twenty two

613 19 9

Did I say something wrong?
Did you hear what I was thinking?
Did I talk way too long when I told
you all my feelings that night?
Is it you? Is it me? Did you find somebody
better?Someone who isn't me, 'cause I
know that I was never your type
Never really your type
~good things fall apart~

It was almost 12am and I had school tomorrow but I just couldn't sleep. I was rolling around in my bed for almost an hour now and I was getting annoyed by myself.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Jack told me.

He said that Syd must like me because she doesn't let many people use her nickname. I'm very honored and happy about it but I don't understand what made her trust me so much in that short amount of time.

I need to ask her that one day, I don't want her to feel sorry for me because of what happened the last few years.

With all the thoughts that we're running around in my head I somehow fell asleep.

Tomorrow will kill me I already know it.


Through the days Christina and I talked more, we exchanged our numbers and I told her to download WhatsApp too. We've talked about the most random things, we didn't talk about the boys and I think that was what she appreciated the most.

I understand her, I wouldn't like someone to call me 'the girlfriend' of someone either. I'm me and if you don't like it then you do you but don't interfere into my life. People should stop pressuring her about her relationship with Corbyn because it's none of their business. She wants to keep it private and people should accept that.

Jack told me about their lunch party, how much fun they had and all in all what happened. His girlfriend surprised him and tagged along, he had a good time and I was happy for him.

I really was. I'm his friend and that's all I'll ever be but I'm okay with that because I would've never thought that I would even get the chance to be friends with him.

Today is Halloween.

The boys are already in Asia and they've been gushing about it nonstop. They love it so much and the amount of fans they have there is crazy!
Jack didn't call me everyday since they were very busy and the time zones were very weird too.

But he sent me voice messages over the day whenever he had time and when I woke up I listened to them and sent some back too. That way we had a chance to talk to each other even though the time zone was giving us a hard time.

Even though I should enjoy today, I was a little down. Maybe because I didn't plan to go out today. Faye and I wanted to go out but through the week we didn't have the time to talk and didn't get any costumes so this meant no Halloween for me today.

My parents were working until tonight, so I was all alone and it just seemed like any day honestly.

I was mad about myself because I really wanted today to be special.

I was making myself some spaghetti when I suddenly got a FaceTime call from Christina.

"Hey girl.",Christina yawned.

"Hey what time is it?",I asked confused.

"6:30am I wanted to talk to you before I get ready for class.",she rubbed her eyes.

"Wow aren't you cute!",I smiled while putting the spaghetti into the pot of boiling water.

"I know, you're my girlfriend so duhh! Now come with me to the kitchen I'm making myself some coffee or I won't survive today.",she mumbled.

"You have classes on Halloween?",I asked her surprised because I had today off.

"Sadly yes, our profs don't give a shit about that. I only have till 1pm though so it's fine.",she shrugged.

"After that I'm getting ready for a friends Halloween party.What about you?What are you doing?",she asked me.

"I'm making myself some spaghetti right now, after that I'm probably gonna watch Halloween town and bore myself to death.",I replied pouting lightly.

"Nonono didn't we talk about you going out with Faye? You will go clubbing today, get ready!",Christina said sternly.

"I don't have a costume and neither does Faye! It's too late plus I'm fine with me staying at home I mean movies are cool too, right?",I asked letting out a sigh.

"Mel, listen. You need to have fun today, I can already sense how down you are just from seeing you on my phone. You're sad and you want to go out so do it! Doesn't matter if you have an outfit or not, go as whatever you want literally doesn't matter just have fun! It's okay to think about your own happiness. It's okay to do what you want once in a while you know?",she explained.

"I'll think about it.",I told her as she rolled her eyes.

"I would drag you with me to the fucking club if I was there.",she said.

"I know.",I laughed.

"I'm gonna call you later to check up on you, during that time I want you slowly to get changed and all.",she replied.

"Alright mother!",I grinned.

"Alright I gotta go get ready see you later!",she smiled lightly, her eyes closed.

"Good luck and have fun!",I waved before ending the call.


"Meliaaaaa! Happy Halloween my favorite German friend!",Zach yelled happily.

"She's our only German friend.", I heard Daniel say in a duh tone.

I giggled.

"Happy Halloween guys how are you?", I asked Zach when suddenly Daniel,Corbyn and Jonah came into the picture.

"Stop pushing will you?", Zach whined as Corbyn pushed him entirely away, taking the phone out of his hand.

"Amazing, Tokyo is just absolutely amazing!",Daniel gushed.

"How was your day?", I asked them as I put my empty plate into the sink.

"So cool, we went sightseeing and took so many pictures! Plus we tried Japanese food here and it's so delicious!",Zach yelled, he was standing behind all the boys who were making it hard for him to see me properly.

"Guys stop pushing Zach away, he's your brother!",I scolded at them playfully mad.

"Why are you always on his side?", Jonah asked totally not understanding why I'm doing what I'm doing.

"Because we have a special bond you guys!", Zach pulled his tongue out at them childishly.

"I like Ariana Grande too Zach.", Corbyn rolled his eyes pushing him once again.

"I defend him because no one else is doing it.", I shrugged my shoulders smiling sheepishly.

Jonah and Daniel were laughing loudly while Corbyn let out the weirdest noise I've ever heard in my entire life.

"Was that mean?", I let out a pout.

"Yes.", Zach crossed his arms.

"I didn't mean-",I began but someone stopped me mid sentence.


[a/n: who stopped her?whats going on omg?!😱please leave vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter👼🏼] SalXIV for u bitch

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