twenty six

592 17 10

I'm trying to realize
It's alright to not be fine
On your own

"Tina?", it was already pretty late but I was still awake. I was watching 'On my block' on Netflix, laughing my ass off while crying at the same time.

This show...honestly.

"Sorry it's late isn't it?", she asked, she sounded off.

"It's fine I'm awake so it's all good don't worry about it. What's wrong?", I asked her, something wasn't right I could feel it.

"I...ugh I don't know I'm a little annoyed right now.", she answered.

"Do you want to talk about it?", I asked her looking at the screen.

She was wiping her make up off while sighing loudly.

"I do actually.", she put the dirty wipe away looking at me a little lost.

"Whatever it is that is bothering you, don't let it get to you okay? You are such a strong woman, probably the strongest that I know and I'm always here for you whenever you need me. You can get through it, with or without help I know you can. But having someone to help you is always the better option, it makes you feel so much better.", I gave her an encouraging smile.

"This is why I love you Melia.", she told me as I gave her a playful eye roll.

"No I'm serious, you are by far the most selfless person that I know and I appreciate all the love that you're giving me I hope that you know that I love you just as much as you love me.", I was smiling like an idiot.

"I appreciate you too Tina!"

"Alright I'm gonna rant now, because I just need to let it all out I hope you don't mind."

"Go ahead, after you're done it's gonna be my turn to rant.", I chuckled as she nodded.

"So basically what happened is that the girls, Tate, Gabbie, Bry, Kay and I have a group chat right? And we talked about something and Bry, Kay and Gabbie were really judgy about the subject even though they have no clue about it. They tried to say it in the nicest way possible but I know them and I know that they are being judgmental, it's always been like that. I'm just aggravated that they're making assumptions about a subject that they have no idea about. You can't judge something you don't know anything about! I don't understand how they can be like that, it's like as if I'd see a person and be like 'oh she looks like a bitch so I'm sure she is one' like what the fuck? Why on earth would you say something like that? Don't judge a book by its cover!", she exclaimed as I nodded.

"You are completely right, assumptions shouldn't be made beforehand. I'm sure they'll change their minds when they engage themselves with the subject. Don't worry about it too much because at the end you know the truth and that's what's important. Stay true to yourself and your position and what the others might assume or think is their problem, you know what's right and it'll always be like that."

"Thank you. You always know what to say to make me calm down.", she grinned.

"Of course, anytime!"

"Now it's your turn Lia. Oh my god! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD I JUST FOUND THE PERFECT NICKNAME FOR YOU?! LIA!! NO ONE CALLS YOU LIA THIS IS THE ONE! I AM A GENIUS!",she yelled excitedly, she was shaking her phone so hard I could barely see anything but a blur.

"Oh my god stop I'm getting dizzy!", I laughed.

"But yeah you are right no one calls me Lia, good one Tina!", I winked at her while she was grinning from one ear to another.

"Thanks I am the queen of giving nicknames.",she said.

"No you're not."
"No I'm not.", we said at the same time laughing lightly.

"Alright now it's for real your turn, talk woman.",she told me.

"Okay. So basically it's nothing serious but it's kind of really bothering me. I talked to Jack a few hours ago and he asked me about the Halloween party you know...and I told him that Faye and I walked back to my house. It's a 15minute walk and it was no big deal, it's normal here in Germany. Yes it's dangerous but we were together and literally nothing happened. Jack was very angry about it though, he asked why no one picked us up and how we could be so stupid to walk alone. We could've gotten kidnapped. I told him that I couldn't just call my parents, it was 3am and I felt bad for them so I didn't call. If I would've been alone I would've called them for sure but I was with Faye and we were good. We weren't drunk at that time anymore and we knew what we were doing. Jack doesn't understand that I can't call my parents whenever I need them, I'm an adult now, I have to be responsible and yes it was a bad decision but at the end everything was okay. I do not need another parent that tells me what I should or shouldn't do. I need him as my friend, to be by my side and tell me that it was wrong but also to get over it and just trust me. I don't even know why I'm annoyed by this...I talked to Zach a little before I ended the call but I basically ignored him at the end and I feel very bad about it. I don't know what to do, I can't just fly out to him and apologize but I also can't just call him, I don't even know what to say or how to feel.", I sighed.

"Oh hun, you are worrying way too much! He's just worried about you, imagine if he would go out at that time alone.Just imagine that, you'd be worried sick too! You gotta understand him and I do understand you too Lia but he's right. Just talk to him like you always do this one small argument won't change your friendship I can promise you that, he cares for you way too much to just throw it away because of a stupid fight.", she said making me nod.


[a/n: their friendship is everything to me!please vote and comment👼🏼]

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