forty eight

456 18 5

I am just now realising,
they don't care
I try real hard but
I'm caught up
by my insecurities

"Hey sweetie! I'm Kristin, Jack's mom. You must be Melia! Ah it's so good to finally meet you! Jack and the girls have been talking nonstop about you.", Jack's mom emerged from what I think is the kitchen and walked up to me embracing me in a warm hug. Her hug reminded me of my family, it made me nostalgic. Unintentionally my arms tightened around her shoulders, breathing her mom scent in, making me feel as if I was at home.

She sensed my nostalgia, her hand was rubbing my back in a comforting manner. I barely knew this woman and I already felt so comfortable around her, she made me feel so welcome it was surreal.

"I'm sorry.", I whispered letting go of this short but beautiful moment with Jack's mom.

"It's fine sweetie.", she whispered back knowingly.

"This is a small thank you for inviting me to your beautiful home.", I handed her the bouquet as she let out a gasp.

"Oh sweetie, you didn't have to do that! You're always welcome here.", she smiled making her way back to the kitchen while Jack led me to their living room.

"I told you. She loves you.", he whispered in my ear, chills went down my spine.

"So I'm a person that can't come without bringing gifts...", I began.

"Awful trait you have there sunshine.", Jack said as he sat down on the couch.

"Shush now, you got your presents. It's your turn to shut up.", I rolled my eyes while he let out a fake gasp.

"Lady, your insults are getting harsher and harsher I can't believe it! Who are you?", he asked me jokingly.

"You know I'm just joking, I love it.", he finished making me smile lightly.

"So these are just small gifts, I saw them and I just thought of you guys so I had to buy them.", I shrugged handing Syd the first present.

"You told me how you're currently writing so many poems, words, even just thoughts and the paper you're writing on just feels so wrong. So I saw this one and had to think of you immediately.", I said as she opened it.

"Oh my god Mel. I can't believe you remembered all that.", she was smiling brightly.

It was a notebook, it wasn't small nor large, it had the perfect size. The book was just orange, her favorite color, the paper was white and it had lines. For other people it might just be an ordinary notebook but I knew what it meant to her. It was her way of coping with everything that was inside of her head, even though her thoughts may not be organized the notebook sure looked very organized and clean. That's why I had to think of her, it was her opposite, it awoke different emotions for her and that's what made it so special.

"I also put a small sticker in the back and a note on the last page.", I told her sheepishly.

The sticker was an alien on his spaceship, it was our inside joke. I couldn't even remember anymore how it started, it just got stuck with us and we use it almost everyday now.

"Now this one is for you.", I handed Ava her present, she took it gladly.

"This is so stupid but I just had to buy it.", I giggled.

It was a small book about Germany, from the places you can visit to the food and drinks you can get there. With the small book I also wrote a note too.
"I love it! And oh wait there's a note? Dear Ava, this stupid present is me trying to invite you to come and visit me sometime. You're welcome to come whenever. Mark all the places you want to visit and all the food and drinks you want to try, once you're in Germany we will go through the entire list and check it all out. Love Melia!", she read aloud, she was jumping up and down happily.

"Yes yes yes thank you for your offer! I can't wait to visit you soon!", she squealed smiling widely.

"You're welcome! As I said, every single one of you is always welcome to visit.", I spoke before I handed the last present to Isla.

"This is for you angel."
"UNO but it's not the normal one! It has spongebob on it!", she said excitedly hugging me tightly as I let out a chuckle.

"Thank you."
"You're welcome angel."


Kristin prepared something to eat for us so we all ate and caught up what we missed in each other's life. Jack and I left out the part where I had a panic attack, seeing it wouldn't really be a good topic to talk about.
After we ate, Isla insisted on playing UNO with the new cards she got from me. Jack lost almost every single round, he was really horrible at this.

"Hey alien, do you want to go for a short walk? Mom wants me to get some fruits at the shop nearby.", Syd said after a while, making me nod.

"Sure I don't mind."

"We'll be back in a few.", Syd yelled as I waved at Jack who was playing another round of UNO with Isla. He waved back, a small grin on his face.

After she shut the door she linked arms with me, we were walking in a comfortable silence.

"Now tell me what's bothering you.", she spoke making me flinch at the sudden outburst.

"Nothing.", I shook it off but she only snorted not believing a single word.

"Now take a deep breath and spill the beans.", she sounded serious, her eyebrow was arched and her arms were crossed in front of her, waiting for a response.

I gulped.

"'s about Christina.", I told her and explained the entire situation to her. My voice got all wobbly but I was strong enough not to have another panic attack. Syd listened to everything as she looked for some fruits in the shop, she hugged and calmed me down every once in a while.

"Wow it felt good to let it out.", I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Mel, I see why you're upset. The thing is, I once had this friend, I thought we were best friends and we were going strong but it came out that she just wanted to be my friend to get to Jack. It wasn't the last time that something like that happened but I got better in seeing through some people. So you have to understand that the girls are scared you might be like that too. I think Christina realized that it was wrong but she also didn't want to tell you because she knew you'd be upset. She cherishes your friendship and didn't want to destroy or well lose it.", she explained as we walked back to their house.

"So what you're saying is that I should forgive her?", I asked her but she only shrugged.

"It's your decision. All that I can tell you is that it's bothering you a lot and even after talking to someone about it you're still having that frown on your face.", she put her finger between my forehead making me laugh.

"Alright you're right. I'm gonna talk to her.", she nodded putting her arm around my shoulders after she rang the bell.

"I'm really happy you're here Mel."
"Me too Syd."


[a/n: what's your favorite song right now?👼🏼]

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