Two weeks - Shik

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Its been two weeks now.

Two long weeks, and both those weeks ago my friend had told me "fine we'll take him once he has shown improvement, but we are not letting this opportunity for him go to waste, I know you care for Jasper, and so do I, he's a great pet, I'll come back in a week, if he's shown any improvement we'll go, but if not I'll just come back the week after that got it!" he had a fire in his eyes, he's always been a morally great person, so I'll do it, if I have to, I cannot be selfish.

My pet is watching me, this isn't new, sometimes he just stares off into nothingness, even when he's looking at you, I asked him if he needed to go toilet, he didn't react, he just looked up at the ceiling, he went blank, like he had been doing for some time now, I gently scooped him up and carried him to the back door, and all of a sudden he came back into attention, struggling against my hold and I placed him down and opened the door, he headed off to the toilet.

Could it be!? Is he improving! Wait it might be a fluke, or I might Jinx it, I've just gotta be calm about this, it might be a fluke like last week, were I had banged my knee on the couch and sworn, just to have him mimic me, I thought that was progress, until he returned to his usual dullness.

Knocking, oh right, it's probably Tak, I headed to the front door and invited my friend in, "so how's our precious one?" Asked Tak, I gave him a wide grin, "he went to the toilet without encouragement! He even wanted me to put him down so he could walk out by himself!" I exclaimed happily, Tak smiled back me, "wow! Dude that's great!" Tak whooped, I felt like I was high in the sky with joy, Tak then looked past me, eyes wide, I followed his gaze.

It was Jasper, he was walking inside and watching us with that critical look he used to have, and then he headed for the kitchen, Tak and I followed excitedly, he was drinking his water and we started patting his head in encouragement.

He swore, it sounded quite harsh coming from him, Tak gave me a look, I shrugged back at him, he knew where Jasper had learnt that word, but just didn't know how well he spoke it, as it wasn't a great pronunciation, but it was pretty damn good.

Jasper got up and ignored us, sitting on the couch to watch reruns, I joined him not to long after and left him be, I just wanted to silently enjoy this moment.

He perked up! An episode I hadn't seen came on, it was about a violent human, it was a safety episode, telling owners to keep new pets from your throat and away from knives, as this one had immediately gotten violent, trying to strangle people and stab them without being provoked to that level.

I didn't like it, I held my Jasper, wanting to protect him from such dangers, even though I knew he was from the same species.

Tak came out of the kitchen telling me that dinner was ready, he had been cooking, that's right, I had forgotten he was even here, I picked my Jasper up and brought him into the kitchen, "so you finally saw that episode huh? Wondering when you'd start watching the series again, its real useful, especially the new episodes, I'm beginning to want my own one, ha! I've even been looking around to find one! I sure hope I do!" Excitedly said Tak, I grinned at him, "yea, then Jasper would have a playmate" I responded, playing with the idea in my mind, a friend for my lovely pet, that sounds amazing.

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