guide to camping -Byron

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Cecilia sat up and looked at me, she smiled softly and I only just noticed the dark circles under her eyes, she yawned widely and murmured a "thanks for letting me sleep", I yawned in return and slowly got up and stood amongst the blankets, I looked outside to see a fire blazing and the two creatures sitting around it, my owner noticed me first and called me, I walked to the fence and waited, he opened a childproof gate and I followed him back to the fire, the warmth felt amazing.

He sat me on his lap and stroked my head, it looked like it was only afternoon, but judging by the delightful smell I guessed they were using it to cook something, I stared around my surroundings and noticed Cecilia tiredly stumbling out of the tent, she grabbed the fence and watched us, "wanna join us?" I called out to her, she rested her head against the bars and looked at the fire wistfully, I felt bad for her, she said she had been camping a lot maybe she misses doing it with her family.

The friend got up and let Cecilia out, she strolled to the fire and sat beside my owner and me, "people say cats have the best seat in the house" she laughed softly, I rolled my eyes, "sure but everyone knows cats hate being made to stay in one spot without it being their full choice, so, bad comparison" I teased, she huffed softly, I hated feeling so useless, sure I miss the people in my life, but I'm purposefully blocking out those thoughts, she seems to be stuck on thinking about them.

My owner picked up something that resembled a giant grape, he handed it to me and I looked at it, I took a hesitant bite and enjoyed it, I wasn't scolded so I kept eating, the friend gave Cecilia one as well.

My owner put me on the ground and I looked at him skeptically, he headed to a nearby tree and grabbed two ropes which were tied to it, he came over and attached them to our waist collars, he wedged a rock on the gate to the tent to keep it open and then grabbed his phone and began talking into it, the friend walked off somewhere and now Cecilia and I didn't know what to do, so she grabbed my arm and we went to look at a cool looking bush with almost blue leaves and grey branches.

A few small birds flew away and a bigger bird landed on a branch on a nearby tree, it gave me an idea, "hey, I've never really been camping, I've just gone out to caravan parks, so do you want to... Teach me?" I asked, I crossed my fingers secretly and hoped she'd say yes, relief flooded me when I saw her smile, "yea, that sounds good" she agreed, I gave her a smile in return, glad I had at least attempted to find a way to take her mind off her sad thoughts.

Her smile turned teasing "first rule, watch your step, and touch anything unknown with a long stick" she instructed, I glanced around me suddenly realising the full situation, I stepped closer to the camp fire and she laughed at me, "chill, I don't think any things going to just randomly jump out so close to a fire, though I could be wrong, I don't actually know the native fauna" she told me while wearing such a smug grin on her face.

I headed away from her and approached a strange looking rock, I wanted to atleast prove I wasn't a wuss, even though so far I have done nothing but prove that I in fact am, I touched the rock and called out "oh no, I touched da butt" I burst out laughing and though she was trying not to laugh, she was trying to say something between giggles, "terrible nemo reference" she finally said, she straightened herself up, "but uh you should really not go touching random looking things" she added, I knew that! And I know I'm being an idiot, but this was all to distract her and make myself seem not so cowardly.

Something moved under the rock and I stepped away, it had a small furry face and weird looking legs, I yelled out as it lunged at me, I ran away, my owner caught me and squealed at the creature, like someone who's afraid of mice, oh dear was this like a wild rat in their world!?

My owner kept avoiding it after picking me up and seemed disgusted by the creature, "my god, you're both idiots, you two are actually made for each other" came Cecilia's exasperated voice, a snapping sound sounded and the creature looked away, Cecilia was heading straight for it, snapping the rope together like a belt, "rule one with a lot of wild animals make loud noises, most avoid loud noises, rule two don't avoid eye contact and rule three don't show signs of fear" she recited, the creature hissed and backed away at her advances before fleeing into the brush.

"Of course it doesn't work on all animals" she added, she gave me an excited grin, I glanced at my owners face and he was staring at Cecilia in shock, he put me down and patted her head and seemed appreciative of her scaring off the creature, she let him, "be glad your owner is a sweetheart and not a total asshole like mine" she grumbled, "awe that's so mean, he doesn't mean to be" I said teasingly.

My heart is beating so hard.

She's happy.

My owners happy.

So why don't I feel happy?

The friend was standing a distance away seeming to be laughing, my owner seemed embarrassed by the way he grumbled in his gurgling voice, it was a real weird sound to hear, I guessed the friend had watched the whole thing.

I glanced behind me, glad to see there was no other creatures in sight, I headed back to the fire and sat down, partly glad there was so many distractions from my thoughts but of course I knew I'd need to release these held in feelings sooner or later, I'd hate to fall into a depression again.

The friend was showing my owner something on his phone, it must be something very unpleasant by how judgmental his gurgled words sounded, they sat the phone on the table and I saw a weird video I approached, hearing Cecilia's footsteps behind me, the screen showed a pregnant human, she seemed terrified, "please don't eat or hurt my baby" she was saying repeatedly, she was way to obviously distressed, I wish I could read the weird symbols that appeared on the screen, they were putting something on her belly, and a screen beside her showed an almost fully developed fetus, she was probably due in a month or even less maybe, she glanced at the screen and sobbed, "oh my precious baby" she cooed.

"Oh that poor woman!" Gasped Cecilia, I continued watching, upset at the scene yes but also interested in what was actually going on, the creatures in the video talked amongst themselves then gurgled something that seemed to have been an attempt at soothing her, she must be so afraid for her child, believing it to be born into a world were it would be eaten or abused, I glanced at my owner who was looking at the video in confusion, the creatures must have said something mind boggling.

Cecilia sighed softly, "I know we're animals here, but, I feel so bad for her, she doesn't know that and she's going to have a baby soon" muttered Cecilia, I nodded slowly, the creatures seemed gentle and by their equipment they weren't planning anything dangerous, it seemed they honestly just wanted to see what the baby looked like, there was no ill intent that I could see, but of course there's always the chance I'm wrong about this.

The video ended with some strange symbols taking up the whole video screen and then it turned black, the friend picked the phone up and patted my head absentmindedly as he spoke to my owner, "oh no! What if they try and breed us! No! I can't I won't, I'm a freaken lesbian for crying out loud" she rushed, I gently grabbed her shoulder thinking through my words, "hey its ok, who the hell rescues wild creatures and immediately goes, 'I don't know how to care for it properly so let's make young which might be even harder to look after!'" I dramatically said, with a fake accent and everything, she squinted her eyes at me, "please, who in their right mind wants a baby animal that you can't even pat without threatening to accidentally crush its still forming head" I added, she frowned at me and sighed, "yea, I guess so" she muttered, she gave me a hug, "your a grade A bud, you know that" I frowned at that, I disagreed because since I met her I've been doing nothing but being unfair.

I hugged her back, "oh and the loud screaming and crying they do on a regular basis" I added, she choked on her laughter and gently hit my shoulder, letting me go and sitting by the fire, "if this smell is dinner, I cannot wait!" She called out, quite obviously changing the subject.

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