The height of this - Byron

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I blinked my eyes open as I felt movement, I had drifted to sleep with Cecilia and now she was awake, wriggling off the bed like she thought she was being sneaky, "how ya feeling?" I asked as I rubbed sleep from my eyes, she was startled by my voice and she gave me a tight smile, "a little better, I really needed that sleep" she admitted, she had pain in her eyes and I didn't know what to do, so I sat up and hopped off the bed, "come with me" I said, she slowly followed me.

I examined the house, it had picture frames of the mother figure and my owner as well as strangers and some held the friend, but I didn't pay much mind to those, as I was looking for the backyard, it'd be easier talking in the fresh air after all.

Finally I found the door, this one was a sliding door, a lot more easy to manipulate open, I managed to slide it open and she followed me, "oh, and if you ever feel the need to go toilet, we go toilet outside, I bury my unspeakables" I explained, she nodded, "nah that's good, I loved going camping! This'll be the easiest thing to deal with!" She reassured me, I gave her a weird look, surprised by her response, I couldn't believe anyone would be alright with the toilet situation.

We sat by a huge tree and looked around, my owner peaked his head through the door then seemed to let out a relieved sigh, he then went back inside, I yawned then looked at the sky, amazed to see it was already afternoon, "they're so big" stated Cecilia, I nodded slowly, this topic was for some reason uncomfortable for me, maybe because I had been avoiding thinking about it, "like your hair reaches its chest! We're not short, we're small, they are so much... More! We're like sleek border collies to their tall gorilla size!" She exclaimed, I looked at her, that was one weird way to explain it, "their chests are much bigger then ours!" She added, "well they'd need a bigger heart, and bigger lungs for their size" I mumbled.

She gave me a look, "what is it? Haven't you thought about this yet?" She asked, I shook my head, "I think, maybe I didn't want to think about it, as their claws are enough of a danger warning" I explained, she nodded, "I guess so, and I may have been exaggerating with my description, but you get my point right? If we were just short, they wouldn't be able to hold us, we're just small and apparently pretty light" she added, I nodded along to her, "look, can we not discuss this, I only wanted to bring you out here for some fresh air" I lied, she gave me a sad look, "sorry, I talk to much when I'm nervous, and I am still really scared" she admitted, I sighed and stood up, I held a hand out to her and she took it with a small shaky smile, "I think I'll go toilet, can you please go inside?" She asked, I nodded in understanding.

Once inside I really paid attention to the height differences, I really didn't like finally paying attention to this, I have a faint memory of me reaching the creatures chest, but under proper thought I realised it was probably due to the instinctive nature of someone trying not to scare the animal they are trying assist, my owner probably didn't even know he was doing it.

I walked up to my owner, I suddenly just wanted to hug him, his soft fur and caring ways was turning me into a sucker for affection, I reached up and could barely reach his shoulders despite just reaching his chest, she's right, we are small.

The night seemed to rush at me, I was so invested in height one minute such as how the friends taller then my owner and then suddenly I'm in the kitchen with Cecilia, staring at the unpleasant canned food, with Cecilia giving me a disgusted look before forcing herself to eat it, they cleaned our hands much to Cecilia's disapproval, we received baby bottles with water, i laughed at her disapproval, and then suddenly I was carried off to bed by my owner, he held me close and I cuddled into him, I guessed Cecilia was with the friend, I smiled to myself thinking about how unhappy that would make her.

Morning came as a surprise, as I really didn't get much sleep due to the nap yesterday, so I must have fallen asleep sometime in the morning, my owner was shifting about as he tried to untangle his leg from the blanket, I slowly sat up, my owner gave me an affectionate pat and finally managed to untangle himself, he quickly left the room, I was curious, so I followed, he was at the front door talking to a stranger with horns, they looked at me and made some cooing like gurgles and I didn't want to be spun around by another female creature so I quickly walked off to the kitchen.

Cecilia ducked into the kitchen and hung behind me, "yes?" I asked, she gave me a glare, "what!?" I exclaimed defensively, "you didn't tell me they sleep with you! The one I slept with... Wait that sounds weird.. The one I slept beside! Does not stop moving at night! I was literally getting pushed about the bed by an unconscious... Whatever they are!" She whined, I snorted at her misfortune, "unlucky, I get a big cuddle bug" I teased, she huffed at me and then gave me a small smile, "but I tried, and even though the idea of becoming a pet is ridiculous, I think I can keep trying to trust them" she stated bravely.

