Another one - Byron

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I was woken up by my owner carrying me to the backyard, I yawned and looked around, he put me down and I sleepily walked to a bush, and he went back into the house, and I quickly finished my business, then headed inside, he had put food in my bowl, I unhappily ate the strange food and let him clean my hands, almost dozing off right there, why am I so tired? Is it really that early?

My owner left the kitchen and I heard the back door shut, he then came in with the waist collar, I was to tired to resist, so he got it on me easily, he then carried me out to the front yard, locking the door behind him, where are we going? He stood on the path looking around, I was beginning to wake up more and was actually paying attention, a quad bike like vehicle rolled up to the path, the drivers tail seemed to curl on the seat, I was placed on the tail and my owner sat behind me, we drove off, I was fully awake now.

Time flew as I was distracted looking at everything that passed us by, from massive trees to different sized beasts, different houses and even some parks, I was interested in the world that surrounded me, even though I didn't know what everything was.

We stopped before a house, it had several vegetable gardens lining the border and my owners friend stood at the doorway, my owner lifted me up and put me down, I headed to the friend who patted my head and opened the door, I didn't walk through, I just looked at him confused, he nudged me to the door, I didn't understand, were we getting up this early just to visit the friend?

I finally decided to go inside, the house seemed bigger and more roomy, the lounge room was a big room and it was connected to the kitchen by a open doorless door way, I then headed down a hall, there was quite a few rooms, this home definitely felt like a family home, I could hear my owner and his friend gurgling to each other.

I entered a bedroom like room and heard a voice, "it's ok. I'll get out, I've gotta get out, their going eat me aren't they! Oh dear" spoke the voice, I looked at a corner on the other side of the bed, seeing quite a frightened person standing there, she had oily and dirty brown hair which had some purple dyed into it, she was looking at the ground mumbling to herself, "eat you? Really?" I exclaimed, she looked up, "oh no! They caught you to!" She gasped, I gave her a baffled look, "well yea" I said, she was understandably terrified, but I was suspicious after my last encounter with another person, her green eyes were wide with fear.

"You don't need to be so afraid" I told her, I knew I sounded rude and unsympathetic, I just didn't know how to react, "I don't need to be! We're going to die!" She exclaimed, I gave a bitter laugh, "no, I highly doubt that" I told her, she now had narrowed her eyes in an accusing and judgmental way, "what do you mean?" She asked, I shrugged slightly, "we. Are. Animals. And to these creatures we are pets" I explained, she looked at me, I couldn't read her this time, my owner entered with his friend, she didn't budge from her spot, "I don't want to be a pet" she stated shakily, "really?!" I snapped bitterly, she flinched at that, her eyes seemed to harden.

I felt guilty, I knew I was being a dick, I just didn't know what to do, "'nice' to meet you I'm Cecilia, what's your name?" She growled, I could almost feel the hatred in her voice, "I don't have a name, not anymore, well actually I don't know what my owner calls me" I explained being sure to soften my voice, she seemed to soften up at that, "what's your birth name?" She asked, "it was Byron" I stated, with a small smile, "well Byron its been horrible meeting you" she said, and I deserved that, we stayed in tense silence, she was staring me down and I was feeling overly self conscious, my owner wasn't doing anything, nor was the friend, they just watched.

"Cecilia~ you're breaking my heart" I whisper sang, Cecilia started to giggle than fall out laughed until she was on her knees, I could physically see the stress and fear being released, she wasn't tense anymore, just loose and exhausted, I walked to her and sat beside her, she leant against me, I didn't know what to do, not long ago I was dealing with a depression, now I have to deal with someone else becoming absolutely hysterical with exhaustion and pent up stress.

My owner walked out with the friend for a while, Cecilia finally finished and looked at me with tired eyes, "how dare you use a song against me" she muttered, I shrugged, "seemed fitting" I stated, she nodded before pushing herself off the floor, she swayed a little bit but gave me a smile, "so being a pet hey? That means we can be ourselves right?" She asked, I shrugged, "I guess so?" I answered her.

My owner walked in and was followed by the friend, Cecilia had fear in her eyes but was obviously to exhausted to run away or even tense up, but once her eyes met mine she had a look of trust, and I couldn't believe it, I was horrible and she trusted me after that, my owner moved slowly, he reached for me, seeming to purposefully avoid Cecilia, he grabbed my arm and I stood up, I looked up at him and then back at her, I hated feeling like this.

He lead me a little bit away from Cecilia than attempted to approach her, she merely flinched when he reached down, he then patted her head, I watched as he picked her up, she wriggled a bit but didn't try for to long, "he's really soft" she told me, "yep" I agreed, the friend approached and looked like he wanted to hold her, carefully my owner passed her to him, "I'm not sure I can be as brave as you" she said shakily, I gave her a reassuring smile, my owner picked me up and I enjoyed the feeling of the soft fur against my cheek, "its really not that hard" I reassured.

They carried us to another room and closed the door, I looked at the room around me and felt incredibly nervous, a bath sat waiting with warm water, "ah, I see, do you mind if they give you a bath?" I asked she gave me a look of horror, "I do mind!" She exclaimed, I laughed in embarrassment, "I think they believe I need to be here to keep you calm and feeling safe" I explained, she didn't have the strength in her to fight, as she was stripped, I of course didn't look at her, I have respect after all, besides I never really liked the idea of peaking at someone.

The worst part was that I to was quickly undressed and placed in the bath as well, I didn't look at her, the other two fussed about her, cleaning her, she was making unhappy noises and I wondered why I wasn't being bathed, maybe it was purely a way to show her that the bath was safe, I wanted to get out, but didn't want to show off anything, so I sat and gazed dead set at the sink.

The water around me was turning brown with all the dirt which caked off her and then I was removed from the tub and redressed, "I feel so fresh and clean, but so dirty and humiliated" she cried out to me as she was dressed in the kind of clothes I was wearing, "its good and bad that they see us as pets" I admitted, "as long as its for a good reason I guess I'll not hold this against them" she sighed, her eyes were closing for longer periods of time now, we were carried out to the bedroom she had been in, "friends?" She sleepily mumbled, "sure, we're friends" I agreed, we were placed under the blankets and she held onto me and cried herself to sleep, and as her friend I lay there and let her, after all, we weren't alone anymore.

Author note: I'm very fond of platonic intimacy, so while these two will grow close they really aren't going to be anything romantic, she's going to be the 'finding fun in the oddest places' kind of person.

And here's to being #1 in humanpet!!! I am so amazed and happy. Thank you for all the support!

Byron a Human Pet StoryWhere stories live. Discover now