
767 25 24

Oh, why'd you have to be so cute?
It's impossible to ignore you, why
must you make me laugh so much?
It's bad enough we get along so well
~goodnight n go~

"What about the guys?",I looked down at the boys who were pushing themselves towards the water, laughing and joking around.

"I'm sure they won't mind, come on just for a bit.",he said pulling me towards the forest.

"Are you excited to go back to Frankfurt?",I asked him after a while of silence.
"Yes it's been a while and I hope that we'll be able to see a little bit of the city before we leave.",he answered.

"I'll miss you though, we all will.",he said making me halt in my tracks.

"I will miss you too. I soon have to leave you know that right? My train will not wait for me.",I laughed lightly to loosen the atmosphere.

"Call me when you're at home will you?",I nodded.
"We will see each other again.",Jack spoke firmly.
"Are you trying to convince me or yourself Jack?",I whispered.
"Both.",he chuckled.
"I don't want to leave you alone, you're our friend now and I want to protect you. Do you have a friend at home?",he asked.

"Yes her name is Faye, I was once best friends with Anaya, it's one of the girls who had limelight but this other girl her name is Brittany started spreading rumors about me that weren't true and she ended our friendship. Now she is close with Brittany and another girl named Celeste. I finally graduated and don't have to see them anymore but the last few months have been hell and I just can't forget it. I want to move on and be a different person, braver and not so shy anymore but it's just so hard.",I ranted, I told him how I felt and I was more than shocked with myself.

I never shared my feelings like that.

"Thank you for opening up to me like that.",Jack said seeing how much I'm struggling right now.

"You do not deserve the hate, but you are so strong Melia. You are after all still standing here next to me, probably the sweetest person I've ever met and you try to become the person you want to be. I know that the real you will eventually come out, you just need time.",he continued.

He actually understood.

I can't believe it, Jack actually understood how I felt and he explained it so well I was actually asking myself if he could read my mind.

"I always say that.", I laugh.
"What?",he asked confused.
"That I just need time, Faye respects that but doesn't understand why because I'm very closed and do not open up that often. And now I just told you how I feel, I don't even know why and you say it so easily as if you can read my mind. Like as if you actually know how I feel and it astonishes me because you are the first person that gets me.", I looked him in the eyes, I respected him even more because of this.

He hugged me tightly without saying a word, we both needed it and the moment just seemed perfect.

"Let's head back, I need to take my stuff and walk to the train station.",I said.

"We'll drive you, I mean we'll come with you! We need to make sure you won't take the wrong train.",Jack joked putting his arm around my shoulder as I let out a laugh.

"Sure, you guys obviously know which train I need to get.", my voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"Duh.",he rolled his eyes as I giggled.

We all walked back to the hotel together, the guys went to their rooms and checked on Jonah while Jack followed me to my room, to get his stuff.

"Okay I think I packed everything I just need to check out before I leave.",I said, I was about to take my suitcase with me but Jack stopped me.

"Wait you forgot something.",he said walking towards his suitcase taking out a sweater that wasn't mine.
"What?",I asked confused.
"I want to give you my sweater as a reminder that we'll always be friends Melia.", he handed me his black sweater while I shook my head.

", he handed me his black sweater while I shook my head

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"I can't take this Jack, it's yours and I'm sure that we will stay friends without you having to give me something.",I gave him his sweater back smiling lightly.

"Please take it Melia, see it as a pet.",I giggled as he was trying to find the right words to say.

"What?",I laughed confused.
"You're taking care of my sweater like you would take care of a pet until we meet again. I'm giving you this sweater so we have to meet again. It's a promise that we will see each other soon. Please take it Melia.",he put the soft sweater onto my hands as I hesitated.

"Okay this is nothing temporary you'll get your sweater back asap! Either you'll come visit or I'll have to visit you!", I smiled even though sadness was surrounding us two.

"I actually feel better now after you took the sweater.",he let out a breath as I chuckled.

I stuffed his sweater into my suitcase while he took his luggage in his hands and walked towards the door. I locked the door and went to the lobby, to return the keys and check out.

Jack went to put his luggage into his actual room as I paid.


"Hey Jonah how are you feeling?",I asked him as I entered Corbyn and his room.

"Much better thanks to you!",he smiled slowly standing up from his bed.
"Jonah told me how you went full on mother mode on him.",Corbyn chuckled as I rolled my eyes.

"I appreciate it though, thank you I wouldn't feel half this good if it wasn't for you.",Jonah grinned.

"You're welcome Jonah! I have to go now so let me give you a big hug before I leave. I'll miss you but I'm sure we will keep in contact.",I hugged him tightly as he nodded.

"Of course! Let me come with you guys though, as I told you I feel much better now-",he said eagerly but Corbyn and I stopped him immediately.

"No Jonah, your priority right now is to get entirely healthy again which means you need to rest. Your fans are counting on you, so just relax and take care of yourself. If you don't feel better tomorrow, search for a doctor that's close by please.",I told him as he sighed and nodded.

"Alright I'll miss you Melia.",Jonah waved before Corbyn and I left the room leaving him all by himself.


[a/n: please give this chapter a vote or comment if you enjoyed it and what are your thoughts on Jack and Melia's pact??👼🏼]

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