The female stranger walked in and looked at us, it cautiously leant down and gave us wary pats, I sat and enjoyed the attention, sure it's degrading in front of others but a part of me honestly found enjoyment in this and I didn't want to make Cecilia feel like she shouldn't trust the creatures.

My owner walked in and seemed quite happy and jittery, I looked at my bowl and sighed, breakfast time, great, time to start the day with unpleasant food, and I was correct, as the friend walked in from out of nowhere and began giving us some food, I frowned at the stranger as it watched us eat, but I forced myself to eat, I needed to eat for my own sake after all, next was the water in baby cups, this felt slightly less degrading somehow.

I ran off to go toilet and the stranger followed, I went back inside to still have the stranger follow me around, I was feeling very uncomfortable, so I relied on my owner, I grabbed him in a strange hug and tried mentally pleading with him to get her to stop, he didn't read my mind and seemed to just talk to her and pat my head, he then sat down and sat me on his lap, my legs dangled off his, the friend tried doing the same with Cecilia who didn't stop squirming, he let her go with a disappointed look, she didn't seem to care.

My owner was still talking to the stranger and then cuddled me closer and gave my head a kiss, I gave Cecilia a death glare, she smiled at me cheekily, I knew she was trying so hard to trust these creatures, but right now I'd prefer if she was running outside screaming 'monster!!', she looked at the friend and back at me, losing her cheeky look, she seemed internally at war, until suddenly she headed towards the friend, I watched her as she climbed onto the couch and then sat on his legs, the joy on the creatures face was surprisingly heart warming.

Cecilia stopped going pink at the cheeks and then started cuddling into the fur, I couldn't blame her, my owner finished talking and gently lifted me off, and for once I felt disappointed, I had been so comfortable, why'd he decide to move now! The same happened with Cecilia but she didn't seem to disappointed.

The vet set up a portable table in the bathroom which somehow goes on the bath, I stood beside my owner and watched as Cecilia was placed upon it, a bag sat by the strangers feet, Cecilia was undressed and I stared at the bag, "what's happening!" Cried Cecilia, I continued staring at the bag, "I think this may be a vet, the kind that comes to your home, ah, you might find it unpleasant, but it could just be a check up" I reassured uncertainly, she began whining as they checked her over, and I walked out, not even able to comfort my new friend throughout such an uncomfortable and upsetting time.

I spent the time going through drawers, there was never anything of interest, some unreadable papers, unknown electronics, and various strange items which I didn't want to mess with, suddenly Cecilia was running through the house straight to me, "I don't like check ups" she stated, I nodded slowly, waiting for her to bring up the fact I left, "and I'll never see a thermometer the same!" She proclaimed, I snorted at that, she was dressed and giving me an embarrassed look, "next time, warn me better" she advised before sitting against the wall, everyone came in, the stranger was having a conversation with the friend and my owner went straight to me and hugged me close.

We spent the day avoiding the vet, we even split up and ran about, my owner caught me, but I snuck away and then was found by the friend, it felt wrong to be having fun like this, I was finding enjoyment in avoiding being monitored by a vet, who's probably just trying to make sure we are healthy and eating well, even Cecilia was laughing whenever I saw her during that game of hide from the creature.

We still got fed lunch and given baby bottles of water, as well as going toilet, but it seemed the vet wasn't leaving yet, she stayed till night time and seemed curious about how we slept, I watched as the friend seemed to show the vet how it slept with Cecilia who was looking at him cautiously, I couldn't blame her, being pushed around a bed would feel very frustrating, and when it came mine and my owners turn, I just decided to hide my face in his smooth short fur, I could feel the teasing eyes of Cecilia but didn't care, I could hear the front door being opened and closed, I also heard Cecilia loudly exclaim "tonight I'll be the one pushing you around!" And I laughed quietly into my owners chest, he patted my head and gently gurgled at me as he held me against him, I hated to admit, that I really enjoyed the safety and love that he gave me.

Byron a Human Pet StoryWhere stories live. Discover now