Guilt - Shik

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The Ghost's head rubbed against me as I scratched it behind the ear, it was a pleasant distraction from my hearts rapid beating, but all to soon a high pitched whistle sounded, the Ghost perked up and headed back into the jungle, I sighed and looked down at my still pet.

I leant down unsure of how he'll react but he stayed loose and limp as I lifted him and pressed him against my chest, worry filled me again, I needed to get home, what if he hit his head!?

I entered through the empty doorway and approached the closet, I guiltily decided it would be safest, as it would prevent him from going out through the front doorway and running off again, and I also needed a chance to cool down.

Tak came running in, "hey! I saw you come in! Is he alright?" Asked Tak, I nodded slowly, "yea, I think he is, he seems exhausted, he may have hit his head but I'm not sure" I mumbled, before gazing at the empty doorway and ignoring his worried expression, my mum poked her head through the kitchen doorway and smiled at me, "I'm so glad you found him! Now hurry and help Tak with the door, we'll need to get little Jasper out of that closet as soon as possible!" She cheered, I knew she was trying to lighten the mood and I appreciated it.

Tak and I worked hard at the door, occasionally I got confused especially when it came to the locking system and handle, it was a fun distraction for sure.

Once the door was as perfect as it could be, I headed towards the closet and opened it, Jasper jolted up, my heart broke at the fearful expression on my pets face, I reached for him but he moved away, did he think I was mad at him? After a few more attempts he gave up and let me pick him up, I carefully carried him to my bedroom and sat him on the bed, he flopped into a laying down position, I sighed and headed off to get his food, I mushed it up a bit just in case he refused to eat and luckily I did, as Jasper didn't even try to eat, I was forced to use the trick the vet had taught me.

"Dude? You good? Ah boy, hey, how about we take turns watching him ok, mum can watch him first because she cooked a delicious lunch and deserves a break" planned Tak, I gave him a small smile, "sounds good." I agreed with him and decided to sit on the couch and watch some TE to distract me from today's events, while I ate some homemade macaroni and cheese.

A while later I got up to give him his dinner, as my mum went about making dinner, I tried telling her she was the guest but she didn't listen, besides I didn't try to hard, I love her cooking!

Today was going so fast, one minute I'm greeting mum, the next I'm running around for my pet in a panic, and then I'm building a door lock and fixing up a new door, and now here I am watching my Jasper lying down looking so dull.

I sat him up to allow me to get onto the bed and then I pulled him close, wanting this to be different, reality is harder to accept then fiction, in fiction he'd be holding onto me and curling up in his cute way, but no, he was just dull, limp, and warm.

Once I woke up I got straight to getting things ready, I told Tak who walked into my room, asking when i was going to the vets, and that he was going to take mum into town to explore and I began to carry my pet to the vets for his chipping and check up.

Once there I nervously talked to the receptionist who pointed me to a room, I entered the room and put Jasper on the table, he seemed to jump to life, he leapt from the table, barking and howling, he hid under the desk and I tried reaching for him, he kept batting my hand away, I didn't know what to do.

The vet walked in and seemed to understand the situation, "don't worry, we'll talk for a minute or two and leave him to see if he'll calm down" stated the vet, "that sounds good... Um he escaped yesterday and I'm not sure if he hit his head or not" I mumbled guiltily, the vet gave me a reassuring smile.

"Ah, I see, I'll give him something to help if anything has happened, and here's a warning, he may be experiencing depression of loss, its what we call it when they turn dull and different once they are caught again, as we believe they are looking for something whether it be their herd or a specific item" explained the vet, I nodded slowly, "that makes sense" I mumbled feeling ashamed of myself, as if I could have done something different.

The vet helped me catch Jasper who put up a real fight, I didn't understand his behaviour, the vet dragged him out and I held him down firmly, his back legs were kicking crazily and he was howling and whining, I wanted to make him stop, I wanted to make him better, but he needed this.

The vet injected him generating even more fight, he stayed mobile for far longer this time, but still the chemical won out, he let out a final whine and stilled, his face was wet and snotty, the vet made a small incision and pressed something onto the incision which beeped, "there's the chip, I'll give you the papers after this is over" stated the vet, he then grabbed a small orb, and carefully fit it in under the chip, "this will help his head, the muscle will absorb it and it will help with any cranial bruising or so forth, and if he didn't hit his head, it will simply relieve any facial or head centered stress" added the vet.

We released him and I picked him up and placed him back on the table and patted him softly, the vet began explaining to me that now if my pet and I were separated any vet could check for the chip and contact me, I appreciated the reassurance, I noticed that Jasper could move now by the way his body tensed up, but he didn't move he stayed blank and unmoving, "is he alright?" I asked softly, "stress probably, I'd say after yesterday and today he'll need some rest, as he definitely would be exhausted especially after his fit there" Stated the vet, I nodded my agreement.

"Ok, I'll take him home now" I mumbled as I gently picked him up and held him against my chest, "alright, call me if anything happens" he said politely, but his eyes held a concern that I couldn't quite understand, "oh, and if he still behaves this way, we can try to meet him up with another and go through items to see if he can find what he's missing so much" added the vet, I muttered an affirmative answer as I left, "I'm sorry" I whispered to Jasper, hoping over anything that life can be as wonderful as fiction.

Once home I lay him on my bed, whispering softly, hoping my loving words would break through his stress and depression, Tak and mum joined me in my room and patted Jasper as I explained the doctor visit, mum seemed understanding of it and Tak seemed eager to have Jasper do what the vet had offered, "maybe after some more time" I told Tak, his face fell, "but, it might help him quicker if we do it now" stated Tak, I just shook my head and walked off to the backyard, unable to look at anyone, it felt selfish, but I didn't want him to choose to stay with the other Daer or to stay with whatever item he was missing, I wanted him to myself.

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