Trust part 2 - Byron

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The next few days went the same, I'd sit outside the door and keep my distance but I made sure to shorten the distance each time, the food stayed the same and the water bowl hadn't been taken away, but my body began to feel better, in just 5 days and 6 nights I could move my legs more and the cuts seemed to have closed over, the creature watched the TV thing with me over those few days, but I did prefer being outside due to the fact that I could be by myself and think through everything that has happened.

Today was different, I decided to let it get close to me and thanks to having an understanding of the situation and the creature my mind has settled and I don't tense up at the presence of the creature, it was happy with the fact I didn't avoid it in the morning, but it did seem distracted, constantly looking out the windows, it was probably waiting for someone, it opened the back door and let me out.

After some time of everything being the way it had been for the past few days, there was a knock on the front door, I glanced at the creature who rushed to the door, I was still in the backyard, but the back door was open so I peaked my head through to look down the hallway, a new creature stood at the door, it was a lighter blue and was having a conversation with my captor, I watched them for a while, the new one went into the lounge room while my captor approached me and carried me to the lounge room, I stared at the new one warily, it was one thing being around one but I hated being around more than one.

The new one gurgled urgently to my captor who seemed reluctant and thoughtful, slowly it knelt before me, I watched it, slowly it touched my neck with its clawed hand, I tensed up, this interaction was understandably worrying, the creature picked up my hand and put it on its own neck, maybe I'm overreacting maybe, this is a trust thing, but why now, I know I wouldn't save a wild wolf then press its muzzle against my neck, the fur was so soft, I began running my fingers through it, my captor seemed nervous, I couldn't blame it, letting a wild animal touch such a vulnerable spot would be nerve racking.

The other creature watched tensely, slowly I brought up my second hand and enjoyed the feel of the fur, I didn't over do it, my captor was obviously unsure, so as an attempt to speed up the trust I gave it a hug, I hugged the neck loosely, feeling my captor tense then relax than hug me back, I kinda liked it, I kind of needed a hug after all this craziness, the other creature made several worried gurgles, while my captor gurgled back softly, I let him go and stepped back, my captor looked so happy, I liked it, my captor did not seem like a bad creature, a little scary looking but actually really kind from what I've learnt, and I hated how fond I was getting over it, I shouldn't feel like this, sure its one thing to respect it, but to actually care? How did that even happen?

My captor stood up and stepped away, the new creature approached me slowly, so in turn I approached it and reached out, thinking that maybe if I prove myself as non dangerous I might be able to have the waist collar removed or even be able to be taken for a 'walk' then I can learn more about were I'd escape to, the creature moved its hand forward quickly, I flinched and looked at it in worry, but then after a few gurgles being made by the two, it reached over and stroked my head, maybe it was an accident, maybe it was just being to quick to pat me or something.

It seemed to grow more confident and stroked my head, back and even tickled under my arms, it seemed almost excited, it patted my belly which I found overwhelmingly uncomfortable, but I could deal with it, my captor well 'owner' picked me up, this time I wasn't under its arm but held against its chest, I guess I must have earned some more trust from it or something, it made sense, it was probably nervous having me near its neck or something.

It carried me into the kitchen and set the food bowl down, this was a first, never had I been in here, it looked like most kitchens, a white tiled floor, a long bench along a wall with what looked like a fridge, an oven and even a microwave, it set me on the floor and I glanced at the bowl and approached it, it had the usual food inside it, I slowly began picking up the food and placing each piece into my mouth, while watching everyone, the stranger sat on a seat that was by the bench, my 'owner' was walking about the kitchen area, I crossed my legs and continued watching and eating.

The stranger seemed to be having a very big conversation with my 'owner' in their gurgling voice, my 'owner' soon put out two plates of food, occasionally glancing down at me before quickly looking away, this interaction took my interest, they sat down and both of them began to eat, I hadn't seen these creatures eat yet, it seemed normal enough, they used knives and forks, and ate by chewing and swallowing.

My bowl was empty, I in my distracted state had eaten it all and now had my hand in an empty bowl, I looked at the bowl, the shiny metal sheen, but it wasn't a hard metal, it was the metal that easily dents when pressure is applied, I shook my head and snapped out of my daze, the kind of daze you go into when you look at an object or place and just stare.

I stood up and looked at the two creatures who seemed thoroughly distracted, I walked out and looked down the hall, the back door was closed, so I went to the bedroom, which was open, I didn't want to be around them, it had more to do with the frustration with not understanding, over any actual dislike for them.

I fell asleep snuggled up in the blankets, only to be rudely awaken by poking, I glanced up to see the stranger, it was watching me with its weird eyes, one of its claws were poking me, not the sharp part, the curve part right before the point of it was what was touching me, I wriggled away, my 'owner' was sitting on the edge of the bed, it was still talking to the stranger, I groaned and moved away further, the stranger although distracted by the conversation kept poking me much to my annoyance.

I finally decided instead of getting mad and ruining my trustable reputation, I'd just leave, so I jumped off the bed and left, the two watched me in surprise but left me alone, I jumped for the backdoors knob before finally gripping it and somehow turning it, I fell forward and hit the ground, it hurt but not as much as falling from the sky.

I scrambled to my feet and went to my water bowl I took a few angry sips of water, I grumbled to myself and grouched under the tree, I had every right being this agitated, not only did I have no freedom, be forced to drink and eat on the floor and go toilet outside now I have some stranger who feels like it can annoy me for the fun of it.

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