The wild - Byron

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I fell, not tripped, not stumbled, I fell. The hole seemed to have just opened up below me, and now all I could see was a strange jungle below me, and I'm screaming, no, now I'm hyperventilating.

I crashed through vines and hit mossy ground. I waited for a few moments before taking a deep breath and forced myself to get up.

I was sore, and I may have twisted my wrist and pulled a few muscles but I felt extremely lucky, I staggered to my feet and cringed in pain.

I looked around, I seemed to be on a massive walking track, and the sky was a fading orange colour, I could hear strange noises and now it felt so cold here, my tank top and shorts seemed highly inappropriate.

I jumped as a shape began getting closer, I froze on the spot and dread filled me. I couldn't run, I was to sore, the shape slowed down as it got closer. It seemed to be a very dark blue colour with bright white and silver eyes, it seemed so tall, with a lizard like tail, it had claws that glinted in the fading light, and I gave a shriek, it probably sounded real pathetic.

It carefully approached me, it seemed to be wearing something similar to a bag. I backed away from it, but its paw like feet were far quicker then me, my head reached the creatures chest, I took another step back but the creature held out a clawed hand, I flinched away and fell down.

The creature stopped and watched me, before bringing its clawed hand down again and gently stroked my head, the creature made a gurgling sound before leaning down and suddenly lifted me up under its arm, I struggled and squirmed but it was no good, I was captured and to weak to fight.

We approached a town which looked surprisingly like any human town, with massive houses, sturdy looking fences dividing properties and what seemed to be a shopping district somewhere down a path.

We approached a house, the creature unlocked the door and entered, it closed the door before heading through a hallway and opened a door, there was a massive bed which seemed perfect for the creatures size.

It carefully placed me on the bed, I squirmed and wriggled away from it, it just stretched its nearly human like mouth into something resembling a smile, it then left the room and I heard another door open, I tried to push myself off the bed so I could sneak away or hide, but the pain that tore through my wrist was enough to stop me.

The creature returned, and I couldn't help but shake in fear, I tried to hide it behind a stone face, but that was a failing battle, the creature had a small crate, and it opened it, inside were various familiar bits of medical equipment.

It looked at me again and touched my sore wrist lightly, I gasped and yanked my hand back, it nodded to itself and pulled out a brace/bandage looking thing, and it grabbed my arm, I tried pulling back, but that movement just generated even more pain. Slowly the creature tightened the thing onto my swollen looking wrist, the pressure both hurt and eased the pain.

Nodding to itself once again, it removed the thing and picked me up once more and carried me to a room, this held a massive bath, shower and sink, it closed the door and sat me on the ground as it turned the water on and filled the tub.

I didn't understand what was going on, I tried standing up and twisted the doorknob which was slightly difficult to reach, but the creature quickly stopped me and moved me to its other side.

The bath was full and now the creature was trying to force me out of my clothes, and due to its strength it won much to my humiliation, and all the creature did was put me into the water and washed me with normal enough looking soap, I saw both blood and dirt fill the tub, I must have a few scratches I couldn't see.

Its a good thing I didn't fight, it ended so quickly, the creature pulled me out of the water and dried me with a fluffy towel before carrying me to the bedroom, it placed me on the bed and looked through the medical supplies.

It grabbed a bottle of liquid and what looked like a bag of cottonballs, it used the liquid on the cottonballs and dabbed it over cuts that I couldn't see, I flinched and cried out at the pain.

Then the creature retrieved my clothes and dressed me, I felt so humiliated but I had no fight, I was sore and exhausted. The creature placed the brace/bandage back onto my wrist and then placed a blanket over me, forcing me to lay down, it then left the room and began making gurgling noises as if it were talking to someone and I just lay there, afraid of what it would do if I tried to escape.

Byron a Human Pet StoryWhere stories live. Discover now