone was really friendly and made me feel really welcome, even Gabriela behaved like a nice human for once.

But you know what they say, it doesn't matter if someone's nice, a bad person can be nice. Being good on the other hand was something completely different.

After we finished some of us took the dishes and put them into the dishwasher. The adults were sipping on some alcohol while the kids enjoyed their mixed juices, including Daniel and I.

"Apple juice is just the best.", Daniel slurped on his box looking at me with his big blue eyes.
"We deserve a seat at the kids table.", I giggled, pointing to the smaller table where the kids were playing UNO.

"Let's go then. Are you ready to get beaten by some kids?", he wiggles his eyebrows as I rolled my eyes.
"Absolutely.", I grinned.

Daniel sat next to Reese who seemed to enjoy his presence while I sat between Svea and Isla.

Ryan joined us and sat next to Reese who was in the middle and Isla handed everyone their cards.
"Melia your cupcakes are really delicious!", Svea smiled at me, I grinned back at her.
"Thank you Svea, I'm really happy they turned out so good.", I laughed.

During the game I made some small talk with Ryan to get to know him better, plus he seemed a little bored. I talked a little to the girls who clearly enjoyed all the attention and after a few rounds I spoke up.
"Alright, now I really want to take some pictures with you girls!", I jumped up, picking Isla up who squealed loudly.
"The sun is setting it looks so beautiful!", Svea pointed out making me nod.
"Daniel will you take pictures of us?", I pouted, he let out a sigh rolling his eyes playfully.
"Sure beautiful. Get ready girls!", I handed him my phone and we walked to the end of the deck.

I slowly crouched down, the girls jumped at me making me lose my balance.
We laughed, I got back to my actual position and the girls put their arms around me grinning widely.

"I have beautiful pictures of you on the favorites.", Daniel handed me the phone, I pulled my tongue out at him.
"Hilarious.", I saw Tina approaching us so I handed him my phone once again.
"One more pretty please?", I fluttered my eyelashes at him, he groaned on the other hand.
"Thank you Daniel!", I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek which turned his frown upside down.
"So you're taking pictures without me?", she shook her head at me handing me a drink.
"I still want to get you drunk.", she answered when she saw my look.
"Now drink.", she demanded, I let out a huff before I downed the drink.
"That's my girl!", she called out making me chuckle.
We did a few poses, some were insanely stupid but we loved them nevertheless. We laughed at our own stupidness and soon Ash, Ava, Syd, Anna and Esther joined us.
Daniel was more than tired of it so he handed my phone to Jack who looked bewildered at him.
I giggled, I was already a little tipsy because Tina handed me nonstop new drinks, I wasn't the only one who was already a little over the edge though. Tina and Anna were giggling about everything, making it more than obvious that they were intoxicated.

"I'll be right back.", I told the girls, no one really heard me though. Jack on the other hand looked quite worried, he gave me a look but I gave him a smile that told him I was fine.

Tate and Gabriela were standing in the back awkwardly, I didn't know why they haven't joined us yet but I was on my way to find out anyway.

"Hey why aren't you guys joining us? Come, we're taking stupid pictures it's fun.", I chuckled.
"You want us in the picture?", Tatum asked slowly, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
"Yes of course, the more the merrier!", I grinned, she mimicked me and took my hand that was stretched out.

Gabriela rolled her eyes, obviously annoyed by me but I pulled her with me nevertheless.
I didn't care if we were on good terms or not, I meant every single word.

The more the merrier!

Plus no one is forcing anyone to post it, it was just a memory I wanted to have for myself.

Jack saw me returning with the two girls and he smiled widely, the crinkles on his face visible.

Gosh I really need to talk to him.

We took lots of pictures, I had pictures with almost everyone, I even had a picture of the boys and I. It was one of my favorites.
"Jack do me a favor and take one last picture of Melia and I.", Daniel handed him his phone and grabbed my hand pulling me towards him. The sun was almost gone, the sky was orange-lavender, absolutely breathtaking.

I smiled widely, looking at Jack who held Daniel's phone almost too tightly. Daniel gave me a long peck on the cheek, at first I thought it was pretty sweet but after a while I felt slightly uncomfortable because Jack seemed to get angrier by the second.
I pulled myself off Daniel's embrace and gave him a faint smile. Jack came rushing to us, handing Daniel's phone a little to harshly but Daniel didn't seem to think anything of it...or he just decided to ignore it.

Jack wanted to leave but I grabbed his arm making him stop in his tracks.
"We really need to talk.", I looked him in the eyes, I saw sorrow, making my small smile fade in a matter of seconds.

"I agree.", he nodded grabbing my hand pulling me away from Daniel. I gave Daniel a quick look, he understood and walked back to his brothers starting a conversation.

I saw Gabriela glaring at me, ready to come for me but Syd stopped her and held her in her place.

Thank you alien, I owe you big time!


[a/n: I love girls who stick together!👼🏼]

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