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This chapter will only have Shik's point of view, as not much can be said for someone in a cage, the last bit of the chapter will be a quick point of Byron's view.

I was escorted out of the room once all items had been passed through and returned, sure I was swelling with pride! My sweet Jasper was responding so well and seeming to know what is required of him, instead of keeping everything to himself, but the employee wounding himself definitely put a damper on everything.

Jasper was barking, I didn't want to leave him but I needed to do as I was told, these were professional after all

They took me to a desk were a man was waiting, "ah, you must be Shik Cura, I hope you like our establishment Mr Cura?" Chatted the man, I gave a forced smile, "yea, it's real cool, and who might you be?" I replied as politely as I possibly could, "my apologies, my name is Cija (si-ja), I am a manager here, and I am in charge of your case" chatted Cija some more, he spoke fast, but not to fast to miss anything, but fast enough to make it seem like we were in a hurry.

He quickly said a few things to the employees using big words I hardly understood and they nodded before leaving, he ruffled some papers and pulled out several sheets, he held them in front of him and gave me another smile, "now, your Daer... Jasper? Ah yes, little Jasper will need to be in the cage for two days, this is for multiple reasons, you cannot come and see him over the first day, this is a matter of temperament and attachment, as well as any other issues, on day two you will be required to come in during the afternoon, and then we'll start the next phase, this cage experience is also a test of treatment, as some cases have been found of owners accidentally neglecting needs or being unaware of harm, are we clear with this? Yes?" He explained, I gulped and nodded, I was positive I hadn't done anything to hurt him, I just hope I haven't neglected any needs.

"Good! Ok let's see day one is... Today, my my, this is quite uncommon, but very helpful to get things done quickly and with the least amount of stress, you have permission to say goodbye before you leave, but first you must sign these please" explained Cija, I nodded, hating the guilt I felt in leaving my precious Jasper.

Once I had signed, Cija motioned for me to say my goodbye, he gave me a warm smile with sympathetic eyes, my smile must have looked shaky, I left the room and headed to Jasper's room, he was sitting down and looking at the hole in the wall, I gently said his name, he looked at me and his eyes seemed to brighten, it made my heart swell.

I gently patted his head through the bars and kept telling him I'd be back tomorrow, I didn't understand the way things were supposed to work here, as it may still be morning, but how is this going to be two full days, or is it subjective, a case by case kind of thing.

I was escorted out once again, despite my breaking heart as Jasper was giving me a confused and worried look, I quickly walked out trying to be as polite as possible to everyone around me, I just wanted to get home before I decide to take Jasper with me.

Once home I open the door, Tak stood before me with a maniacal smile, "uhh hi?" I said in confusion, he rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm to drag me inside, he first walked me into the lounge room, it had a carpet over the wooden flooring now, the carpet looked soft and fluffy and there was a short couch, "uh... a redesign?" I asked, he nodded, "this is from the pet store, the couch is for when you have guests over and still want him to feel included, it even folds out into a bed!" Explained Tak, he released me and removed the soft pet bed like cushion and pulled out a small compartment which was to small for me but would fit Jasper well enough.

Tak then dragged me into the kitchen, it looked normal, other then a strange device connected to the bench and a bowl built into a stand, making it probably reach Jaspers belly when he sat down, "you see that on the bench? That's a drinking system, it has an inbuilt straw and its connected to your water, so you just gotta twist it and it will refill, it'll be easier on him to drink like this when he sits and eats here" explained Tak, I was amazed by the changes.

Tak took me to my room and showed me a Daer blanket, its built to keep them warm better than our blankets as we live in such a cold place, it'll be good for him there was a set of drawers with substitute fur carefully folded within, "it's good to change them, as their substitutes can get dirty and gross, its bad for them" explained Tak, before pulling me to the bathroom, there was various Daer cleaning products and cleaning tools, before I could even touch anything I was yanked away to the backyard, there was a few more planted bushes and a strange object in the yard, it looked like a pole with a very soft and bouncy ball attached to it by a rope, and nearby was small cubby, and under closer inspection it housed a pet bed and with yet another Daer blanket.

"Wow Tak thank you!" I exclaimed, he gave me a mock bow and headed back inside, "wait! How'd you get this done so quick!" I called, I hurried after him, he simply looked back with a cocky smirk and said "I have my ways." "anyway dude, I'll see you in a few days, I heard that mum needs me as she has a surprise for me" giggled Tak childishly before just leaving and having me stand at the doorway like an idiot for the whole world to see.

The rest of the day was fun for a few hours, inspecting all the new stuff and finding tin's of Daer food in the fridge, but now I felt lonely, why'd I agree to this, I wanted someone to cuddle up to and feel the comforting presence of such a precious life but alas that was not what I was allowed, my bed was empty to, and it felt all the worse, not having him by my side.

Byron's day one

Everyone left the room once they finished showing me everything, I tried calling out, I didn't want to be alone in this bland room and especially this cage! But all I could do was wait and soon I found myself staring at the bullet hole, I chose to examine every inch of it to pass the time.

He had now left me twice, the second he was being overly affectionate, could I have been wrong? Was he actually going to leave me! This couldn't be! I sat and suffered in my thoughts, the strangers only came in to give me water out of paper sippy cups or small plates of odd smelling food, of course I ate and drank, but I was in a state of denial, there was no way he had left me!

As my second meal rolled in I knew it was dinner, maybe this was a test, I guessed there were probably cameras watching me, so I scanned the roof until I saw small bulb like objects pointing at me, what an odd shape.

I soon got up and began pacing in circles, and now I needed to pee, but I kept my dignity and held it in.

This was such a long night.

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